Demon God

Chapter 168: Sage of the Eight Godly Paths

The duo of The Enlightened One and Desire soon reached the Understanding of Power, the huge-ass door.

They were no longer flying in the air as The Enlightened One brought himself and Desire down on the ground.

It seems that this was the place where The Enlightened One would explain everything to Desire.

Of course, Desire was aware what would happen from now on.

He knew that what The Enlightened One would say was so important that he has to listen to every single thing.

That was why he was keeping himself from looking at the door right in front of him.

However, Desire...just couldn't help but peek at the door.

The door was so huge from afar, and it was still so huge even when Desire was still near.

And now that Desire was near the Understanding of Power, Desire could see it better.

Desire could see the huge ass metal that was its...body, and the body that composes of the door...was half-opened.

Right, it was half-opened, but because of its huge size, it looked like a huge palace would be able to fit inside even without further opening the door.

However, even with that kind of space, Desire...couldn't see what was inside the Understanding of Power.

Desire could only see the darkness, and Desire could even feel the chilling wind coming from inside of the door.


The wind blew, and it never stopped. Desire could hear the wind blowing, and Desire could also feel the wind touching his skin.

And it was...cold. Frighteningly cold. However, despite that, Desire rather felt...warm.

Right, Desire felt warmness when the cold wind touched his skin.

It was bizarre...unordinary, and weird, but Desire didn't care about it anymore.

After all, this place was already weird in the first place. This place alone broke the logic of the world, and the man standing next to him was illogical in the first place.

He could read minds, and he could also shut down Desire's senses even though he was another man.

That, alone, proves that this place...was weird as fuck.

Anyway, Desire couldn't look at the gap between the opened doors as The Enlightened One spoke as he walked forward.

"Ohh, distinguished one."

The Enlightened one said as he brought himself forward. Of course, due to him speaking, Desire whipped his head back to The Enlightened One.

After all, it seems that The Enlightened One would explain things now.

It was then that the Enlightened One stopped walking and turned around to look at the child.

Of course, Desire was looking straight at him...but, that soon changed as Desire saw a bright light encircling The Enlightened One!

And because of the bright light, Desire was forced to close his eyes!

After all, it was stinging him, and what's more, it was actually hurting Desire's eyes!

However, before even Desire could raise his hands or scream in pain due to the stinging light in front of him, The Enlightened One...moved.

Right, he moved his right hand, which was the hand holding his staff.

He moved his right hand as he...raised his staff in the air.

And as soon as he did, The Enlightened One spoke as loud as he can.

"Eight Orbs of Gaud!!!"

The Enlightened One's voice resounded out in this place, and in Desire's eardrums.

It was so loud that Desire's ears...actually started bleeding. Right, and it started hurting Desire too!

However, Desire couldn't even make a noise or move his body.

Why? It was because of the intense pressure coming from the man right in front of him!

Even though he couldn't see what was happening, Desire was sure of it!

Desire was sure that The Enlightened One was releasing his powers one by one!

And that was indeed the truth!

That was exactly what The Enlightened One was doing as his right hand started shaking!

No, to be exact, it was his golden staff that started shaking out of nowhere.

And since his staff has started shaking, the colorful circles that were attached to the semi-circle hook that looked like a moon...started to fall off one by one.

Right, those colorful circles started to fall off, but they didn't fall to the ground or something like that.

They just...floated in the air, and each of them was giving incredible pressure to the Inner World!

Right, the pressure that they gave off as they floated in the air was enough for the land around them to crack! was not only the land but also the air! The air around The Enlightened One and Desire started to crack as the colorful circles floated in the air as they shone each of their light!

The small circles that were flying in the air right now had the following colors: red, blue, yellow, green, orange, black, and

Right, the next ring also had the color of black, but its shade was...darker than the first black.

One could see the difference between the two blacks between the shade of it.

The last color of the ring that was shining had the color of...light. It was literally light as it was white.

The total of the circles that were shining in light was exactly the number of eight.

And those circles of light...started to spin as they floated around The Enlightened One's back.

The way that these circles of light spun made the Inner World shake!

The power that these little circles of light had was certainly tremendous as...even the door right in front of the two started to shake!

Of course, it was only minimal, but one could see the shaking of the door once one looked at it clearly!

However, it seems that the changes that were occurring in the Inner, in The Enlightened One weren't done yet as his body started shaking as well!

No, The Enlightened One only curbed down his body as he felt his back aching!

The fact that The Enlightened One, the man who caused all these damages and is illogical as fuck, felt his back aching was weird!

However, there was a reason for it, and that was...

"Eight Rods of Gaud!!!" The Enlightened One shouted out loud with great intensity in his voice.

Of course, this made the place shake once more, and Desire's ears started to gush out with blood once again!

In fact, all of Desire's pores were bleeding out right now just because of the pressure coming from The Enlightened One.

And it was because of that...Desire had a thought about this all situation.

'He's not done?!?' Desire thought as he felt like the time was extremely slow.

Well, time would be slow if one is in a hard or painful phase of his life.

It was only natural that Desire would feel like time was extremely slow for him.

However, that was not the case at all as this was all happening at the speed of light.

Right, even Desire's thinking happened at the speed of light!

Anyway, when The Enlightened One shouted out loud, his back...started to grow metals.

The metals that were growing out on his back had the same look and quality as his staff.

Well, it was the same thing.

Right, The Enlightened One's staff and the rods growing on his back were the same things.

It was all produced by The Enlightened One himself.

However, the rods that were growing out on The Enlightened One's back didn't just grow longer or something like that.

It actually did something interesting, and that, it was actually the Eight Orbs of Gaud that did something interesting.

What the Eight Orbs of Gaud did was...they hovered around the Eight Rods of Gaud.

The Eight Rods of Gaud...each of them were all partnered with their respective Eight Orbs of Gaud.

It was such a grand sight as The Enlightened One looked...inhumane now.

However, The Enlightened One was not done as...he lowered his head.

It was then that The Enlightened One's nape started to grow a rod as well.

It was weird seeing something grow out of his human body, but well.

That was just how The Enlightened One does things.

Anyway, when the rod finally stopped growing longer, The Enlightened One raised his head.

The rod that grew out of his nape's top could be seen ending just a little bit taller than his head.

And it was then that The Enlightened One spoke again to Desire.

"Ohh, distinguished one."

"I shall introduce myself once more."

Of course, when Desire heard what The Enlightened One said, he opened his eyes and looked up.

And what Desire saw was...a beautiful mixture of different lights and shadow. After all, the shadow was on The Enlightened One's body.

Desire then whipped his eyes to look at The Enlightened One's...closed eyes.

It seems that the pressure coming from the different rings of light has disappeared as Desire could see The Enlightened One's face clearly.

It was then that The Enlightened One...opened his eyes.

However, there was something different as his golden eyes...were shining.

They were literally shining, but that was not all. They were...burning.

The Enlightened One's eyes were also burning in golden light.

Of course, that was not all as The Enlightened One's head started to shine with golden light.

No, it was not exactly his head, but rather the tip of the rod that was stationed at the back of his head.

The way those golden lights shone on top of his head made The Enlightened One looked like a god.

And it was with this look that The Enlightened One spoke once more.

"I am...the Sage of the Eight Godly Paths, Gaud."

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