Demon God

Chapter 95: I'll Only Suck Your Mana

"There's nothing wrong. I guess the Heavenly Demon Trait did do something to help me."

Desire said as he finished checking his body for possible injuries now.

Desire was able to ask Jarina last when he was still awake what happened to him.

Jarina only said that Desire started heating up, and that was it.

That was why Desire wanted to see if there were burn marks.

However, it was really weird to see that it didn't even leave something like that on his body.

Well, Desire was satisfied with this result.

"Hmm? Desire?" 

When Desire heard a voice, he whipped his head back towards the wood bed.

Of course, he would do that as there's only one other person here, and that would be Jarina.

And when Desire did that, he soon saw Jarina, who was sitting on the bed while rubbing her eyes.

There was pair of big mountains giggling out...and Jarina's naked body could be seen with Desire's eyes.

After all, a Suckus wouldn't sleep with clothes on. 

And it was then that Desire realized.

'I also don't have clothes...'

Desire realized that he didn't have clothes. It was weird that he was so late when he saw the sword coming out of him just earlier.

"You're awake? Are you fine now?" Jarina asked as she stood up.

The mountains were moving up and down as she kept moving, but Desire didn't care about that.

After all, he didn't know about that. At least, for now.

"Yeah. I'm good. Where's my clothes?" Desire said as he concentrated within himself.

He was focusing on one thing, and it was obvious what it would be.

And that was to prevent the sword from rising once more.

' keeps going up!' Desire thought as he forced a smile while looking at Jarina.

"Ah, it's there." Jarina said as she pointed at the corner of the room.

As it was dark, it wasn't that easy to see. However, with his dark vision skill, Desire was able to see it.

And what he was seeing was the clothes floating and making their way towards him.

And when the clothes were right before him, Jarina spoke.

"Wear your clothes. If you're fine now, we'll go back today. Well, I'll have you meet and introduce you to the woman."

Jarina said as Desire took the clothes from the air. And when Desire looked at Jarina once more, she was all dressed and ready to go.

'How fast...' Desire thought, but he didn't let his mind stay on that.

He quickly wore the clothes that were given to him. He finished that quickly as he was used to clothes now.

And when he did, he immediately noticed something.

And that was the Krussi that was hanging on his neck.

'So, I didn't lose it during that time.' 

As Desire was wearing the Krussi on his neck now, he was getting used to it, and sometimes it didn't feel the Krussi was there.

That was why this was the only time he saw it again.

Well, it was always there.

"Phew." Desire breathed a sigh of relief as the Krussi was something that was important to him.

"Let's go." Jarina said as she urged Desire to follow him.

Desire just nodded his head and followed right after Jarina.

Although so many things have happened in between, it was finally time.

It was finally time for Desire to meet Grizelle, a human.


Desire and Jarina went out of the room quickly, and Desire was able to see that it

After all, there were windows and stuff in the hallway that they were walking in.

However, it was just weird for him that the room that he slept on didn't have anything like that.

Well, Desire didn't have any time to think about that any longer as Jarina spoke.

"Desire...uhm...did you mean what you said yesterday?"

When Desire heard what Jarina spoke, he quickly looked up.

However, Jarina was looking straight ahead and wasn't looking at Desire.

She even continued walking, which was why Desire couldn't see her face.

However, even though Desire didn't know this, Jarina's face was beet-red right now.

She probably thought that yesterday was just a dream for her.

After all, what happened was just so dreamlike for Jarina.

"Yeah. I meant it." Desire said as he started speaking.

He had a smile on his face as Desire was truly happy with what he decided.

After all, if Desire were going to marry someone, that would be Jarina.

Although he also somewhat proposed to Liya back then, that was because he didn't know.

Besides, Liya or even Lyra doesn't even come close with Jarina.

"I-I see...Desire?"


"I'll only suck your mana."

When Desire heard what Jarina said, his eyes quivered slightly.

He knew what those words meant. After all, sucking mana is a must for a Suckus.

It was a way to fill their life force, and Suckus sucks mana from almost anyone.

And for Jarina to say that she would only suck Desire's mana...that meant only one thing.

Jarina was saying that she would be faithful to Desire, unlike the usual Suckus.

After all, even if a Suckus does marry, that's only because they needed it. It wasn't out of love or something like that.

Of course, exceptions like Varyce and Lionel sometimes appear.

That was why for Jarina to say something like means deep, and something that one usually wouldn't be able to get.

"Yeah. And you'll be the only one to suck on my mana, too."

Desire said with a smile on his face.

Jarina didn't say anything, and they were just silent while walking.

The atmosphere was...well, kind of flirty. Flirty, but it was also pure.

It was a strange sensation as Desire felt his heart beating so fast.

This was the first time Desire felt like this. 

However, he soon couldn't think about that as a voice intruded in his thoughts.

"So, you're finally awake."

And when Desire looked for the source of the voice, he soon saw a man.

The man was Gladior. And he was standing by a chair, which a woman was sitting on.

Of course, the woman was Grizelle.

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