Demon Queen Wants to Paint

Chapter 40 – Birth of Morrigan

Rosa stared in disbelief at the scene in front of her. Azrael stood with Violet's phone in hand, poking and prodding it. Violet stood trembling behind Mother, her eyes filled with fear, while Mother pointed a finger at Azrael, yelling at him to return the phone. But the most shocking part was Alphegor who stood a few meters away from the scene, tapping his foot impatiently.

Azrael and Alphegor both had no demonic features, but their clothes still stood out like a sore thumb when compared to Mother and Violet. Azrael wore some odd skin-tight leather clothes while Alphegor had one of his fancy suits on. Both of them looked like they didn't belong. 

How are they here? Why are they here? How is this possible?

Rosa stumbled back a step, and Mother took notice of her.

"Rosa! Don't you just stand there! Call the police immediately," she commanded, as Violet trembled behind her. Azrael's and Alphegor's attention went to her, and Rosa froze. Azrael clearly recognized her – he had seen her human form before, but the demon made no attempts to point it out.

"Azrael, I tire of this. We must find Morrigan, not squabble with humans. Return the toy to the child," Alphegor commanded, speaking in the demon language, and with a pout Azrael threw the phone back at Violet. The girl lunged forward and caught it as if her life depended on it.

"Alright, alright. Let's search for her," Azrael said, and gave Rosa a knowing smirk.

Alphegor doesn't recognize me in this form. If I just stay quiet, then he will leave and never find me.

But seeing Alphegor made her heart ache. While his demeanor was still majestic and strong, she noticed some signs that indicated that he was actually in distress. Like the occasional nervous twitch of his finger or how his eyes went from one place to another, never staying anywhere for long – always searching.

"You cannot assault people like this! Rosa, for God's sake stop standing there like a mute and call the police," Mother yelled, taking a step towards her.

"I don't think that's necessary," Rosa said quietly, but the moment her mouth opened Alphegor's eyes snapped to her. 

"Morrigan?" he exclaimed and took two steps forward, his eyes wide from disbelief. "Is that you?"

"I-I…" she stuttered, not sure what to do. Her body filled with panic, and she wondered whether running would do her any good. And then a tear rolled down Alphegor's cheek.

"My daughter. I've found you," he uttered and rushed towards her. Before she realized what was happening, Alphegor had pulled her into a hug, holding her close to his body. His familiar warmth engulfed her like a safe blanket.

"F-Father?" she uttered in the demon tongue. Her body trembled, her mind reeled as she was unable to process the situation. 

It feels like he is relieved, no, even happy to have found me. Shouldn't he be mad? Shouldn't he drag me back and throw me into the castle dungeons? And yet he is hugging me, holding me just as gently as when I was a baby.

"Rosa, what is going on? Why are you hugging this stranger?" Mother yelled somewhere in the background, but Rosa didn't care for it. Her attention was wholly on Alphegor.

"I am so sorry, my child. I am sorry for not noticing that you had memories of your past life. If I had known, I would have explained everything to you straight away," he said, and pulled back from the hug to look at her properly. "So this is what you looked like as a human? A bit similar to your mother now when I take a look at you properly."

"You knew?" Rosa asked in shock, her hands trembling as Alphegor held them in his.

"Of course I knew. I am your father," he said in a gentle voice, and patted her head so carefully and tenderly as if she could break if he pressed any harder. The dam inside Rosa broke, and tears began streaming down her face like a waterfall. Alphegor pulled her back into a hug, gently rubbing her back in the meanwhile.

"Outrageous. Associating with men like these. Are there no lows to which you won't fall?" Mother said, daring to take a few steps closer to Rosa and Alphegor. But the King turned his head and glared at the woman, stopping her dead in her tracks.

"Get out of here before I lose my patience, human," he commanded in the demon language, and Mother shrunk back. She did not know the meaning of his words, but the ferocity behind them could be understood without question. She looked to Violet to say something to her, but the girl had already run downstairs.

"Violet? Violet, wait for me," she called and hurried after her.

"Why don't we take this someplace cozier?" Azrael suggested, snickering at Mother's swift retreat. 

"Come inside, Father," Rosa pointed towards her small apartment, wiping the tears from her eyes. Alphegor nodded with a small smile, and with his hand on her shoulder went inside. His large hand felt warm and comforting, and it gave her a sense of peace she hadn't felt since he left for the battle.

Azrael followed right after them, closing the door behind him. Before she could properly tell them to relax, he threw off his shoes and sprawled all over her bed as if he owned the place.

"Finally, I can relax," the demon sunk deep into the pillows without a single shred of shame. Alphegor pulled out one of the chairs by the table and urged Rosa to sit in it. She followed his instruction absentmindedly, unable to process the ongoing events.

Once she was seated, Alphegor pulled out another chair for himself and sat down. His demonic features appeared again as did Azrael's, signifying how two of the most powerful demons in the Underworld were crammed into Rosa's tiny apartment. She would have laughed if she could. But there was a heavy knot in her stomach and she couldn't bring herself to look at Alphegor.

"Don't use Morrigan's bed as you please," Alphegor waved his hand and Azrael levitated up in the air. The demon appeared surprised but didn't resist, instead resigning himself to Alphegor's will. The King levitated Azrael to the kitchen, slammed the door shut and then drew a square in the air in front of the room. His fingers shimmered as he did so indicating the presence of magic.

"I want to have a private talk with my daughter," Alphegor said and looked at Rosa, his tail flicking nervously from side to side. "Would you be willing to hear me out?" 

Rosa nodded demurely, still not daring to meet his eye. She twiddled her thumbs nervously as she tried to come up with something to say.

I ran away assuming that he would kill me because I am a human. But turns out he knew all along. I've made such a mess for nothing. What can I even say? Sorry? How could that ever be enough?

Alphegor sighed, looking a bit tired and unsure. Perhaps he too was contemplating what to say. His eyes landed on the food on the table.

"Do you mind if we eat while we're at it? I've just realized it's been a while since I've had a proper meal," Alphegor asked in a soft voice.

"I don't mind, but perhaps I can order some food for you. These dishes that I've made didn't turn out quite like I wanted them to," Rosa muttered and was about to clear the plates away. Much to her surprise, Alphegor grabbed them before she could and piled the empty plate in front of him with a mountain of vegetables and meat.

"There is no way I am missing out on my daughter's cooking!" He announced, and without a second thought began shoveling everything down his throat. Rosa watched in horror how in a matter of minutes most of the plate was already empty.

"Father, surely, I can offer you something better," she said helplessly. But Alphegor just smiled widely.

"What are you talking about? A meal cooked by my daughter is the most delicious meal in this world," he exclaimed and then reached out to pat her head. Rosa could feel her heart swell with joy, and tears of happiness streamed down her face. Alphegor seemed surprised for a moment and then smiled.

"Thank you," she muttered and then noticed how the world had grown larger around her. She'd turned back into her demon child form without even thinking about it.

"There's no need to thank me," he said and then sighed, slowing down his eating pace. "In reality this whole mess is my fault. If I had been more attentive and noticed that you had retained your memories." 

"Father, could you please explain? How exactly do you know that I am a human." 

"You are not a human anymore, Morrigan. You are a demon through and through. But you were a human in your past life. I think it's better if I explain exactly how you were born," Alphegor took a deep breath while Rosa watched him intently.

"You see, Morrigan, demons are born differently than other living beings. Normally when a female becomes pregnant, a soul attaches itself to the child while still in its mother's womb."

Rosa nodded at this. She had read and heard many arguments where people tried to determine at what point does a child still within the confines of their mother's body become a person. Some claimed it was only after the child was born. Rosa believed that if the child could move then surely it was already alive.

"But it's different for demons. Demon mothers grow an empty vessel within themselves and they give birth to the empty vessel," Alphegor said, staring at his fork as if recalling some memory in its reflection.

"An empty vessel?"

"Yes. Their heart beats but there is no soul. The parents must attach a soul to the vessel for the child to be truly born."

"So you attached my soul to this body?" Rosa asked, flicking her demon tail. 

"Not quite. I tried to – performed the ritual I always had for when my daughters were born. It always worked flawlessly, but with you – I couldn't. Something went wrong," Alphegor's eyes were dark and downcast, memory clearly painful to him. "I couldn't find a soul suitable for your body. The heartbeat within the vessel was beginning to weaken, it couldn't keep working without a soul." 

"So your mother, Eirwen, took the matters into her own hands. Despite her exhaustion from giving birth, she used all of the magic she had to find a soul. And she found you – a human soul from a different world. I was shocked at first, but Eirwen said that you called for her," Azrael explained and his hands began to tremble.

I called for her? Was it when I was struggling in the sea? I don't remember much from that moment. It's such an unpleasant memory…

"So she pulled my soul into this body when I died at sea," Rosa said somberly.

"Yes. She used the last bit of her strength to do it – gave her life for yours. Eirwen could hold you only once before her life slipped away," Alphegor said and hid his face behind his large palm. "The last words she said to me were 'Protect Morrigan'."

Rosa's chest grew tight and her eyes welled with tears. Her demon mother, despite knowing her for but a brief moment, gave her life for hers. She sacrificed herself for a human when Rosa's human mother would denounce her simply for the things that she liked.

Rosa, no, Morrigan, got up from the chair, walked up to her father and put her small hand on his shoulder.

"I am sorry for doubting you, Father. I am so sorry for running away," she said, and Alphegor looked at her.

"I never blamed you for it, Morrigan. There is nothing to apologize for," he said with a bittersweet smile as he put his large hand over Morrigan's. Then his smile vanished and Morrigan could see fear flash in his eyes. "If you wish to remain in the human world, I will not stop you. But I wish for you to return home."

She paused to think. 

Do I want to go back to Doppelta? I came back to Earth in order to lead a peaceful life. But what would I do next if I remained here? My dream job in Studio Goblin is lost. But even if it weren't, I don't think I would enjoy working in such a setting – crammed into a tiny room in front of a computer and forced to hit the deadlines without any care for quality.

My mother, father and sister don't even care for me. They never had and never will. Even if I were to get a 'normal' job like Mother wishes, she would still find some fault in me. She would never be happy with what I do.

Morrigan looked at Alphegor, and thought of her time together with him. How he always attended to her needs, listened to her and cared for her. He named her his heir, but at the same time the way he has been teaching has been patient and he never outright demanded things from her.

Even if this role seemed like a burden too heavy for her to bear, Morrigan was sure that Alphegor would guide her and support her through it. He would make sure that she is ready for it, instead of forcing it upon her prematurely.

"I wish to go home with you, Father," she replied with a smile. Alphegor's expression beamed with happiness and he scooped her up into a smothering hug.

"That's my girl! I knew you'd come through," he said as he wrapped his hands around Morrigan. She smiled as her whole being filled with warmth and peace. To think that she would find happiness in the arms of her demon father.


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