Demon God

Chapter 163: Inner World

'Really, this is interesting.' Desire thought as he floated down on the corner.

Desire knew that he was at the end of the...crack as he could literally see that his mana was now gone.

It seems that the crack has gone all the way to the other side of the wall.

Anyway, his mana has already fulfilled its purpose of guiding Desire, and it was now all back in Desire's Core.

What's more, Desire could see that there was a hollow part in the wall.

That hollow part of the wall was the end of the crack, and it also symbolized the other side of the wall.

Of course, Desire knew that which is why he didn't stop floating down.

Right, Desire just continued to float towards that hollow part of the wall, and it was because of that, Desire was able to reach the other side of the wall.

He did that without any real problems, and it took him quite a long period of time.

He had to guess, hesitate, and decide, and Desire was sure that process alone took a huge chunk of his time.

Well, Desire didn't really mind it now as he was really interested in this situation.

He was interested in the person or living creature who was trying to meet him.

Even if Desire was wrong about that, he can't be wrong about that one.

Desire was that confident about his hunch.

And now, Desire...has finally exited out of the crack as he appeared on the other side of the wall.

He was so small that no one or nothing would be able to see him in this place.

However, that smallness in Desire's body soon changed as Desire...willed it to be.

No, Desire's instincts willed it to be as Desire's body literally became bigger now.

Bigger may be the word, Desire's size was just as big as he was earlier on when he was still finding clues about the wall.

And it was with that kind of body that Desire looked around in this place.

''s dark. It's like when I first arrived in this place.' Desire thought as his eyes saw nothing in this place.

There was no fire, nor was there any lights in this place.

Hell, the other side of the wall didn't even have any fires stuck in it.

What's more, when Desire turned around to look at the wall, he saw that there were no images.

It was completely blank, and it didn't even have any scratches on it. That was why Desire was weirded out by the wall that he didn't even look at every part of it.

After all, the other side of the wall was full of images, and now...there was none.

If one isn't weirded out by something like that, then one must have balls of steel.

Well, it's not like Desire was scared about it or something like that.

It was more like an...instinctual feeling. Right, Desire felt that there should be images on the other side of the wall.

Desire felt that that was how it should be, and that was the natural state of the wall.

'Hmm...that's weird. The feeling that I have also stopped...'

Desire could also feel that the feeling that was telling him that he was now near to his destination has stopped.

It was no longer beating with his heart, and that was because Desire was at his destination now.

He arrived in it, and that was why it stopped.

Well, that was obvious.

However, it seems that Desire didn't have the time to think about that as something resounded out in this place.

It was a sound, and Desire could tell that it was a voice.

Right, it was a voice, and what it said was...


A low-toned humming sound. That was what it said, and it continued to resound out in this place, and in Desire's ears.

Well, Desire didn't have any ears in his current body, but that was how it was.

And it was because of that, Desire has turned his head here and there to find the source of the sound.

However, no matter how much Desire looked for it, he couldn't find the owner of the voice.

What's more, when Desire turned around once more, to confirm that it was not behind his back, his eyes...soon saw the disappearance of the wall!

The wall disappeared just like that, and that was weird!

The wall was so huge that it was just physically impossible for it to disappear without making any sounds of some sort!

That was why Desire was so shocked that his eyes were literally about to pop out!

At least, that was how it felt like to Desire!

However, it seems that Desire didn't have the time to react, think, or talk about that as another sound resounded out in this place.

Of course, that another sound was also a voice, and Desire could tell that it was produced by the same person.


It seems like the person who was making all these sounds was in pain was literally a scream.

However, that scream wasn't a piercing one, and it didn't hurt Desire.

Well, Desire didn't really have his ears or an eardrum with this kind of body.

Anyway, it seems that the person who was making these sounds was not done as he continued...speaking.

Right, the voice finally spoke some coherent words, and this is what it said.

"Ohh, distinguished one!"

Right after those words resounded out in this place, Desire could hear a ringing noise.

No, it was more of a shaking noise, but Desire couldn't say it for certain.

Why? It was because Desire...was captivated right now.

Right, Desire was captivated and mesmerized right now.

His attention was taken as he looked at something right in front of him.

And that was...

'What the hell is that...' Desire thought as he himself didn't even know what to call it.

It was...a light?

Right, it was a light that had the shape of an upside-down U.

That upside-down U-shaped light was so big that it was covering the whole place.

And there was something that this upside-down U-shaped light reminded Desire of.

And that was...

'A wall?'

Right, it looked like a huge wall that appeared out of nowhere. However, for Desire, it didn't.

After all, the wall that he crossed before just disappeared all of a sudden.

It would make more sense to think that the wall that disappeared behind him was the same wall that now appeared before him.

However, it seems Desire didn't have the time to think about that as the upside-down U-shaped light shine.

It started to shine in this place, and its rays of light were bringing light to this place.

And it was because of that, Desire could finally see what this upside-down U-shaped light was all about.

And it was...

'A door!' Desire thought as his eyes almost popped out of their eye sockets.

After all, it was a huge door that was encompassing this place.

What's more...Desire could see that the door...was half-way opened.

Right, it was half-way opened, and that was weird.

After all, no one would leave a huge ass door like that hanging open.

However, it seems that the weird things that were happening right now didn't end there as Desire's eyes saw someone appear!

A person appeared all of a sudden in this place, and Desire clearly saw it!

It was so weird that there were no signs or clues about the person being here, but Desire didn't have the time to mind that.

Why? It was because the person spoke as something like a staff shone in this place.

It was reflecting the wall's light off of the staff's surface, and Desire could see it all.

Anyways, this is what that person said as he shook his staff.

"Ohh, distinguished one!"

And when Desire heard that, he quickly whipped his head to look at this person.

Desire was sure that this was the person who was trying to meet with him, and that was why he was interested in this person's identity.

And what Desire saw a very tall man who was draped in a black cloak.

That black cloak was so long that it continued to go on in the ground.

Desire could also see the staff that the man was holding as the man continued to shake it like a madman.

However, Desire didn't care about that as he saw the man's...face.

Right, he saw the man's face.

And what he saw was...a golden head.

No, it wasn't really a golden head, but the man's hair had the color of gold.

What's more, the man's hair was shining bright like real gold!

That was why the man's appearance was so striking for Desire.

And it was with that kind of look that the man...whipped his head to look at Desire.

The man's golden eyes were also shining as he looked at Desire.

Of course, Desire could see it all even if he was far away from this man.

After all, it was literally shining.

And it was with that kind of look that the man spoke once more.

"Ohh, distinguished one!"

"Welcome to the inner world!"

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