Demon God

Chapter 161: A crack

'Hmm...This...feels weird.' Desire thought as he looked at the gigantic wall that he hadn't expected to see in this place.

After all, it was the truth that this wall just literally appeared out of nowhere.

Desire couldn't see it when he was still from afar, even though he had quite the good eyes.

The wall only appeared when Desire passed a certain fire, and it was definitely weird.

It would be bizarre even for anyone who likes to find out about these things.

That was why Desire was taking a moment to calm himself and take a moment to feel himself.

He was taking a moment to feel himself and to remind himself that this was real.

This was happening, and this wasn't a dream or something like that.

Desire felt like he needed to do this or he feels like he would suddenly levitate in the air and just roam around in this place.

Of course, Desire was already floating in the air as some sort of transparent looking thingy now.

However, that was different. Desire feels that the levitate that he thinks would happen to him was different from the way he was floating in the air right now.

If he had to describe it with a little bit more detail, it would be...trapped.

Right, Desire felt like he would be trapped if he just let himself stare into the wall.

And it was only after getting himself in control and in place that Desire finally moved his body towards the wall.

Of course, Desire wanted to see what the wall was about and what it was doing here.

After all, the feeling of being near his was so strong now that Desire felt like his heart was beating with that feeling.

It was weird if you think about how he didn't have a heart right now as his body was just some transparent looking fire thingy.

Anyway, Desire was able to reach the wall without a fuss. It seems like there are no defense mechanisms or guardians protecting this place.

Desire was also able to see that there were some marks or images etched onto the wall.

It seems like there was someone who drew this all as it was pretty obvious that it was something made by hands.

Of course, Desire was able to tell that, and he just looked at the images.

'Now that I looked it up...'

This whole wall is filled with things like this, isn't it? Desire thought as he raised his head to look at the wall.

He then brought his head back down as he looked just right in front of him.

The whole wall had images, letters, or whatever it was on it.

It was amazing if you think about how big or tall this wall was, but of course, Desire didn't give it that much attention.

After all, the images were just all over the place. There would be a fire on top, and there would be water at the bottom.

There would be...some lines at the left, and there would be circles on the right.

Even though Desire was able to read at a young age and without any teaching, Desire couldn't understand any of this at all.

Well, it would be weird if Desire was able to read it accurately when it was just pictures or something like that.

It would be more correct to think that...this was a way of telling a story or something.

Of course, Desire knew all that, but he was still unable to form a coherent thought with it.

That was why he didn't give it much attention as Desire wasn't able to understand it.

'What's more, it seems like it's just bullshitting me.' Desire thought as he looked at the wall once more.

Desire felt like the images were just bullshit or some distraction or something that wasn't real.

That was also why, even though Desire knew that it is important for him to find clues everywhere, he didn't look at the images that much.

Desire then moved his body towards the right as he tried a way to get over the wall.

As the wall...was basically a wall, Desire wasn't able to move on forward anymore.

The reason why Desire was trying to still move forward was because he knew that this was not his destination.

It was something like an instinctual reaction and based just on his feeling, but it was enough for Desire.

After all, Desire didn't have anything else to base on except for that.

There's no way Desire wouldn't use it when he was basically alone and powerless in this situation.

However, no matter how much Desire tried to look for an exit or something like that, he couldn't find it.

There were also no...small holes that Desire could try to fit his body in, and there were also no obvious signs that there are doors in this wall.

'Hmm...this really is weird. Why am I even here in the first place? This is just...'

A waste of time.

Desire thought as he stopped moving in the air. After all, Desire had to put in so much effort and time and thinking just to get this...shit solved.

What's more, he didn't even know why he had to do something like this.

He didn't know the cause, nor did he know any consequences of not doing this.

That was why Desire was feeling a bit frustrated now as this was just all unreasonable or something like that.

However, it was then that Desire felt something happening within his body.

It was something so sudden that Desire couldn't get a grip on himself.

No, he couldn't even prevent it from happening as his mana...started to go out of control once more.

Right, Desire's mana started to move from his body and it started to pour out again.

It was really weird as Desire should have perfect control over his mana. What's more, this wasn't his body.

It was only natural that Desire shouldn't have his Core or something like that in this body.

That was why it was weird for Desire, but it's not like he could do something about it.

This already happened once, and Desire couldn't stop it at all. He couldn't regain his control over his mana, and it just poured out like crazy.

That was why Desire just let it happen, and just watched from the sidelines as his mana...moved towards the wall.

'Is there something in the wall that my mana has to find or something?'

Desire thought as he looked at the strand of blue floating in the air that was touching the wall now.

However, his thoughts ended as he, he saw the wall suddenly start to shake.

Right, the humongous wall right in front of him started to shake.

However, it didn't really affect Desire that much. After all, Desire was just a floating fire thingy in the air.

There's no way he would be affected by it, and that was why he wasn't really that panicked about it.

And because of that, Desire's mana was able to do its thing without any interruption.

It didn't take Desire's mana long to finish doing its thing, and what it did was...light up the images.

Right, Desire's mana light up the images with its light. It's weird, but that was what it did.

However, the images that Desire's mana lit up were only one.

It was one, but that one was connected to some other images that spread out in the whole wall.

Of course, Desire could clearly see it as he floated down near that image.

It seems that his mana wasn't leaking anymore or something like that as he didn't feel anything.

Anyway, when Desire decided to get up close and personal with the image that his mana lit up, he could see a shape of some sort.

And that shape was...

'A line?'

Right, it was a line or something like that, but on top of the line was a half-circle drawn over it with some kind of accessories.

Desire couldn't describe it really well as he wasn't really that familiar with it.

If he had to simplify it, it was a line with a half-moon on top of it. The accessories weren't really that detailed, and that was why Desire couldn't tell what it was.

And this...line with a half-moon on top of it, this image was the one that Desire's mana lit.

It was shining in the color of blue, but there were also some other images connected with it that were not shining.

It was weird if you think about how they were connected and all, and yet, they were not shining.

Of course, Desire also thought that way as he looked all over the place, trying to find a clue in this...bizarre or coincidental happening.

However, everything changed when the shaking of the wall finally stopped.

Incidentally, Desire was able to look at the wall clearly even though it was shaking was because the shaking wasn't really that strong.

Anyway, it was then that Desire could finally see something that could possibly help him get out of this place.

And that was...

'A crack.'

A crack has formed on the wall.

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