Demon God

Chapter 50: Krussi

The sun has risen, but its rays of light couldn't penetrate Desire's room. Despite that, Desire opened his eyes as he felt his consciousness return to him.

And because of his hobby or principle of not wasting time, he immediately sat on his bed to stand up.

No...he tried to. However, he couldn't.


"O-ouch!" Desire shouted as he felt his back hurt as if he were an old man.

Well, he didn't know how exactly an old man feels, but that was basically what he was feeling right now.

His muscles all over his body were stiff, and his bones cracking every time he moved his body.

Well, if he forced himself with his Heavenly Demon Trait, he should be able to walk.

"D-did I overdo myself yesterday?" Desire said as he stared at the ceiling.

What he did yesterday came to his mind. Well, he literally took overtime in his training yesterday.

After all, his teacher was already asleep.

Although a student working hard is good, overworking is bad. There are differences between the two, and what Desire did is overworking.

"Huuuu." Desire sighed a little bit to loosen his muscles.

It didn't really do anything, but Desire just felt doing so.

"Anyway...I feel like I've been missing something lately..."

Desire said as he thought about it.

He listed the things that he should have done earlier but couldn't because of him training the Heavenly Demon Trait.

'Unification with the water...Training with magic comes with unification, so that's that.' Desire thought.

'There's really nothing...oh!' Desire exclaimed in his mind, while his mouth was in an 'O' shape. 

"Ranking up...But, it's not really urgent as I have a master who will teach me. Hmmm, just what is it that's bugging me?"

Desire said as he continued thinking about it. However, no matter how much he thought about it, no answer came up.

That is until 30 minutes have passed, he shouted.

"The village!" 

What Desire meant was the village where he lived as a baby. Although it wasn't much, he was close to the villagers there as he was a cute little baby that gives them delicious mana.

"I forgot about them!"

Because Desire trained all throughout the year, he forgot about the village. Moreover, he trained after the village was attacked.

There would definitely come a time when humans start invading the forest and possibly attack the village again, just like last time.

And that's what made Desire fluster as if he just did something wrong. After all, he forgot about them quite literally. He didn't even ask about their wellbeing when he met Liya.

"Hah. I guess I'll ask Jarina about it..." Desire said as he sighed.

Well, he can't be blamed for that one. After all, he focused all of his being in that training, and the events with Lionel happened all of a sudden.

And so, Desire moved on as he thought about things to make sure that he didn't miss anything.

It was easy for him to do that as he had the Heavenly Demon Trait.

"Now that I think about it..."

Desire had many things that he forgot when he was training.

His Summon Familiar Skill, Summon Aquatic Lords Skill; those two were completely out of Desire's mind.

His ranks also weren't in his mind as he focused on cultivating that Cold-Blooded trait that turned into Heavenly Demon Trait.

And this fact made Desire scared.

"I-i should probably make a list of what I'll do from now on..." Muttered Desire as he finally stood up.

It seems that his forgetting about things that should have been on his mind made him rethink his ways.

It was then.

As Desire was thinking about what he'll use to keep a list of what he would do, an idea suddenly struck him.

It wasn't really that bright of an idea, but an application of what he has always done.

Since it was already on his topic, he wanted to do it right away. After all, he was currently experiencing body pain.

"Body Control Skill...should be possible."

And so, deciding to do what he thought, he immediately tried it out after sorting his idea.

It was the idea of using the Body Control Skill to reduce, or if possible, make the pain, stiff, uncontrollable muscles to go away.

In theory, Desire could do it. After all, it was Body Control Skill. And Jarina once vouched for its usefulness. It just didn't have the partner called All Brain Skill.

However, simple muscle ache should be fine...

At least, that's what Desire thought.

"Hmmm. It's working? Or not." Desire said as he tried moving his body.

Well, he could move his body much better now. It was as if muscle pain didn't exist from the start.

However, what Body Control did for Desire was just moving his body. It didn't ease his pain.

"Huu. I guess it's fine." Desire said as he stood up.

He wanted to finish up the list that he thought earlier, so he wouldn't forget about them.

And so, he went outside the door that wasn't locked and looked for Jarina.


Desire walked off towards Jarina, who was sleeping where Desire was training yesterday.

He thought Jarina would be asleep when he got there, but it seems he was wrong as Jarina greeted him when she noticed Desire.

"You're up already?" Her voice sounded somewhat sleepy.

Desire cut to the chase as he spoke.

"Do you have something that could remind me of what I want to do?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Hmm. It's a list of what I want to do. It's something like that. Yeah."

Desire spoke as he scratched his cheek. It seems like he was embarrassed, but Jarina didn't mind it so as she spoke.

"Yes, I think we do have something like that..."

Jarina trailed off her words because she was curious about why Desire would suddenly ask for something like this.

After all, why should Desire ask for something like this? For Jarina, Desire was getting weirder by the day.

"Great! May I have it? I'll repay you somehow."

"It's fine, follow me."

Jarina gestured for Desire to follow, and Desire obediently did so.

The duo soon left the room and walked towards somewhere unknown.

Well, Jarina knew where they would go.

Anyway, they were able to reach their destination in less than 10 minutes. No one talked while they were moving. Desire had his own thoughts, and Jarina found Desire...weird.

"Here we are." Jarina spoke in front of a majestic door. It wasn't huge, but the designs that could be seen on the door was of that of a lion roaring out towards the sky.

The imposing figure of a lion and the vastness of the sky pulled Desire in, but it wasn't able to compare to his Heavenly Demon Trait.

Jarina noticed that Desire was able to ward it off, so she spoke to not cause any misunderstanding.

"It's just a magic mechanism that papa set up. Anyway, this is where papa keeps his treasures."

Clang! The door opened when Jarina pushed it aside with strength. It was quite weird that the door didn't have any magic lock, but Desire didn't pay any attention to it.

After all...


...the sight beyond of the door was that great.


Desire walked inside the door when Jarina told him to.

Well, he walked dazedly as he looked here and there with an empty stare.

After all, gold, sword, silver, bottles, potions, everything that one would want to get in the world was gathered in a single room right now.

Even for Desire, who didn't know anything about values or something like that, he knew how precious this was.

"H-hey, are you sure we should be going in here without asking?"

That was why he asked Jarina nervously.


"Yes. Papa likes you a lot, so he probably won't mind you taking a look in here."

"H-huh? Lionel likes me...a lot?"

Now, that...sounds weird, Desire thought. But he couldn't voice it out due to Jarina taking something out from somewhere and showing it to Desire.

"Here." Jarina said as the item hanged from her hand.

It was a cross-shaped color gold necklace.

Desire didn't know about it, but he was extremely interested in it.

Was it because of his human instincts that long for riches? Was it because he was just a curious child?

Desire didn't know the answer, and his throat involuntarily gulped some saliva as he looked at the marvel of the item.

It was a simple necklace that didn't have any accessories to the cross, but it was somehow captivating.

"This is the Krussi. Its outward appearance is good, but the function is just for recording things."

Jarina's voice sounded out, but Desire didn't take in any of her words.

He just nodded his head dazedly as if he were charmed by it.

"Just take it. You don't have to be so reserved." Jarina urged Desire.

And Desire took it without saying anything. He just looked at it as he murmured.


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