Demon God

Chapter 77: Collapse

Before Desire used the magic, Rebirth, there was a being shaking in fear in his own Dungeon.

And that being was, of course, Fireboy.

He was in his own body now, and that was the fire that was floating up in the air.

Ever since he returned to his body, Fireboy didn't move at all.

He just erased his presence as much as possible and tried to make his flame as little as possible.

That was how scared Fireboy was.

'W-what the hell was that…' Fireboy thought.

He still couldn't believe what happened earlier with his little battle with Desire.

Although Fireboy was attracted to Desire because of his potential, Fireboy knew that Desire isn't that powerful.

Hell, Fireboy could even kill Desire as much as he wanted to when they were together.

That was why Fireboy was even more confused about what happened.

After Desire lost consciousness during the Burning Air Trial, he became so strong that even Fireboy could only choose to retreat!

And what's more, it was a decisive retreat that Fireboy wouldn't regret in his life.

That was just ridiculous!

However, no matter how much Fireboy denied what happened, the reality is still the reality.

'D-did he use his potential?' Fireboy thought as he shook his head.

Fireboy believed that if Desire used his potential to the utmost, Desire would win against Fireboy.

However, the Desire that Fireboy talked to was just different.

The Desire that Fireboy saw was domineering, imposing, and strong!

There's no way that little child would change in so little time.

'No…?' Fireboy thought of the time when Desire threatened him.

At that time, Fireboy thought that Desire was just joking.

However, Fireboy did feel a little bit threatened by Desire. It wasn't so much, but Fireboy was scared of Desire.

However, the reason why Fireboy didn't think much of it is because Fireboy knew that he was a wimp.

Yes, Fireboy admits that he is a scaredy-cat and can fear people or things easily.

That was why it didn't really leave much of an impact on Fireboy and thought that Desire was just doing that to protect himself.

However, Fireboy is forced to change his thought whenever he remembered his fight against Desire.

'Did he hide his powers? No, that's not important…'

It didn't matter to Fireboy if Desire were just hiding his strength or something like that.

The fact that it happened and Desire was still in the Dungeon was dangerous for Fireboy.

After all, Desire, right now, was a being who could kill Fireboy with a single magic

What's more, Desire was angry or pissed off at Fireboy.

And because Desire was in the Dungeon that Fireboy owns, they were bound to meet.

That was why Fireboy could only shake in fear as he waits for his doom.

However, if there were a shining ray of light in this situation, that would be Desire's kind side.

'Does he only act like that when he is cornered?'

Although Desire acted like that, Fireboy knew that Desire was kind from the get-go.

Why? The reason was actually pretty simple.

The Spirit of Fire could judge humans in just a single glance, and when Fireboy saw Desire the first time, he instantly knew it.

However, the change that Desire had undergone was so extreme that Fireboy thought that he was looking at a different person.

And that was what Fireboy was betting on.

'I have to meet him when that scary vibe isn't on him!'

That was the only answer that Fireboy could come up with in this dangerous situation of his.

After all, the conclusion that Fireboy came to was that because of what happened to him, Desire became hot and wild.

And because Fireboy couldn't beat that hot and wild Desire, he has to meet the meek and timid Desire.

'That's the only way I will live!' Fireboy thought.

However, things weren't so simple as Fireboy didn't know what he would do to know whether Desire right now was the meek and timid or hot and wild one.

After all, Fireboy wouldn't like to go back to where Desire was staying.

Even just sending his senses towards that place would traumatize Fireboy.

That was how weak-minded the Spirit of Fire was.

However, it seems it wasn't the end of his bad luck as he felt his Dungeon shake.

"W-what?" Fireboy murmured as he looked at the walls.

Although Fireboy didn't feel it directly with his touch, Fireboy could tell that his Dungeon was…collapsing.

And that caused confusion to Fireboy.

After all, the collapse of Dungeon means that someone has cleared his Dungeon.

And if there were someone on this Dungeon, that would be Desire.

However, Fireboy knew that Desire didn't move at all from where he was.

That was why it was impossible for Desire to clear the Dungeon.

"What the hell?"

However, the things that brought confusion to Fireboy didn't stop there.

After all, something appeared down below the hole, and it was easy to see.

Why? It was because this place was dark, and the thing that appeared was light.

And Fireboy's eyes soon saw that light as the light continued rising up.

However, from Fireboy's eyes, the light seems to be swallowing everything in its path!

The rocks, the darkness, the place, the air, even the Dungeon!

And the light didn't even end there as the light even swallowed Fireboy!

However, FIreboy couldn't do anything as it all happened in the blink of an eye.

Even though Fireboy was a strong being, he couldn't even react to what happened!

He was lost for words, and as he was swept up by the flow, he soon felt it.

'The Dungeon…is gone.'

Fireboy felt that the Dungeon that he owns that was standing at the Muscula's nest was now gone.

And now, he was transported back to his home in his fire form.

Fireboy just floated in the air stupidly as his brain couldn't process what happened.

After all, the owner of the Dungeon didn't know how his Dungeon was cleared.

"What the hellllllll?!!!" Fireboy screamed.

However, deep inside his heart, he was feeling relieved as he didn't have to meet Desire.


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