Demon School

Chapter 152 - Better to play

Chatting while watching the ball off the court, Lu Qiujian quickly figured out the situation of these two people, the one who spoke was Zhao Zhe, and the one who came with him was Yu Yao.

“Okay, we should go!” The game ended soon, Zhao Zhe got up and made a few warm-ups, and then assigned the position on the field, “Yu Yao you are waiting for me to pass you , Lu Qiujian, you are standing tall in the basket! “Hey, this name seems familiar!

Unfortunately, the game was about to start. He did n’t think much about it. He took a basketball and went to the middle circle to prepare to serve. Lu Qiujian stood at the top of the arc to prepare to respond.

The game is a common three-on-three, five-point win and loss at halftime. If you miss a shot and grab a rebound, you can also make a second attack. These rules Zhao Zhe just made clear to Lu Qiujian; Qiu Jian didn’t know much yet. Zhao Zhe passed the ball to Yu Yao. After Yu Yao received the ball, he hauled it twice and then passed it back to Zhao Zhe. Zhao Zhe deleted a neutral and shot decisively.

Probably because he hadn’t found his hand feeling after playing, Lu Qiujian knew that the ball could not enter the ball as soon as he saw the arc of the hand. He immediately ran to the landing point and waited. He easily grabbed the rebound and flicked the hand to send the ball to the outside.

The opponent’s players were all ready to grab rebounds. Zhao Zhe was empty in front of him and rushed into the layup to easily get a layup. After that, they continued to serve. There was no suspense in the next game. Lu Qiujian took control of the rebound. The two of them were able to shoot from the outside. The other party basically had no chance to touch the ball and soon ended the game with 5: 0.

Won five games in a row, Zhao Zhe couldn’t keep up with his physical strength, and took a breathless rest, Lu Qiujian didn’t have much activity at this time; hey, the intensity of this game is not comparable! Isn’t it relaxing at all!

“Dude, drink water!” On the court, ball skills are the most effective way to get closer. Lu Qiujian’s superb rebounding skills quickly conquered his two friends. As soon as he came off the court, Zhao Zhe went to buy them diligently. Water comes.

“Thank you!” Lu Qiujian was not polite, and it was a big sip.

“The buddy ball is playing well, but why haven’t I seen you before?” Zhao Zhe drew water while putting on his jacket. If he can partner with him every time he plays, what a beauty!

“I am here for the first time to play here.” Would you like to go outside to catch the ball and hit three times later? It doesn’t take much effort to just stay in the basket!

“I often run a few basketball courts at Peking University! Haven’t you seen you anywhere else?” With Lu Qiujian’s ball skills, Zhao Zhe will never forget if he has seen it.

“I went to the rice country as an exchange student last year! I just returned from the summer vacation!” Lu Qiujian explained.

“I said, I just wondered when our school came out with a master I didn’t know!” Zhao Zhe suddenly relieved. “Eh, which school do you go to as an exchange student? I plan to go out next year and give some advice?”

“Princeton! What are you studying? Which schools are you aiming at?” Lu Qiujian screwed on the bottle cap and set the mineral water aside.

“Wangzitun is good, why don’t you stay?” Zhao Zhe quipped. Suddenly turned his head suddenly, “Princeton ?! You are Lu Qiujian! The one you hit ?!”

艹, this time will not be finished! Lv Qiujian looked at the basketball boys who followed Zhao Zhe’s voice depressed; Zhao Zhe was also immersed in the surprise of seeing the idol, “It’s really you! I didn’t respond when you said your name just now Come here, now it looks exactly like the newspaper! “

“Who is this?”

“Lying trough, Lu Qiujian!”

“Who is Lu Qiujian?”

“Are you embarrassed to say that you are a senior fan? You don’t even know him! This year, he led Princeton to sling Anthony’s Syracuse University and Wade’s Marquette University! If he participates in the draft, the champion will not necessarily be James. That’s it! “The people on the court didn’t play anymore, so the noisy crowd came over here.

Zhao Zhe realized that he seemed to have done something inappropriate, and scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled. “I was so excited just now, I shouted out without control!”

Hey, Lu Qiujian got up helplessly and greeted these enthusiastic fans.

“We are also the ones who have played with nba-level players!” The team that just lost the ball, the depression after the loss was swept away, desperately recalling every detail of playing with Lu Qiujian.

“Let’s play again!” Someone next to me kept fighting. Next time I meet Lu Qiujian, I don’t know when it will be. I have to seize the opportunity to fight him once, and bragging will also have capital in the future.

“Yes, yes!” Zhao Zhe and Yu Yao’s heads are even more like chicks pecking rice, expressing the same emotions as everyone else. We are also teammates with nba-level players!

Passion is difficult! Then go. When the three of them stood on the court again, even the people around the court put down the game and ran over as spectators. The rest of the basketball courts became empty, and the basketball boys all gathered in their half.

Zhao Zhe changed his previous strategy. Passing the ball directly to Lu Qiujian, the opponent immediately sent two people to defend, and blocked him outside the three-point line; the next game became a place for Lu Qiujian to show off his skills. Slam dunks, breakthroughs and other means. The opponent was quickly defeated.

“It’s time for us, time for us!” Three more people came up to be abused in excitement.

Hey, are you here to play or to copy? How do I feel so much like in the copy?

Five games in a row, Lu Qiujian waved his hand, threw away the basketball and walked down the court, “If you don’t fight, you won’t fight, you’re tired to eat!”

“Hey ~” Everyone sighed in unison, “Are you coming tomorrow?”

“Look at the situation! Not necessarily!” I went back to the sidelines and took a look. I just drank the remaining half of the bottle of water!

“Give, drink this bottle!”

“Drink me, drink me!”

Suddenly, seven or eight bottles of various drinks were handed over ~ ~ There are mineral water, cola, ice tea, and even Gatorade; the only thing that is the same is that these handed over drinks come Are all beautiful young girls! Staring at the stars and watching Lu Qiujian!

Didn’t you see these people just now? Lu Qiujian was sweating for a long time, and it was not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Thirty-six counted away as a measure. He greeted the crowd and ran away, and there was a laughter behind him.

On the way back, Lu Qiujian pondered that the one-and-a-thirty three hits just consumed a bit of physical energy and relieved some headaches, but it was not enough!

Lu Qiujian stopped when passing by the football field! Ok? Since basketball is not competitive enough, how about changing to playing football? (To be continued.)

ps: I feel a little awkward in writing in China, and readers also feel awkward. I have n’t figured out where the problem is; today a reader ’s book review point woke me up. He said that the protagonist can also learn from the real Fields Award winner when studying abroad. Discussing issues, from time to time can make the other party sigh, as soon as he returned to the country to play an academician protagonist immediately is a variety of kneeling and licking. If you think about it for a long time, it ’s really true that foreign countries ca n’t feel the pressure even if they are far away. The domestic ones are different; the protagonist can try to act in front of Wiles and Witten but pull him to Yuan Long ’s plane. I’m afraid it’s not easy to write that he pretends to be in front of Yuan Lao? Readers will be scolded if they write it? So I decided to make adjustments immediately. Once I originally planned to write more than 20 chapters of the domestic plot, I immediately reduced it, and then wrote two more endings to let the protagonist roll to Europe to relax and pressurelessly. Secondly, quickly release the manuscript! Speed ​​up the update speed! Let this domestic story pass by early. Please continue to support!

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