Demon God

Chapter 173: An absurd situation

'What?!' Desire thought as he felt his longer there.

As he flinched because of how weird it was for the darkness to move, Desire had his eyes closed for a second, and that was also why he was confused.

Of course, when Desire felt that his hands were no longer there, he immediately opened his eyes.

And as soon as he did, his eyes...that was just full of horror and worry for his hands soon widened so much that it looked like that they were about to pop out of Desire's eye sockets.

Why? It was because of his hands.

Right, Desire saw that his hands were still there, and that was only natural.

After all, it's not like Desire felt any pain around his hands or something like that.

He just felt that his hands...were no longer there. Although it sounds weird that he even felt that, that was just how Desire felt it.

Anyway, what made Desire open his eyes so wide that it looked like they were about to pop out was...what appeared in his hands.

No, was it even his hands anymore? Desire couldn't tell as he saw some type of cloth wrapped around in what seems to be his hands.

Right, there was some sheet covering his hands, and Desire didn't know what about it.

'Too much weird stuff is going on...' Desire thought as he tried to move his body.

However, it seems that Desire still couldn't move as he couldn't move his body.

He also tried to make his hands move to see what the cloth was about, but alas.

His hands were the same case as he couldn't move them at all.

'But I was able to close my eyes pretty fast...' Desire thought as he remembered that he was able to close his eyes with no real effort.

That means that he could move his eyes normally, and nothing was affecting that part.

Well, it was useless as it was just his eyes that he could close and open.

Anyway, Desire could also see the darkness that appeared within the bright, hot, light.

It seems that the darkness was no longer moving as it just stayed there, but it was weird.

'Where did the cloth came from?' Desire thought as he moved his eyes to his the cloth wrapped around his hands.

Desire suspected that it was because of the cloth that he couldn't feel his hands anymore.

However, Desire didn't know where the cloth came from. Although it would be reasonable for Desire to suspect that the cloth came from the darkness, Desire didn't think that way at all.

Why? It was because the darkness was just darkness.

There's no way the darkness would be able to hold out some kind of cloth to Desire and wrap it around his hands.

Well, anything was possible now, and that was why it was naive for Desire to think like that.

However, Desire just couldn't see anything beyond the darkness.

That was why Desire knew that there were no items or clothes in the darkness.

"Haaaa." Desire sighed as he felt lost in this situation.

After all, a bright, hot, light appeared all of a sudden. What's more, the cause was the Krussi and the Unknown.

Now, a rift in that bright, hot, light appeared and darkness invaded this place.

Some type of cloth was wrapped around his hands, and he couldn't move his body.

It was only natural for Desire to be lost in this situation.

And since Desire was lost, he knew exactly what to do.

'I just have to follow the flow.' Desire thought as his eyes sharpened.

His blue eyes shone upon this place, and determination was oozing off of him.

Some kind of pressure was also looming from his body, but well.

That pressure only looked weak as Desire was really weak right now.

Anyway, there was only one thing Desire knew what he should do even though he was lost.

And that just follow the flow in this situation.

That was why Desire was staying on guard and observing everything like a hawk as he whipped his blue eyes here and there.

He was waiting for something to change as Desire was too used to weird situations now.

After all, ever since Desire was born, he has always been in some kind of a weird situation.

From the moment he met Lyra up until now, Desire was always involved in something.

And it was because of those past experiences that Desire was used to this kind of situation.

That was why he knew that he should just follow the flow whenever the flow comes in like a wave from the ocean.

After all, Desire was sure that the next time another wave comes in this place was the chance for him to get out of this situation.

That was why Desire was observing everything carefully like some sort of maniac.

And it seems that Desire was right in thinking that another flow could come to hit him as something happened right away!

There was some sort of movement that came from the darkness, and Desire immediately whipped his eyes at the darkness when he noticed it from the corner of his vision.

And what Desire saw was that...the darkness was getting bigger as the bright, hot, light became smaller.

Desire's face then turned into a frown as he witnessed this. He was getting worried about his hands as his hands were right in front of the darkness.

He didn't want them to get cut off, even if he was in the Inner World.

Well, it was just because he didn't know if his real body's hands would also get affected.

Anyway, the darkness kept getting bigger without any care for Desire's worries at all.

Of course, due to the emergence of the darkness, the bright, hot, light that appeared in this place...soon disappeared as if the wind blew on it.

Right, and the whole place became full of darkness, and Desire could only see the darkness in this place.

It was weird as to how the place became filled with light and then quickly changed into darkness.

Of course, Desire was still looking for ways to escape this situation.

Desire knew that the...normal condition for the Inner World was when he was with Gaud.

However, right now, he could not see Gaud, and he was sure that Gaud was not here.

That was why Desire would only be reassured once he sees Gaud once more in this place.

However, Desire could not find any chances for him to go with the flow as the darkness became still.

And this situation...was the same situation Desire was in when he first woke up in this place with a fire body.

That was why Desire was getting confused.

'Am...I in a time loop?' Desire thought as he bit his lips.

He didn't know what was going on, and the weirdness of this situation was just too extreme that even Desire didn't know what to do anymore.

Of course, Desire kept to his principle of going with the flow, but...even Desire was hesitating right now.

That was just how...weird this situation right now.

After all, Desire felt like he returned back in time with the darkness being all over the place once more.

Desire then immediately checked if he could move his body or speak at all.

And as soon as he did, he soon became shocked as he felt that he could move his body now.

And the first thing that he did was...shout.

Right, Desire shouted out loud for everyone to hear in this place.

"GAUD!" Desire shouted and his voice resounded out in this place, but he wasn't done as he whipped his head as he shouted again.

"THE ENLIGHTENED ONE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Desire shouted on top of his lungs that he actually became short of breath.

Well, Desire didn't care about that as he whipped his head here and there.

However, Gaud...did not appear at all in this place.

Of course, it's not like Desire would whine or cry about that. It was not a situation that calls for that as this was the first time.

This was the first time that Desire actually felt alarmed in this place.

That was why Desire then moved his hands to see if his hands were fine as he knew that he would need his hands in this place.

After all, there might be some threats or situations that would force Desire to fight.

And as soon as Desire moved his hands even a little bit, the cloth wrapped around his hands soon took off as it disappeared in the air.

However, Desire didn't care about that at all as he just looked at his hands with a huge shock on his face.

Why? It was because Desire could see something. Desire could see it.

"W-what the hell is this..." Desire murmured with horror in his voice.

He then moved his, he shook his arms to try and break free from the...shackles on his hands.

However, no matter how much Desire tried to shake his arms, the shackles on his hands...stood firm.

And it was because of this that Desire...felt despair once more.

"N-no way..."

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