Demon Immortal

Chapter 151 I Must Kill You Today...


With a resounding thud, a body fell to the ground raising dust from the impact. 

In the distance, the disciple of Nine Yin Sect stood with a disshelved appearance. There were a few injuries on his body. His breath was ragged and his clothes were ripped. It was clear from the man's looks, he had not fared well in the fight.

As the dust faded, the Wind Blossom Sect disciple's body became visible. Her state was far worse than the man's. There were large injuries all over her body. She was currently unconscious.

When the fight began, the man never expected this woman to put up such a determined fight. When it became apparent that she couldn't beat him, the woman even dared to burn her life to continue fighting.

This eventually made him go through a tough battle. He was almost spent and there was very little he had left in his tank. The woman's crazy behavior had put him in an embarrassing state currently.

"Damn, this bitch really burned out her life to fight me. Luckily, I was able to subdue her. If not, I can only use some forbidden technique to turn the tide around. If that was the case, I would have lost out a lot. Fortunately, her struggle ended. I don't think I have much left in me," the man muttered sullenly looking at the unconscious woman with anger in his eyes.

"But, I finally subdued this bitch. I can't let her die easily. I need to make her yearn for death. Even after she dies, I am going to refine her corpse and consume her yin," the man mumbled to himself angrily and walked towards the woman's body.

As he neared the female's body and got ready to poison her, the man felt his danger senses tingling a bit. Frowning a bit, the man turned vigilant and backed off from the female. 

But, after a few moments, nothing happened. This caused him to wrinkle his brows. His danger senses were still tingling and it wasn't the woman that was the reason for it as he initially thought. 

Just then, he heard footsteps coming from the distance. The footsteps were measured and had a certain surety in them. Turning around, the man saw a figure walk towards the location he was in.

The dusk was almost up. With the sun behind the figure's back, the man couldn't see the face that was covered in shadows clearly. However, alarm bells began to ring in his mind the moment he set his eyes on the figure.

The figure approached him slowly in measured steps. There was no hesitation or rashness in those steps. Rather, the image the figure cast on him made him frown harder.

The figure's face was still not visible clearly, but a strange kind of familiarity tickled his brain. Seeing the figure walking towards him with the backdrop of a setting sun, an unsettling feeling rose in the man's heart.

Warily, he prepared himself and concentrated his attention on the figure.

There was something eerie about the figure. A sort of red haze had enveloped the figure and it made the figure look fearsome. Such a sight made the man's instincts scream. He could feel a kind of oppressive environment engulf the area the closer the figure came. Such a strange thing made the hairs on his neck stand up.

But, the man was no stranger to eerie things. He was a cultivator of the demonic path. So, he wasn't that worried about the atmosphere. It was just that his danger senses started tingling which made him a bit apprehensive.

"Who are you? What is your business here?" the man asked putting up a brave front.

There was no response. By now, the distance between the figure and the man had shortened and he could vaguely see the outline of the face of the figure. The figure's clothes were torn and bloody. There was a sword in its hand and it didn't look as if it came in peace.

But, all these thoughts came to a stop when he identified the face clearly. Seeing the puny ant he had swatted aside earlier walking towards him in such a manner made the man feel confused a bit.

"What the hell? Why aren't you dead, kid? Furthermore, shouldn't you be running away after the injury I…"

The man's voice faltered as he realized that the figure didn't have any injury on it. He was very clear on what kind of damage his attack did earlier. It would be incredibly lucky if this kid had survived after such an injury.

But, there was no injury visible. And what's more confusing was why the kid was coming towards him. One must know that he had one-shotted the kid with ease when they met earlier. Any sane cultivator would have fled far away by now if they survived such an attack.

However, this kid was walking towards him.

Compared to what he saw earlier, there was a marked difference in the kid at the moment. When he first saw the kid, the kid hadn't been this confident or composed. But now, the demeanor of the kid had made a complete turnaround. And it made the man a bit wary.

"You should be dead," the man said gloomily. "I don't know what kind of treasure you have on your body that saved you from my attack. But, you should have done the smart thing and fled from this place."

His words didn't seem to deter the kid at all. The kid came to a stop in front of him at a distance and was eyeing him as if he was prey. This irritated the man very much. He brushed away the intuition that was telling that there was some danger and looked at the kid in a sullen manner.

"It is a miracle you survived my attack," the man continued. "Instead of fleeing for your life, you dare to appear before me now. Good! Good! I have never seen such a suicidal idiot like you. Why did you even come here? Was it to rescue this bitch?" the man spat angrily.

"To kill you," the kid's voice was hoarse.

But what captured the man's attention was that there were no emotional fluctuations in the tone at all. The words came out flat as if the kid was talking about something that everyone knew. It was a strange feeling to be honest. But, the man didn't take it seriously.

"Ha ha ha… Kid, are you dreaming? Haven't you woken up from your stupor yet? Did my blow addle your brains? With your strength, you think you can do anything to me. Don't make me laugh," the man said sullenly.

"I must kill you today," the kid once more spoke without any fluctuation.

"I may not have much qi in me, but it is definitely enough to crush a bug like you hundred times over. Get lost from here before my temper runs short," the man thundered at last unable to bear it any longer.

Rather than running away or retorting, the man saw the kid brandish his sword and slash at him from the distance. Seeing his action, the man's patience ran thin. It was already a good fortune that he didn't blast away the kid at first sight, but the kid even had the audacity to attack him like this. This was completely intolerable.

The man sneered and planned to casually crush the attack. But, the next moment his eyes widened in disbelief. As soon as the kid slashed, a sword light burst from the kid's sword and rushed toward him with unparalleled momentum.

Even though he was shocked for a moment seeing the sword light, the man was a veteran cultivator. He wasn't dazzled for long. His battle instincts kicked in and he angrily retaliated with a full-powered claw attack.

The man was expecting his attack to rip the sword light into pieces. But, what happened next made him dumbfounded. The sword light cut through his claw attack easily and rushed towards him without even slowing down.

The man's eyes almost popped out seeing such a scene. But, he rallied soon and threw another claw attack in succession. In the end, he was barely able to deal with the sword light.

But, when he looked over, his heart almost jumped out in shock. At that moment, another sword light came towards him. The man hastily attacked once more only to get pushed back from the impact.

Seeing this situation, the man began to panic. He never thought that the ant he had squashed earlier would turn around and be able to drive him into a desperate situation. 

His earlier fight with the Wind Cloud Sect disciple had already made him run low on qi. And this new unexpected development wasn't doing him any favors. He hadn't even recovered his qi back, but he was already onset with another attack.

If he was in his prime state, handling this new threat wouldn't be impossible. It would be difficult, but he could have managed it. But now, the situation had changed and there was little he could do.

Before the man could think further, three more sword lights came towards him in succession causing him to pale in fright. Despite his best efforts, he was unable to cope and was injured severely within seconds.

"Damn it!" the man cursed angrily and decided to escape first.

But before he could execute his escape technique, a figure flashed before him causing him to look up. Next moment, all he saw was a sword light.

The man's head dropped beside his body as the sword light cut through his neck unceremoniously.


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