Demon School

Chapter 155 - Bonus plan

“Simons, I suddenly had a new idea about the last consultation!” Lv Qiujian dialed the phone of a Wall Street gangster again. The last time I called him, he wanted to pass the 10 million The US dollar was handed over to the foundation that I proposed on the last day of the report, but then I thought that these ten questions would not be answered in a short time. It seems a little waste to put it there, and it does not stimulate the mathematics community very well. “What do you think of this? I put this ten million dollars into your Renaissance company, which is operated by your company; the annual profit is deducted from the commission and charged to the foundation account, and then the daily operation expenses of the foundation are removed. The rest is given as a reward to scholars who have made great contributions to the research on these ten issues this year! “The Renaissance company’s average annual net rate of return is 35.6%, and an annual profit of 10 million is entirely sufficient to cover this cost.

“Haha! Give me a reason to agree! People who want to invest their money in the Renaissance can go from Princeton to Manhattan! I won’t easily agree with them! Either you have a huge influence in a certain area, or you can Bring me some policy convenience … otherwise I ca n’t convince my shareholders. Of course, if you are willing to join Renaissance, then everything is not a problem! “Simmons replied with a laugh .

There are two main types of funds in his company. One is the Renaissance Capital Fund, which accepts external investment but the profit rate is average. The other is the medal fund that only internal employees can invest in. The profitability is extraordinary. If it is the first kind, Lu Qiujian will not be satisfied with its rate of return, and also does not meet the Renaissance company’s screening rules; as for the second kind, Lu Qiujian is not an internal employee, of course, there is no way to buy shares.

“I can’t do all this!” Lu Qiujian had thought clearly before calling, but he knew what Simmons valued more than policy and energy, “but I can help you optimize your algorithm!”

“The perfect reason why you can’t refuse!” Simmons couldn’t help but clenched his fist. “But to optimize the algorithm, you need to first see the algorithm used by the Renaissance company. This is a tens of billions of secrets! “

“You can send someone you trust to come over, of course, it’s better if you can come by yourself! I can sign a confidentiality agreement and start working again!” Lu Qiujian understands that the algorithm that can bring Simmons ten-digit income every year means what.

“Okay. I was just going to Huaguo recently.” Simmons’ voice became deeper. “You know, Chen’s body is getting worse now. I have to visit him! By the way, take a few Miguo. Doctor of the past. See if you can help him! “

Simmons is talking about Chen Shengshen, who is now settled in Jinmen. Lv Qiujian just filled out the Mathematics Prize Application Form named after him two days ago. he!”

After an appointment, Lv Qiujian hung up the phone and changed his clothes to walk to Professor Zhang ’s office; the framework of the foundation proposed at the meeting last time has been set up. Professor Zhang and he have held important positions in it. Now that things have changed, we have to discuss with him!

“You mean putting this 10 million US dollars into the fund! And then take out the profitable part of each year to give out prizes?” Professor Zhang was a little worried after hearing this, “This investment is not easy to say, what if I lose?” Does the donor agree to do this? “

“The money came from James Simmons.” Lu Qiujian said vaguely, “You should know him? His company’s profitability is still guaranteed!”

“Chen-Simmons Theorem is so persuasive!” Even if it is replaced by Professor Buffett Zhang, it may not have been heard, but Simmons has already made some achievements in the mathematics world, and is one of the most important donors of mathematical research in the world. He still trusted Professor Zhang very much, “I have seen him a few times before. But I didn’t say anything! If it’s him, I’m relieved!”

“You see, none of these ten problems can be solved in the short term. If you only solve one problem with one million prizes, it won’t play a big role in the short term!” Lu Qiujian once again said his reasons, “but every year We all rewarded the mathematicians who initially made outstanding contributions to these ten questions this year. I have calculated a bonus of at least 100,000 US dollars! This is also a big stimulus, and at the same time it will expand our foundation and even The influence of the entire Peking University is good! “

Of course, you can also help yourself to gain a reputation in the mathematics community, hold an annual meeting, and exchange the latest progress with those mathematicians at the meeting is also conducive to mastering the latest progress of research. In order to adjust their own plans.

“Well, I think it’s okay!” Professor Zhang was ready to get up. “Go, go to the principal’s office with me. Tell me about your attention!” The foundation is still under the name of Peking University, The principal is the nominal person in charge, and in theory such a big change will have to go through him.

Outside the headmaster’s office ~ ~ When the secretary saw them, they brought them in directly; as soon as he got inside, the headmaster stood up with a smile. The mail in his hands. “Guess what I received?”

“Response from the members of the Fund Committee?” At the meeting, many invitations were sent to the authorities, and now it is almost time for them to reply.

“Yes!” The principal showed them an email, “This is Mr. Grothendieck, he has agreed; this is Professor Delinie, he also agreed; and Professor Witten; Professor John Thompson of Cambridge University; Professor Helmandell of Sweden; Professor Shafarevich of Moscow University; Professor Cedric Verany, Director of the Poincaré Institute in France; Professor Mori Chongwen of Kyoto University; Professor Schultz of Humboldt University … Most of the people we contacted before agreed to the invitation and were willing to serve on the review committee. “

The United States, the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Lucia, Germany, and Japan plus China are basically the most important forces in the mathematics community. With their support, the authority of the foundation is beyond doubt.

“We happened to come to you just for the foundation!” Professor Zhang said the matter again.

The headmaster thought for a while and said, “That’s fine. If no one has solved these problems for a long time, the foundation will become a decoration? Now every year, it’s just enough to maintain influence.” . (To be continued.)

Ps: The manuscripts are almost dry!

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