Demon God

Chapter 166: Understanding of Power

"Since the distinguished one asked, this Enlightened One shall answer."

"This place is the Inner World, and the door right before us..."

"It is one of the Eight Godly Paths, and the name of it is..."

"The Understanding of Power."

The Enlightened One said to answer Desire's earlier question.

Of course, as The Enlightened One was able to read what was on Desire's mind, he knew that was not all.

The Enlightened One knew that the questions that Desire had were not only that and that there was more.

The Enlightened One then proceeded to read Desire's, he searched deeper within it as Desire's mind was full of thoughts about the door right in front of them.

It seems that Desire was really taken aback by this door as even The Enlightened One had troubles with reading his questions at the back of his mind.

Of course, it didn't really matter to The Enlightened One as he spoke Desire's first question.

"Ohh, distinguished one, it seems like you are wondering about why you are here."

The Enlightened One said with a silly smile on his face. He was actually excited about meeting with Desire, and that was obvious just from how he acted.

Well, it might not be obvious to people who just met The Enlightened One, just like Desire.

To Desire, The Enlightened One was just another mysterious, creepy, and dangerous person who he met randomly.

Right, it was just random.

After all, who would have thought that the next time Desire wakes up after passing out earlier was the time that he would meet The Enlightened One?

What's more, in a strange place that even Desire couldn't make any sense out of it?

There was only one thing sure, and that was...Desire surely has not thought of it like that.

That was why the question of why he was here was also at the back of his mind.

Well, The Enlightened One was able to read it, and that means that it was indeed at the back of his mind.

Anyway, when The Enlightened One said those words to Desire, he whipped his head to look at the child.

However, Desire was really not paying attention to The Enlightened One.

His attention was taken by the huge door right in front of them, and it seems that...Desire couldn't help it.

Right, Desire was trying to get a hold of himself as he was still right in front of The Enlightened One, someone who he just met.

Desire didn't want to lower his guard around this man at all, but...

"Wow." Desire murmured with great admiration coming from his eyes.

What's more, Desire could also feel something within his heart.

No, it was not the feeling of being near his destination or something like that.

No, it was not the feeling of being happy about meeting a monster, nor was it the feeling of being angry about meeting a human.

It was the feeling of...familiarity. Right, Desire was familiar with this door, and he didn't know why.

After all, this was the first time he saw it, and Desire was sure that he hadn't encountered this door before.

Even with the help of the Heavenly Demon Trait, Desire could not find any instances in his life where this door appeared.

That was why it was weird for Desire to feel a familiarity with this door.

However, there was an instance that Desire has already forgotten about due to him being busy lately.

Well, it was mostly about his training that just started.

Anyway, Desire has already met a door just like this one, but he just doesn't remember it as he...passed out that day.

He passed out due to the extreme pain that he felt, and also to the mental stress he had to endure after going on hopelessly around a mountain.

The pain that he felt that day overshadowed any memories that he had so bad that Desire literally forgot about it.

Right, and that time was during the time that Desire met the Spirit of Fire, and when he went inside the Dungeon of Spirit of Fire.

And since The Enlightened One was reading Desire's mind...with great concentration and focus, The Enlightened One was able to read Desire's memories about that day.

It seems like The Enlightened One's godly ability to be able to read minds was so strong that he could even read past memories.

And when he found out about that day, The Enlightened One's eyes...widened a little bit.

It was clear that the reason was that The Enlightened One was shocked by what he found out.

Well, it was reasonable. After all, The Enlightened One knew the Spirit of Fire and the Dungeon of Spirit of Fire.

And the fact that Desire has already met the Spirit of, the fact that he has already met a spirit of an element at his age is certainly amazing.

It was beyond amazing, and it was in the realm of impossibility.

After all, it was not that easy to just meet the Spirit of Fire, or any other spirits.

And since it was not that easy and it was in the realm of impossibility, The Enlightened One was suspicious.

The Enlightened One was suspicious that the meeting between Desire and the Spirit of Fire was staged by someone.

It was orchestrated, and it was planned by someone.

After all, it was just not that easy to meet a spirit of an element.

However, it's not like The Enlightened One could do something about it now.

The meeting between Desire and the Spirit of Fire already happened, and there was nothing that The Enlightened One could do about it.

Although it seems like The Enlightened One was truly powerful and all that, it was just in the Inner World.

The Enlightened One could not affect the physical world or what was happening there.

What's more, The Enlightened One...was actually locked in the Inner World.

That was why one would be asking too much if one asked The Enlightened One to do something about that.

Anyway, The Enlightened One was able to calm himself, and it was then that he continued to speak.

"Ohh, this distinguished one continues to surprise me."

"To think that the distinguished one has already met the Spirit of Fire at your age...This distinguished one must really be blessed by the gods themselves."

The Enlightened One praised Desire straight from his heart, and he truly meant what he said.

Just meeting the Spirit of Fire was enough to garner such praise from an...unordinary man.

And since Desire knew that The Enlightened One was unordinary, his attention got snapped back to reality.

After all, he was just praised! Although he didn't know the reason for it, that was enough for Desire to snap out of his stupor.

What's more, the praise was so high that it seems like The Enlightened One just changed his view of Desire.

And since his attention got snapped back to reality, Desire whipped his head to look at The Enlightened One with a confused look on his face.

After all, he didn't know why he was praised.

Of course, The Enlightened One was able to read what was on Desire's mind, which is why he quickly spoke so that there would be no misunderstanding between the two of them.

"Ohh, distinguished one. Do not mind this Enlightened One as he just spoke to get your attention."

"It seems that the distinguished one is really attracted to this door, and I can tell you why."

The Enlightened One said as he made a...pretty week excuse to Desire.

Of course, it didn't look like The Enlightened One was trying to give an excuse to Desire.

Anyway, since Desire got a hold of himself now, he didn't dare look at the door again.

After all, he didn't want to be taken aback once more. Desire felt like he would lose control of himself again if he looked at it.

At least, that was what Desire felt about the door.

And that was why Desire spoke as soon as he heard what The Enlightened One said.

"You'll tell me about the door?" Desire said with a little bit of a...respectful voice.

Well, Desire really wanted to know what the door holds or what it meant.

What's more, the name of the door, The Understanding of Power, seems to be just special.

It is also connected to the Eight Godly Paths or something like that.

Although Desire didn't know anything about them, Desire would naturally be curious about such fancy names.

Even without the feeling of familiarity Desire naturally felt from this door, he would naturally want to know about the door.

It was just that special, and it was just that breathtaking.

Of course, The Enlightened One was reading Desire at the moment.

Well, the only thing that he got from doing that was...the thoughts of Desire about the door.

Anyway, since Desire asked him, The Enlightened One quickly spoke.

"Ohh, distinguished one, I will tell you about this door."

The Enlightened One said as he moved his hand. He moved his hand as he pointed one of his fingers to the door.

"That door...The Understanding of is something one could use to become a God."

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