Demon God

Chapter 74: Escape

"Bullet." Desire spoke as he fired the magic in his hands.

The magic, Bullet, is just Fire-Attribute mana that was compressed, and compressed, and compressed until it could become something threatening.

And that was exactly what has become in the Fire-Attribute mana now.

Although it wasn't visible to the naked eye as it was just mana that wasn't solidified, Fireboy could still see the power of the Bullet.

That was why he tried to go back to his body by using the ray of light.


It was because the power of the Bullet was just that strong enough to make him retreat without even doing anything.

Although he was stuck in the ray of light that he created, Fireboy could still use magic.

He could control anything in the Dungeon, and if he wished, Fireboy could kill Desire even if he is in the ray of light.

However, Fireboy didn't do anything at all and just tried to retreat to his real fire body.

That was just how strong the Bullet was.

However, when Fireboy did all that he can to move the ray of light towards his own body, he soon found out that he couldn't move at all.

'Shit!' Fireboy thought as he raised the power in the ray of light.

He knew the reason why he couldn't move, and that was just because of Desire's interference.

However, Fireboy didn't think much about it as he moved much faster than his brain could think.

Fireboy was the Spirit of Fire, and he could do things or fight without even thinking.

And that was why he was able to make a decision that would save his life without hesitation.

And that was…to cut off his connection with the ray of light.

'Return!' Fireboy thought as he sent his consciousness back to his body.

Even if the ray of light couldn't move because of Desire, as long as Fireboy could return to his body, he would be safe.

At least, that was how Fireboy judged things.

It was then.

As Fireboy tried going back to his body in every way possible that he could think of, the Bullet that Desire created took off!

The bullet flew to the air without any sound, and it didn't make much of a difference or vibration in the air!

After all, it was just Fire-Attribute mana that was compressed.

However, when the bullet was about to collide with something like a rock, something mysterious happened.


The rock…disappeared.

No…it just looked like it disappeared because it happened too fast – the rock just burned too fast before anyone could perceive it.

What's more, the Bullet has not even touched that rock as it continued flying towards the ray of light that could be seen in the air.

And when the Bullet was about to hit the ray of light, Fireboy could feel it – the death that would come to him if the bullet hit him.

However, as the sequence for his return to his body has started way before the Bullet could take off, Fireboy was sure that he would be able to escape.

'Yes!' Fireboy thought as he felt his consciousness return to his body.

Bit by bit, Fireboy was escaping from this perilous situation that was borne by his arrogance.

And when the Bullet hit the ray of light…Fireboy's consciousness was no longer in it.

Pew! The Bullet proceeded to hit the things beyond the ray of light, and that was the ceiling of the place.

As it was just rock or the ground or something like that, it didn't make matter.

The Bullet didn't even make much of an impact as it continued flying, but that soon stopped as the bullet dispersed into nothingness.

And all those things happened in the blink of an eye.

Although it seems like many things have happened and a minute has passed, the truth was not even a second has gone by yet.


The wind blew over the place, and Desire was just looking at the space.

"He escaped." Desire spoke with a cold voice as he looked at the ray of light that was now disappearing.

Although Desire wanted to kill the mortal that dare look at him when he was doing his thing, he wasn't so desperate as to chase Fireboy.

Desire just didn't like how Fireboy looked at him as if Desire were some experimental material that was about to be used.

Right, Desire just didn't like how he was being looked at, and that was the only reason why Desire fired off that bullet.

The Desire now was insane if you think about the normal Desire's attitude.

Desire was kind, naïve, normal, meek, wimp…it was the qualities that you would find in any guy in a normal village.

However, the Desire now was just different.

If one had to word it, it was that…Desire was now domineering.

Right, Desire was releasing an aura that chokes people, and he was imposing!

"Still, for me to be abruptly wakened up in my sleep…what was I doing?" Desire spoke as he looked at his body.

No…was it even the body of a human?

For Desire, he was sure that this wasn't the body of a human.

After all, it was more correct to think that Desire had the body of a cracked monster or a broken glass.

If a storm were to pass here, Desire was sure that his body would turn to ashes right away.

Of course, the current Desire wouldn't let that happen as he spoke.


It was then.

Desire's body shone with light, and it brightened up the area.

However, the light wasn't so strong, and it didn't last for more than a second.

The light literally just appeared and disappeared as Desire wished it to be.

And when Desire's body resurfaced from the light, something amazing happened.

No, it already happened as Desire looked at his body.

Desire then spoke with satisfaction in his voice.


After all, his body was now clean and fine!

It was as if he didn't even have any injuries at all!

"Next is…"

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