Demon God

Chapter 54: Fighting

While Jarina was talking with Gladior and Teresa, Desire was currently walking through the mountain called Muscula's nest.

It wasn't really hard for him to walk up here, but the body pain that he got this morning was killing him.

Well, it wasn't so bad, but it affected his walking.

"I wonder why Jarina wanted me to do something like this..."

If there were something that Desire wasn't so sure about, that would be him killing a Muscula.

No, it wasn't because he would hesitate or something like that. After all, he didn't even flinch when Jarina killed a Muscula before.

The reason why he wasn't sure about it was that he knew that he wasn't strong enough to kill it.

Even though Jarina said something a rank two can kill a stronger monster or human, it doesn't mean that Desire can.

In his whole, short life, Desire doesn't have any fighting experience.

The forest fire in which he participated was just him bringing water out to put out the fire.

After that, he trained and trained and trained some more.

And what he trained wasn't some fighting techniques or some secret trump card that could overturn a losing battle.

It was something that had to do with his mind and his core. Asking Desire to kill a Muscula was just pure reckless.

However, Desire knew that Jarina wouldn't do something pointless.

That was why he was still walking here, but he just didn't know what to do.

"Isn't this just asking me to get killed..." Desire muttered as he looked left and right.

In this mountain where he was walking through, Desire couldn't feel anything.

It was as if he was just walking in a plain land with no buildings, no trees, nothing at all.

Well, it wasn't as if he was unhappy about it, but this just made him confused.

"Hah. I just don't understand anything..." Desire muttered as he continued walking.

His mood was bumpy, but his hand was all over the Krussi that was hanging on his hands.

It was clear what he was thinking.

And so, Desire continued his journey through the Muscula's nest, unaware of the eyes watching him by the side.

The one watching him had a big body and was full of muscles. However, if there were something odd about him, it would be that his face was extremely small.

It was as if his head and his body were proportional to each other in that one was large, and one was small.

This creature moved his small head whenever Desire moved somewhere else.

However, that soon ended as Desire soon faded out of his sights.

"Gagi...?" The creature known as the Muscula muttered as he put his big finger in his mouth.

In this world, there were two types of monsters. The first one is intelligent, knowing, and had some real brain on their heads.

An example of this type of monster was Jarina and her race, Suckus.

And the second type is monsters that rely solely on their instincts and whatever they have, but definitely not their brain.

They don't know how to think and only know how to kill depending on what kind of monster they are.

And Muscula was the second type of monster that doesn't know how to think for themselves.

That was why it was weird.

Normally, a Muscula would just attack anyone if ever someone catches its attention.

However, why was this particular Muscula trying to 'think?'

Either way, the Muscula didn't know why as he followed Desire.

"Gagiiii!!!" He shouted as he felt something disgusting up his small brain.

No...was it because he couldn't think? He felt really uncomfortable somehow, one way or the other.

As he tried washing it down literally with his hands, he ran after Desire, who was nowhere in his sights.


"Huuuu. I still can't take it in." A woman said as she breathed in and out.

That woman was currently sitting on a big rock with her legs crossed.

She was wearing light clothes, and sweat could be seen tainting her clothes.

Her hands were cupped together, and in it, a small, bright flame could be seen.

The woman with her cold and icy eyes stared at the flame while speaking.

"Why aren't you accepting me..."

The woman...Grizelle's voice was filled with longingness, but despite that, her face didn't show any emotion at all.

It was as if she only said those words on purpose. If someone heard those words, they would probably think that way.

It was just too absurd to hear a longing voice from an emotionless face.

"Huuu." Grizelle sighed as she put the fire away by extinguishing it.

She then stood up as she looked at the sky.

"I thought the answer was here...was I wrong, father?"

The sun's rays of light touched her skin, and it made the scene more majestic.

She was already a beautiful woman, and the sun was as if her perfect pair.

It was then.

"Hmm?" Grizelle whipped her head toward a certain direction when she felt something.

She narrowed her eyes to see it better, but as this was a mountain, she couldn't really identify what it was.

However, that soon changed when she heard something screaming.


That scream wasn't strong enough to threaten Grizelle as she knew what kind of monster it was.

But what caught Grizelle attention more was something incredibly small.

That something looked like a small dot from afar, which was Grizelle's location.

However, when a few seconds passed, Grizelle could finally someone running away from the Muscula, who was screaming madly from behind.

"A child...?" Grizelle muttered as she took in the form of the child.

A long hair that flies in the sky and a small body fitting of a child was seen by Grizelle. Even though Grizelle couldn't see the face, she assumed that it was a male.

"What is a child doing here?" Grizelle murmured as she started running towards the child.

Even though she didn't have any idea of what the child was doing here, she wouldn't just let the child die.

She was not that cold, but Grizelle would kill him right away if the child were an enemy.

And as soon as she neared them, her eyes widened in shock.

After all, she couldn't believe it.

"He's...toying with the Muscula?!"


As Grizelle watched, the child, Desire, had a big smile on his face.

He was currently 'running' from the Muscula, who suddenly appeared and tried to attack him.

No, he wasn't really running but playing with the Muscula.

And for the first time in his short life, Desire had a ridiculous thought.


Could Desire even call what he's doing as fighting? Probably not. However, that doesn't matter to Desire right now.

He found fun in the fact that his life was always in constant danger when he was fighting.

It was something an insane person would think of, but Desire really was having fun in having his life being in danger.

As he dodged a punch coming from the big monster, Desire smiled a little bit.

'W-why...why can't I wait to rip his insides out?'

Desire didn't know the answer to his question. It may be his nature, or it may be his instincts, or whatever it is.

But Desire knows for sure that he himself wants it. It was quite the strange, bizarre, weird thing as he found himself having fun in finding danger in his life.

Wanting to rip his opponent's life out of him and having fun in the fighting. Desire, for sure, didn't expect that these two feelings would come out of him.

He kept dodging while having these two feelings, but that soon ended as the Muscula did something ridiculous.

"Gagiii!!!" The Muscula screamed as he pounded his chest hard with two big fists.

Right after that, his fists moved like a snake and as fast as the thunder.

"Shit!" Desire shouted as he saw the fist right in front of him.

For Desire, the fist that was moving as fast as the thunder was in slow motion.


"Ahk!!" Desire let out a short scream as the fist hit him right in his face!

Phew!!! The Muscula then threw Desire just by swinging his arm strongly!

Blood flew in the air as Desire's body collided with a tree!

"Gaggiii!!" The Muscula shouted in joy as he saw Desire, not moving.

Dum! Dum!

The ground shook as the Muscula walked towards Desire.

However, he soon stopped when he felt it.

He felt something terrible was about to happen to him. After all, he was a monster with instincts so advanced that they could 'think.'

And then his eyes fell to Desire, who stood up before he knew it.

Desire's hands were covering his face, and even the Krussi which he always held was in his face.

There was nothing new about Desire, except that his face was a mess.

However, the Muscula, who was jumping in joy when he hit Desire, was terrified.

His instincts told him that there was something different with Desire.

He just thought that it was because of the bloodied mess that Desire has become, but he couldn't deny the power looming in the air.

And while the Muscula was scared, Desire looked at the monster with wide open eyes.

His voice was powerful and backed with intense killing intent!


Desire's blue eyes pierced through the Muscula's heart as the scene of red, blue, and gold mixed together.

"I'll kill you!!"

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