Demon School

Chapter 160 - Faction

After the election, today ’s meeting process will come to an end. As for the selection of other members such as the Hua Luogeng Award and the Chen Shengshen Award Selection Committee, the selection of the head of the working committee, etc. will have to be discussed in the Standing Council next year; the next two days are Routine academic exchange work. n∈

Lv Qiujian’s name appeared majestic on the list of executive directors, surrounded by a group of principals and vice-principals; deans and deputy deans; the director and deputy directors were very striking; but those who attended the meeting were not people Proudly raise a protest, because the mathematics community is ultimately a place where strength is concerned. If you are only a little taller than others, others may still be able to use the excuses of age and seniority to pull you down, but if you are much higher than others, they certainly do not Will ask for boring.

Lu Qiujian was able to easily obtain this position. Another important reason is that he is now a student of Beijing Normal University. He is backed by the thickest tree in the mathematics circle in China. This tree protects him from the wind and rain. Others Don’t dare to offend easily; if he is a student of an unknown college, even if he has made such a great achievement, even if he can still be elected in the end, there will be some trouble.

The mathematics community in Huaguo can be basically divided into three factions: the school of Beijing Normal University where Lu Qiujian is located. In addition to the scholars working in the Beijing Normal University, this school also has several members of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who have deep connections with Beijing Normal University. , With a large number of people and the most powerful.

Which incubator school belongs to Academician Gu who gave the award to Director Gong, they also have allies working in the Academy of Sciences in addition to their academics, but their strength is weaker than that of Beijing Normal University.

The academic school to which Lu Qiujian awarded the award belongs to the most academic school. At first glance, this school has the most people, but because they are from different colleges, and because of the contradictions that have arisen in the previous reforms of the academy of sciences, they are among each other. Lack of cohesion; so that in some major events, it is often used by Beijing Normal University and Incubator University.

The rest are members of some gangs. Maybe from time to time one or two talented people can emerge, but in the end they cannot be compared with the above three groups.

If we compare the mathematics to rivers and lakes. Then Beijing Normal University is Shaolin, firmly occupying the throne of the world’s first school; the hatching egg is Wudang, no one can beat the Shaolin; the Academy of Sciences is like Mingjiao, although there are many masters, but no one can withstand the scene. The leader, there are many contradictions in the teaching, and there is no way to compete with the above two factions; as for the others, such as Huashan and Taishan, they are generally acceptable. If they encounter major events, they can only seek the help of the above three factions.

Today, the appearance of the mathematics community in China has historical reasons. Before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the mathematics community in China was divided between the Chen Su School and the Shuimu School.

Chen Su School is the Wu Yue University School founded by Wu Jian University and Chen Jiangong. They used the discussion class as an important form of mathematical research, and discussed function theory and differential geometry respectively. The students exchanged their latest research progress and international frontier issues with each other in the discussion class, which is quite similar to the afternoon tea party in Princeton. This novel teaching model greatly stimulated the creativity of students, and Wu Yue University has formed a three-legged momentum with the Chicago School of the United States and the Roman School of the Noodle Country in terms of differential geometry.

The Shuimu School, as its name implies, is the mathematics department of Shuimu University. Under the guidance of Xiong Qinglai and Yang Wuzhi, they actively introduced the international advanced mathematics teaching system and advocated academic research. In addition to inviting Chen Shengshen and Hua Luogeng to give lectures, Jacques Adama (French mathematician, prime number theorem has made outstanding contributions, and the important character of the Burbaki school, Wei Yi, who is his student), Norbert-Weiner (Mexican mathematician, The founder of cybernetics) and other world-class scholars are visiting professors; he has made a series of major achievements in academic and teaching.

In the third year after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The adjustment of colleges and universities across the country broke this pattern. The Department of Mathematics of Shuimu University was merged into the Department of Mathematics of Beijing Normal University; the backbone of mathematics of Wuyue University, such as Chen Jiangong and Su Buqing, went northward and merged into Incubation University, and the rest entered Wuyue Normal University. After they left, the original school set up the Advanced Mathematics Teaching and Research Office to take charge of the higher mathematics education in the school. No longer taking up scientific research tasks, the two schools have gradually dissipated since then.

The Jingshi University that annexed the Mizuki Department and the Incubator University with Chen Su joined in the mathematics world, coupled with the country ’s policy of building the Jingshi University and the Incubator University at that time, and the reasons for the small scale of the mathematics majors in other universities and the weak teachers. . As a result, these two factions are now in an absolute monopoly in China.

These two schools have trained a group of scholars who are well-known overseas, and they have also monopolized half of the candidates for the Academy of Mathematics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, which has maintained their monopoly status. It also aroused the disgust of some Qing Gao scholars.

Of course, this kind of situation does not only happen in the mathematics circle in China. There are also other factions in Beijing’s chemistry class, such as Beijing Normal University, Academy of Sciences, Ludao University, and Central University ~ ~ Bulba has also appeared internationally. The Ji School, the Göttingen School and other forces are not all pure and innocent.

When everyone sees the news of a certain popular person in the news and has been elected as an academician, you can take out their resumes to check it out, maybe the faction problem is the real reason here.

In the short term, this kind of situation is advantageous to Lu Qiujian. Beijing Normal University needs him to maintain and improve his position in the mathematics world. Lu Qiujian also needs Beijing Normal University to resist unnecessary troubles for himself and use Beijing Normal University. ‘S name is supported by policy, manpower, and funding to prepare for his plan.

However, the current pattern in the mathematics community will undoubtedly undermine the confidence of other mathematicians, which is not conducive to the growth of a new generation of mathematicians; even some young mathematicians who are still vigorous and tortured because of this problem have been tortured and some are discouraged Yi Leng went to the retreat of the United States, and some teachers and students were defeated, and some of them did not get what they wanted.

This is also an important reason why the Chinese mathematics community has not made great progress in recent years, so this situation is unfavorable for Lu Qiujian in the long run!

Hey, there are still many annoying things! Lu Qiujian sighed slightly, although he still has a certain say in the circle, but it is still not enough to change this situation; maybe he said it when he received the Fields Award two years later. There will be some weight! Hope to find a good way to change this trend by then. (To be continued.)

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