Demon God

Chapter 182: Changes II

"Are there any other way for me to grow up besides using the monster-way-of-training?"

Desire murmured as he tried to think of things that could possibly have made him grow up.

And the only thing that struck home with Desire was...him being a Quarter God.

Right, that was the only thing that should be able to make him grow up so suddenly as a Quarter God was just that magical and special.

" that I have a lead about myself, it should be easier to find out more."

Now that Desire knows that he was a Quarter God, he just needs to search and research about the Quarter Gods to know about himself.

There might be a Quarter God who was born under the same circumstances as him, and there might be a Quarter God who was also able to grow at the same pace as Desir who was growing fast right now.

And if Desire would be able to find a Quarter God like him, all sorts of questions that Desire has about himself would be answered almost immediately.

That was why Desire didn't let this topic stay on his head too much.

Life would go on for him, and as long as it does, Desire would meet people.

He didn't have to rush his life so much.

At least, that was Desire's thoughts on the matter.

"Anyway, where the hell am I? I thought I was sleeping on the Healing Well that master said that should heal me..."

Desire murmured as he looked around the place, but alas.

It seems that there really was something that was preventing him from seeing through the darkness as he couldn't see anything in this place.

It was then that Desire felt something appeared right behind him.

He felt it, and his instincts screamed danger, and that was why Desire immediately turned around as he formed a fist with his right hand!

The way Desire moved was so smooth that it looked like he was a veteran fighter!

However, that stance soon collapsed when Desire saw what appeared behind him.

It was...


Right, it was the Krussi that was always with Desire no matter where he goes.

Even though Desire never puts that much attention to the Krussi when he does something, the Krussi...always ends up somewhere near him.

Of course, it was something Desire wanted as Desire never tried to throw it away or something like that.

That was was kind of normal for Desire now that the Krussi appeared just like this again.

What was weird was...that it was floating in the air. It was floating in the air with the wood that Jarina had used as some kind of chain for Desire.

"Hmm...was it affected by me as well?" Desire said as he snatched the Krussi that was flying in the air.

One thing that Desire could tell about the Krussi was was probably affected by his change.

After all, there's no way that Krussi would suddenly go flying around in the air or something like that.

Well, Desire wasn't sure about that as Krussi was literally unknown to him.

Its abilities or features might just be secretly activated or something like that.

That was why Desire didn't give it that much attention as he proceeded to wear it on his neck.

" still fits even though I grew up. I guess I got to thank Jarina once more."

Desire said as he moved his head here and there to try and see if the Krussi would fall out.

However, it didn't and it seems that it was really holding on to him for good.

That was why he thought that he ought to thank Jarina for this once more.

Anyway, now that the matter with Krussi was done, Desire quickly looked around.

Although Desire knew that he couldn't see through the darkness, it's not like he could just give up like that.

He needed to see his master so that he could ask if things were alright or if things have gone according to plan.

After all, he was the one who was in the subject. It would be incredibly dumb of Desire to stay in the dark when it was literally about him.

However, it seems that...there really was nothing in this place.

"Hmmm..." Desire then proceeded to walk forward as he had no clue about this place.

And as soon as he moved forward, there was...something that he noticed.

"There's a floor." Desire murmured as he looked down on the ground.

Desire could feel that there was a floor and that means that there was something in this place.

However, when Desire looked down on the ground, his eyes couldn't see anything at all.

It was definitely weird, but it was enough for Desire.

After all, he just proved that there was something in this place, and it means that...this was really the physical world.

Well, it might be the Inner World or that darkness, but Desire doubted it.

After all, when Desire walked in the Inner World or that darkness, there was nothing to walk on. He was literally walking in the air.

What's more, it was just...impossible.

It was just...unreasonable for him to be teleported to places like that thrice in a row.

Even though Desire knew that he was a little bit special just from his birth, even he wouldn't believe that he was that special.

Anyway, Desire continued to walk forward as he tried to find the exit of the place.

He used the floor to try and see if there is something in front of him, and also as a way of telling the direction.

He did that for a long time, but he still couldn't find the exit of the place.

"Maybe I should just destroy this place..." Desire said as he felt like he could truly destroy this place right now.

However, he decided against doing that.

After all, what if this place was something his master prepared for him?

There's no way that Desire would want to destroy something Lionel prepared for him.

"However, if I can't get out...I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

Desire said as he tried to weigh his options. After all, he really needs to get out of this place.

Why? It was because...of the extreme hunger that Desire could feel right now.

"Ahhh...I'm hungry...I never felt this hungry before."

Right, Desire was so hungry that he felt like he was so weak. He felt like his body didn't have energy at all.

Of course, he was just baring with it with his extreme discipline and tolerance to pain.

However, if Desire can't eat something now...Desire could tell that he would just collapse again.

That was why Desire...was basically in trouble once more.

However, it seems that Desire didn't have the time to think about that as Desire could feel something approaching him.

No, he could feel something approaching the general area where he was located, and that was why Desire's eyes turned sharp.

He then began to look around with those same sharp eyes as he raised his guard.

His instincts started to work, and the cracks on his right chest and arm started to appear as Desire was alerted by this sudden...invasion.

Desire's senses were so sensitive right now that he could basically pick up the presence of the, people who were about to come to this place.

Step by step, Desire could feel that these people were stepping on something.

To be precise, Desire could also feel that these people were walking on the same material that Desire was walking on.

'Hmm...did my instincts and senses get better?' Desire thought as he noticed that he couldn't do something like this before.

However, Desire didn't stay on that topic for much longer as he could finally feel that the people...stopped walking.

And as soon as they stopped, Desire could hear something squealing.

Desire whipped his head towards the direction of that sound, and what he saw was...a door.

Right, it was a door that was being opened.

And when Desire whipped his eyes to the center of the door, he soon saw someone.

He saw the people that he once felt when they were still moving.

And it was...

"Master!" Desire shouted out loud as he saw Lionel standing tall at the entrance.

However, even though Desire shouted out loud, Lionel didn't react to his call at all.

In fact, Lionel was letting out a vicious aura as his eyes sharpened as he looked at Desire.

"Who are you?!" Lionel shouted out loud as he got into position.

He then began to churn up his mana from deep inside his Core as his mane-like hair started to rise in the air.

It seems that Lionel was serious about this as his eyes...started to glow!

It started to glow in the color of brown, and it was with that look that Lionel shouted once more.

"Where is my disciple?!" Lionel shouted once more with passion in his voice as he noticed that Desire...was not here.

Right, Desire was not in this place. The child Desire, that is...

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