Demon God

Chapter 46: Knowing the Unknown

Desire was lying on his bed when the two people, Lionel and Jarina, left his room.

He was also allowed to get out of the bucket of Blessings of Tear when Lionel rechecked his mana circuits.

It was healed up, but it wasn't perfect, so Lionel decided to let Desire take some days off.

"Unknown, huh. What does that even mean?" Desire said as he thought of the time when he read the message.

Actually, he could call it up again when he thought of it. So when he did think of it, a message appeared.

However, this time it was different. It was his status.


[Name: Desire]

[Race: Human]

[Monster Rank: First]

[Human Rank: Zero]

[Traits: Heavenly Demon Trait]

[Title: None]

[Divine Protection: Cannot be identified]

[Special Status]

-Current Progress with the unification with water: 5%

However, his status wasn't the same when Unknown was still known as the system.

It had fewer details, and it was only about himself. It was as if it disappeared.

He then looked at his two ranks before speaking.

"It just named them, didn't it?"

The Unknown told him that it would separate the two ranks, but it just put the proper name from what he sees right now.

"It looks like Unknown could also properly identify the 'cannot be identified' part of the other rank."

Desire remembers that the system couldn't identify the other rank. He properly took note of this as this could become an important clue in the future.

After all, he knows nothing about the Unknown. It was literally unknown.

It was then.

Because he thought of the ranks, a new screen popped out in front of him. The screen contained detailed information about the ranks.

[Human Rank: Zero]

Conditions to fulfill to increase Desire's rank:

-Experience points 50/1000

-Mastery of some form of art to satisfaction. No progress

-Killing various monsters 0/100 (Depending on the strength of the monster, Desire could easily ignore the necessary amount)

That was the first screen Desire saw. Desire was shocked to know the details about how one ranks up, but that wasn't the end.

A new screen popped out and pushed the other one aside.

[Monster Rank: First]

Conditions to fulfill to increase Desire's rank:

-Experience points 0/10000 (After filling up Experience points, Desire may use Magic Infusion)

-Desire's Core current amount of mana 2/2 (Can use Magic Infusion)

-Magic Core and Mana Heart (Missing)

[Special note: Mana Heart is missing. Create Mana Heart using whatever means possible.]

[Special note: Magic Core is missing. Create Magic Core using your own Core.]

The message ended with the special note that the monster rank has for Desire.

Well, the content of the message wasn't really surprising. After all, Desire was human.

He wasn't a monster of some sort. It would be ridiculous if he got all the requirements perfectly.

"Hmm. I thought monsters could only rank up due to Magic Infusion. So there were other factors to take in, huh." Desire said as he fiddled with the screen with his finger.

The first time Desire came to know the Magic Infusion method of the monsters was when Liya took him into some special place.

That time, Liya only mentioned to him that monsters only rank up by increasing their mana overall.

The Magic Infusion literally brings them more mana so that they could surpass their limits.

"Hmm. So does that mean that if I put mana into Jarina, she'll be able to evolve?"

Desire wasn't sure about how Magic Infusion really works.

He doesn't know about the necessary amount, type, or kind of mana that the Magic Infusion gives to the monsters.

Considering his experience with the Magic Infusion, which allowed him to become Rank 1 in the Monster Category, Desire could feel that it was a special type of mana.

However, just because it was special doesn't mean Desire didn't really have it.

After all, it could be his mana. The Magic Core from before. Lionel's mana. Something like those that seem to be ordinary things could be an extraordinary thing that could help the monster's ranking up.

Either way, Desire feels that he should find out about the mana that helps the monster's ranking up. After all, it would be a boon to him in the long-run and to the people near him.

Desire then fiddled with the screen in front of him before something struck him like lightning.

"Innate skill!" He shouted while he proceeded to think about the innate skill.

He doesn't know how the screens pop out or its mechanics, so he was playing with it to know it better.

Anyway, Desire immediately 'called' for the innate skill tab where he could see his innate skill.

He remembers seeing Unknown mention the innate skill. No, it wasn't the new one, but the old one.

After all, for the past year or months, Desire hasn't checked about his Innate skill at all.

So this time, he was looking forward to what he got as an innate skill.

It was then.

The screen, which Desire was looking forward to seeing, finally popped out in the air in front of Desire.

Desire carefully looked over the details with a hand on his chin.

[Innate Skills]


-???(On the process of awakening) 500 Days remaining.

Desire tried 'seeing' or thinking about 'seeing' the Authority's detailed information.

After all, he has absolutely zero information about his innate skill.

He could only rely on Unknown to tell him about it. It wasn't the best way to know your skills, and Desire knows this too.

It was then.

As if not to fail Desire's expectations for it, a screen popped out again in front of Desire, pushing the older screen aside.

It said...


-A field where Desire can lord over the creatures (WEAK GRADE)




"W-what? It's locked?" Desire said as he tried pushing those locked aside.

After all, if even the Unknown doesn't know about his Authority, how could he?

Well, it's not as if it was all bad news. The abilities of the Authority were just locked, meaning Desire could unlock those somehow in the future.

However, the fact that it was locked made Desire feel a little bit bad about it.

"Hmmm. But, overall, it is better than what the system offered me."

Desire said as he sat on his bed, his face turning serious as his Heavenly Demon Trait helped him.

"It's a good thing I didn't tell anyone about this."

Desire could tell how special the Unknown was just by having it. The system, which was created by a god, was eaten by the Heavenly Demon Trait and was forced to combine with the mysterious Monster's way.

Well, it wasn't really mysterious now that Desire could see the monster category.

Anyway, if Desire told anyone about the Unknown, it could leak to some unwanted ears, and maybe Desire's life would be targeted for his secrets.

This was also the reason why Desire didn't say anything about the Unknown to Lionel and Jarina, who could be considered his closest associates right now.

Well, the one was his friend, and the other was his master. It was quite clear that he puts trust in them.

However, Desire didn't tell them about his Unknown.

The past Desire would have surely told them everything about it while having eager feelings to answer any of their questions.

If that ever happened, Desire's life would always be in threat even if the secret is tightly-sealed.

However, Desire was only able to restrain himself because of what Jarina said before.

"Never tell anyone about it. Hmmm. I wonder if there's detecting magic out there..."

Desire spoke as he imagined how the Unknown would be a great help to him in the future.


In a desolate land, there stands a castle that lords over the sky.

It was a big castle that every person would want to live in once in their life.

It was even grander than what the kings have for their castle.

And inside that grand castle, there was a ceremony going on.

However, it may be called a ceremony, but the only people present were four people.

Three people were kneeling in front of the throne. These people had various body types, but it was clear that they were strong.

The aura and dignity that flows out of them were just that strong and proud.

The man in the center, the one with a horn on his forehead as his trademark, could be considered the strongest out of the three.

However, they may be strong, but they can't compare to the one sitting on the throne.

The person sitting on the throne was a woman. Her long legs moved as she crossed her legs while looking down at the three men.

Her black hair that flows to the floor was smooth and shiny that even the darkness couldn't hide it.

Her mouth then moved as she gave her orders to the three men kneeling in front of her.

Her voice was passionate to the point that it wouldn't be weird to say that she was angry.

Her red eyes glowed in the darkness.

"What are you fools doing!? Why have you not found him yet?! Use every means possible even if it means having Heaven set their sights on us!"

And the three men...

"Yes, your highness!"

...bowed their heads even more.

Satisfied with their answer, the woman tilted her head to look upwards. Her eyes were showing worry, and yearning as she looked at the stars.

Then, she murmured.

"He has already taken his First Step..."

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