Demon Queen Wants to Paint

Volume 2 Chapter 2 – Hotel Trouble

I knew there would be trouble, but I didn't expect it to happen before we even reached the hotel.

Morrigan walked through the streets, shifting into her human form with Alphegor and Azrael walking next to her. Of course, that didn't sound like it would be an issue. However, it was Saturday evening which meant that the city streets were filled with people looking to relax and unwind after a hard week at work.

And all of their eyes were glued to the two charismatic men next to her. One – cold and unapproachable, almost like a god walking on Earth, while the other – charismatic and grinning from ear to ear, looking ready to cause trouble.

"Seems like humans can recognize a good-looking demon when they see one," he said and winked at a pair of girls passing by. They giggled and stopped dead in their tracks, watching Azrael and muttering among themselves. Probably wondering whether they had the courage to approach him. But one look at Alphegor made them take a step back.

"They don't know that you're a demon! And stop winking at every girl you see. You're drawing too much attention," Morrigan grumbled.

"You heard her," Alphegor growled, and Azrael clicked his tongue in displeasure. 

"Can't even have a little bit of fun."

"I thought you hated humans," Morrigan grumbled, remembering her conversation with him before Azrael opened the portal to Earth.

"It's actually my first time seeing humans besides you, Princess. I can't help but be curious," Azrael shrugged as he looked from one shop window to the next, eagerly taking in the new environment. "Not to mention that they look nothing like humans in Doppelta."

"You're two hundred years old and you haven't seen humans before? How do you know that they look different then?" Morrigan exclaimed, shocked by the fact.

"From books, of course," Azrael explained. "While the overall look is similar, the clothes humans wear in this world are really weird."

"Humans are prohibited from entering the Underworld, and usually demons do not wish to go to the surface," Alphegor added.

"Really? But… Why don't demons take humans as slaves if they take elves and dwarves who live on the surface?" Morrigan asked although the topic of slaves always made her feel uncomfortable. If she had any say, she'd probably release all of them, but Morrigan also understood that the matter was probably more complex than that.

"It's a dark topic best left for another time. Is that large building over there not the hotel you were talking about?" Alphegor pointed towards the beautiful four-story building with large windows and many balconies that had lush greenery growing on them. This was one of the best hotels in the city and would cost Morrigan a lot of money just for a single night.

But I'll be going back to Doppelta soon so it doesn't matter. Human money wouldn't do me any good anyway. They're just pieces of paper after all.

"That looks much nicer than the house you live in," Azrael pointed out and Morrigan shot him an annoyed look.

"Because this is supposed to be a luxurious place," she objected and grabbed Alphegor's hand pulling him ahead. "Let's go inside, Father."

The foyer was neat and tidy with an elaborate rug at the entrance and small palm trees growing in giant pots. There was a TV which was playing a music channel and even a coffee machine labeled as free to use.

"How may I help you?" said a friendly-looking woman, approaching the group with keen interest.

"We'd like to rent three–" Morrigan lifted her hand up showing three fingers but Alphegor raised his hand and interrupted her.


"We'd like to rent two rooms for a night or two," she corrected. The attendant looked at Morrigan, looking like her young human self, and then at Alphegor, and a small smirk appeared on her face. It was there for just a few moments, and then she regained the polite professional expression.

She just thought of something indecent didn't she? Gross! He is my father. I know we don't look like parent and daughter with our current appearances, but still. Get your mind out of the gutter, lady!

"Of course. What sorts of rooms would you like? We have regular rooms without a balcony, premium rooms with a balcony and VIP rooms that have a sauna in them," the woman said.

"What did she say?" Azrael asked as he sipped on a cup of coffee with a large dollop of cream on top. "This stuff is good, by the way."

"How did you–? Nevermind. She asked what kinds of rooms we'd like – regular, premium with balcony or VIP with sauna?" she translated into the demon language.

"What's a sauna? I want to try that!" Azrael exclaimed, his eyes shining with excitement that only a young child could have.

"How much is the room with a sauna?" Morrigan asked the attendant sheepishly.

"It's five hundred euros per night," she replied with a smile, and Morrigan barely managed to contain her shock.

Five hundred a night? That's more than I pay for my apartment for a month!

"We'll take two premium rooms," she said, and the attendant nodded, retreating behind the counter. 

"Did you get the room with the sawna thing or whatever you call it?" Azrael pestered.

"No! That is too expensive. I got us premium rooms. Those should be comfortable enough."

"But I wanted the sawna!" he whined, tugging on Morrigan's sleeve. But Alphegor glared at him and the demon quickly retreated.

"Be grateful that Morrigan is paying for your room. She could have just as easily left you behind," the King growled.

That's a great idea! Shame I didn't think of that earlier.

"Tch… Fine," Azrael returned to sipping his coffee, delighted by the drink.

"Here's the keys to your room. I'll just need your name," the attendant said with a pen in hand.

"It's…" she paused for a moment, wondering which name to give, and then smiled. "It's Morrigan."

"Unusual name. Are you a foreigner? I heard you speaking a different language," the woman added conversationally.

"Yes. We're foreigners," Morrigan confirmed, and it felt good for her to admit that. It solidified that she belonged in Doppelta, not here.


After teaching Azrael how to unlock and lock the door to his hotel room, Morrigan and Alphegor retreated to their own room. It was large with two queen-sized beds, a giant TV mounted on the wall and many potted plants placed strategically around the room.

"What a long day," Morrigan groaned and jumped straight into the large bed. It was soft and comfortable, and she could smell a faint hint of detergent coming from it. Her eyelids felt heavy and her body seemed to sink into the soft blanket. A few moments later she had reverted back to her demon form.

"You must be tired, little one," Alphegor mused, gently caressing her head. The proximity of his presence only made her relax more, forcing her eyes closer.

"Mhm," she mumbled, barely awake at that point. Alphegor said something else, but she couldn't hear it. Instead, she vaguely remembered him tucking her into the bed and wishing her good night.

Morrigan woke up from loud music blasting from somewhere outside. She opened her eyes groggily and saw that it was definitely still nighttime. 

"What is with that loud music so late into the night?" she grumbled and felt Alphegor move next to her. She was a bit surprised to see him sleeping in the same bed but didn't really mind. In fact, it was comforting to remain close to him.

"That infernal noise! Whoever dares to wake my daughter when she needs to rest will pay dearly," Alphegor's eyes grew as cold as ice, and he swiftly rose out of bed.

"Father, wait. I'll come too. You don't know human language," she said and quickly shifted into her human form.

"Very well. We shall punish the miscreant who dared to create such a racket," the King hid his demonic features and put on clothes in two blinks of an eye. He strode purposefully towards the exit and Morrigan followed.

I just hope he doesn't try to murder whatever sorry fool decided to blast music so late. I'm surprised the hotel staff haven't interfered.

They followed the source of music outside, and saw a group of people dancing by the outside pool, splashing water, hollering and being all sorts of annoying. Morrigan wasn't sure how to even approach the group. 

I doubt anybody here would listen to what I say.

"Silence!" Alphegor commanded in the demon tongue, and the whole group of people stopped. All of them looked at him wide-eyed, each freezing in spot and blinking like deers caught in headlights. Almost all.

"Oh, Your Majesty, Princess! You have come to enjoy human fun too? These drinks are great and the music! I've never heard such great music before," Azrael cackled and giggled, clearly drunk beyond any reason.

"Azrael! Is this your doing?" Alphegor asked, and Morrigan felt the air grow noticeably chillier. The gathered crowd began to slowly disperse, no doubt their survival instinct kicking in and urging them to move to safety.

"Yeah! Listen to this," Azrael went up to a nearby table that had a phone set on it and a giant pair of loudspeakers set next to it. He quickly tapped something on the phone and turned on club music so loud and with bass so low that it reverberated through the whole area and made Morrigan's knees buckle and shake.

"This little device is amazing! Not only does it have this magical internet thing, you can also connect it to this weird box using wires and it produces this amazing sound!"

"Turn. It. Off!" she yelled, pressing her ears shut before the dreadful noise could damage her hearing.

"What?! I can't hear you, Princess! It's too loud," Azrael yelled back, moving his hands up in the air along with the rhythm of the music.

Alphegor went up to the table, grabbed the phone and smashed it into the ground, turning it into a pile of scrap. 

"My phone!" one of the partygoers whined, but seeing Alphegor's cold glare he just slumped and retreated back into the hotel.

"Aww, why did you have to go and do that?" Azrael whined. Morrigan could see that her father was about to unleash some horrifying magic onto the drunken fool, so she went up to Azrael and grabbed his hand.

"Enough for one night. It's time to sleep," she commanded and began dragging him along.

"But I…" he whined, but she shook her head.

"If you want to live, then do as I say," Morrigan snarled and pulled him faster. Azrael didn't seem to get her hint but was too drunk to object.

I swear there are only some many times I can save you from Father's rage. I'm afraid we're about to reach the limit soon.


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