Demon Queen Wants to Paint

Chapter 20 – Dinner with Lady Lily

"That's an… interesting set of guests you've brought, Deziara," Lady Lily said, when Deziara, Rosa, Azrael and Rosa's two bulky guards arrived in one of the many dining halls. The huge castle had enough of those for each concubine to host her own party at the same time and a dozen more for good measure.

The demoness was dressed more modestly than Rosa was used to seeing her. Her hair was tied in a simple bun behind her back, while her dark purple dress covered her ample chest. Rosa had never actually seen a concubine or a consort with her chest covered. 

I guess without Alphegor around, there's no need to show off.

"I only wanted to bring Morri, but Azrael came along," Deziara glared at the white-haired demon who flashed a brilliant smile at the concubine.

"As Princess Morrigan's guardian in His Majesty's absence, I have to make sure nothing bad happens to her."

"Then as her guardian, you won't mind standing along with the guards and not interfering with our dinner," Lady Lily replied with an equally sweet smile. Azrael faltered for a second but managed to maintain his nonchalant expression.

"Surely you must understand that I have to taste everything the Princess eats."

"Then go ahead and taste it, and we'll prepare a fresh, not poisoned dish for the Princess afterwards."

The sparks between the two were almost visible, and both Deziara and Rosa stood aside, neither of them daring to say a word.

"My, my. I was sure that His Majesty's third concubine would be more gracious towards her daughter's guests."

"Princess Morrigan is a guest, not you."

"But you must be aware that where the Princess goes, I follow. It was an order from the King himself. You wouldn't question His Majesty's orders now, would you?" This seemed to strike a nerve, and Lady Lily's eye twitched.

"Alright, so be it," the demoness snapped her fingers, and one of the demon maids ran up to her. "Prepare two more seats at the dinner table. One for Princess Morrigan and one for her… dog."

Azrael's smile didn't falter at the insult. In fact, he looked very pleased with himself.

"So how was your day, dear?" Lady Lily turned towards her daughter, lowering herself to be on an eye level with Deziara.

"It was great! Me and Morri played with Haku a lot. He's making good progress with his flying practice. I can almost see his wings growing larger by the day."

"That's wonderful. How were your lessons?" Deziara's smile fell, and she looked to the side.

"It was… alright."

"Did something happen?"

"Nothing really. It's just so boring. Who cares about the Seven Legendary Demon Lords? It's nothing more than a myth anyway," the girl protested with a huff. "It's not really fair that I have to listen to it while Rosa just gets to do what she wants."

Don't pull me into this. I'm technically not old enough to understand these things. Although I have to agree that the way Lady Asdeus spoke about the demon lords was more boring than the prattle of my elderly college professor when he spoke about art history. 

"Even if it's boring, you have to pay attention. It is important for a princess to know these things," Lady Lily said, then nudged her daughter towards the table. "Let's go sit at the table."

Two sets of tableware were already laid down on the long table across from each other. Lady Lily sat Deziara in front of one set, while sitting down on an empty seat next to her. Azrael, in the meanwhile, put Rosa in front of the other set while sitting across from the demoness. The two glared at each other with unhidden hatred.

"Finally I get to eat together with Morri. I only wish Father would be here too," Deziara chimed, happily swaying from side to side.

"I'm sure we could convince him to eat with us once he returns. Wouldn't you like that too, Morrigan?" Lady Lily smiled at Rosa, and she tried to return the smile, but it came out somewhat forced and awkward.

"Y-Yes. It would be nice."

"I personally like our setup right now," Azrael chimed as he tapped his finger across the table.

"On what merit?" the demoness's gaze turned icy the moment he spoke up.

"I am the strongest demon right after his Majesty and Princess's trusted guardian."

"Trusted guardian? Without that oath of yours, the King wouldn't even let you get close to the Princess."

"Oh, on contraire – he was the one who sought me out to teach magic to the Princess."

Lady Lily arched her eyebrow, watching over Azrael's features skeptically.

"Why would he want you to teach Princess Morrigan? There are many great magic teachers with far more experience. You're barely out of your own mother's womb."

"Because His Majesty clearly understands my worth."

That moment maids arrived with another set of tableware for Lady Lily and Azrael, as well as some appetizers consisting of something akin to garlic bread and fish canapes. 

"Try the bread, it's good," Deziara urged Rosa who saw no reason to deny her. She took the bread and found that it was still warm. The crust was crunchy and crumbly, while the inside was soft with a generous dollop of garlic butter (or something akin to it) inside. The bread had a stronger flavor than regular white bread while the butter with garlic also had pleasant cheesy notes.

"This is delicious," Rosa praised after swallowing the delicious morsel.

"Freshly baked," Lady Lily answered with a satisfied smile, and urged Rosa to continue eating.

"Princess, you should let me eat everything first before you eat it," Azrael reprimanded and pulled the bread she was holding out of her hand.

The more logical part of Rosa said that he was right and that she could have already eaten something poisonous. But the glutton in her reached out and grabbed the bread back from Azrael, stuffing it into her face without any remorse.

"Deziara is eating it too," Rosa objected, pointing at her sister, who was likewise devouring the fresh bread.

"Oh, stop it with the poisoning nonsense already. I wouldn't poison my best friend's daughter," Lady Lily glared at Azrael, and breaking a fresh loaf in half, gave one half to Rosa and the other to Deziara.

Best friend's daughter? She's not talking about Alphegor, she always refers to him by his title. So does she mean…

"You were friends with my mo-mom?" Rosa couldn't say the word 'Mother' as it instantly made her remember that last, fateful phone call. Nobody had ever talked about her demon mother, so she knew next to nothing about her. She once tried asking Alphegor, but he quickly diverted the topic.

"Oh, yes. My dearest Eirwen – she was a demon like no other. How I wish she could join us at this dinner table at least one more time," There was melancholy in Lady Lily's eyes Rosa had not expected to see. 

Shouldn't a king's consort be more hostile towards the late queen?

"Can you tell me more about her?" Rosa ventured to ask. A pained smile spread on the demoness's lips and she nodded.

"Somebody should tell you and it's not like this welp would do her memory justice," Lady Lily glared at Azrael, then turned her attention back to Rosa. "I imagine the King hasn't really talked about her, has he?"


"I thought as much. The topic is no doubt too painful for him. There were never two demons better suited for each other than them," she began, and Rosa couldn't help but narrow her eyes in doubt.

Alphegor? Meant for only one woman? Then why does he have a whole damn harem full of women and twenty-four daughters to boot?

"I understand your doubt, Morrigan, but remember that your father is also the King of the Underworld. He has duties of uphold, treaties to forge and some conflicts are better solved peacefully, by ways of marriage," she explained which earned a confused look from Deziara who had her mouth full with the bread.

"You two will understand it better once you're older. Just trust me when I say that the King was, no probably still is, mad for Eirwen. That is why he cherishes you so much, Morrigan – you are her precious daughter, somebody she gave her life for."

Wait… Gave her life for me? What does that mean? Is that just a nice way of saying she died at childbirth?

"Lady Lily, I think such topics are still too heavy for the Princesses," one of the maids suddenly spoke up, her voice measured and calm. This was the first time Rosa witnessed any maid speak up during a conversation. Usually they remained silent, only muttering among themselves.

"Oh, yes, I think you might be right. How about I tell you something else about her?" Lady Lily repositioned her glasses and gave Rosa a somewhat awkward smile.

Damn, it would have been nice to understand what she meant by Eirwen giving her life for mine, but I guess I can't push it now.

"What did she look like?" Rosa blurted out the first simple question that came to her mind.

"Eirwen was a real beauty. Her silky white hair stretched almost down to the ground and her silver eyes blazed with strength and passion. Despite her not being as large as any of the concubines, she had such charm that we just couldn't compare to her."

Not as large? I don't think any of the concubines are large… Wait… Is she talking about her breasts? I could have lived without knowing that bit of information.

"Did she know magic?" Deziara suddenly asked.

"Oh, yes. In fact when it came to magic there was nobody stronger than her."

"Not even Father?"

"Not even him. Poor doggy here was perpetually beaten by her," Lady Lily snickered and glanced at the disgruntled Azrael.

"Hey, she was my teacher and we were training, so it doesn't count," Azrael grumbled.

"Yes, I imagine that's the only reason why His Majesty tolerates you. You were her only pupil."

"And she would have never found a better one," Azrael grinned, regaining his confidence. 

"Oh, don't be so full of yourself. Your magical prowess is a testament to her skills, not yours."

"We'll see that once I've properly trained Princess Morrigan," Azrael placed a heavy hand on Rosa's shoulder. 

Don't use me as a ploy to put yourself on a pedestal.

Rosa shook off his hand, and was about to berate him when the maids came in with trolleys filled with plates. They placed the covered plates in front of everyone, and once they were sure that everything was prepared – removed the lid.

Underneath was a delicate array of succulent meats and roasted vegetables that shone with a translucent glaze. It smelled so divine that Rosa instantly began salivating.

"It is time to eat. Dig in, everyone!" Lady Lily clapped her hands together, and Rosa went for the food right away. Deziara also didn't hold back and ate with a gusto.

The meat was so soft and juicy it instantly melted onto Rosa's tongue. The vegetables were cooked to perfection, and the sweet glaze made them taste almost like a dessert than an actual meal. Even Deziara, who Rosa expected to be the kind of child who hated vegetables, ate them with pleasure.

"Lady Lily, would you be willing to bend my ear a little while we eat?" Azrael spoke up softly.

There it is! I knew he wanted something from her.

"You'd bend it even if I wasn't willing," Lady Lily said, not lifting her gaze from the plate in front of her.

"Perhaps, but I believe my request will be beneficial for both of us."

"Oh, really? I highly doubt it, but go ahead and say your piece. I am a bit curious as to what kind of nonsense you've come up with this time."

"It's not nonsense. In fact, I believe this topic is quite important for our whole kingdom. No, the whole Underworld," Lady Lily arched her brow at this while delicately chewing on a piece of carrot. Azrael took her silence as an incentive to continue. "Don't you think it's time we start thinking about the next Demon Queen?"

Lady Lily stopped chewing while Rosa did her best to appear as interested in her meal as Deziara did. 

"It's been only four years. I don't think such a decision needs to be rushed," she finally replied after swallowing her food.

"Yes, we do have our powerful King to watch over us, however, don't you think the burden is too heavy for him alone? The Late Queen helped him quite a bit with state affairs. Or so I've heard," Azrael smiled pleasantly.

What is he scheming? I highly doubt he cares about Alphegor's workload. 

"I am certain King Alphegor is capable enough to understand whether he needs help or not. Besides he could ask any of us consorts or even concubines for help if he so wished," Lady Lily retorted, and wiped the already clean corner of her mouth with a napkin.

"Can he though?" Azrael asked, and Rosa felt his gaze linger on her.

He can't ask for help because of me? Is it because Alphegor fears what concubines might do to me?

"But I believe we have a solution right here at this dinner table. After all, you seem to hold the Crown Princess in high regard."

Lady Lily frowned and her gaze drifted towards Rosa as well. She chewed at meat enthusiastically although it had lost all of its previous appeal.

"Why don't you just think about it? I'd be willing to help you out if you'd need support," Azrael finished, and put a large piece of meat in his mouth, chewing it with a self-satisfied smirk.


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