Demon School

Chapter 166 - See you again Simmons

Professor Zhang set his sights on that topic. It was a topic that was not difficult to find a solution to the problem, but it was very computationally intensive. Professor Zhang understood a little, “Oh, you mean that he lacks patience, I am afraid that Shen Do not concentrate on research? “

“Yeah!” Lu Qiujian nodded. “According to the questions he answered, he can see that he is fully capable of making this question, but he gave up because of the amount of calculation, so I think he is a bit inappropriate. [] “

“But there may be more points that want to save time! This may not be a correct strategy!” Professor Zhang was reluctant to find a reason for him, but the perfect score winner, it is a pity if you miss it.

“No, his choice won’t bring him more points!” Lu Qiujian pointed to two other questions. “He only finished half of these two questions and scored a total of nine points! And this The question of the Dao is very important, and the time to do these two questions can be used to calculate the question. His choice is not reasonable! “

“Isn’t there another interview! Give him another chance?” Even if Lu Qiujian said it right, Professor Zhang still wanted to give him the last chance.

“So good!” Lv Qiujian turned out another one from the unsuccessful test paper, “These two and the three people who started the selection will enter the interview! The others can go back!”

The interview process that followed did not meet Lu Qiujian’s expectations. Which full score winner was exposed by Lu Qiujian’s personality flaws, not only lacks patience, but also seems to be unable to calm down.

Seeing him stepping out of the interview room, Professor Zhang gave a slight sigh, deeply regretting him; “It doesn’t matter, not every full score winner will become Tao Zhexuan and Elji!” Lu Qiujian comforted, and the gold medal winner every year Yes, but there don’t seem to be so many people who can accomplish mathematics in the end.

This is like the future superstars such as Fabregas and Messi in the World Youth Soccer Championship, and there will also be short-lived meteors such as Chen Tao and Aliyev.

“How do you feel? What questions did you ask?” As soon as Hao Yunfu came out, Wang Wen, who had participated in the competition with him, came up and asked.

“It feels okay!” Hao Yunfu answered uncertainly. Lv Qiujian’s questions were very skillful and did not arouse his awareness; he had already seen that this was a screening test. Even if you have n’t finished the test, you are better than them? It should be no problem to pass the screening? Until now he has not realized that he has been eliminated.

Hao Yunfu couldn’t believe his eyes when he found out that he was eliminated. The crowd of lost crowds glanced at the overjoyed Wang Wen, Xiang Zhen, and the freshman at Peking Normal University, clenched their fists, and made up their minds that they would have to go to the Mathematics Department of Peking University this year to see if they lost. where.

Wang Wenhe and Xiang Zhen were arranged by Professor Zhang to go through the special recruitment procedures. Which freshman freshman Huang Tiange was happily carrying a large amount of information sent to him by Lu Qiujian went back to work hard. But he who attended the report meeting was very longing for Lu Qiujian’s demeanor to swear Fang Qi in front of global mathematicians. Seeing that now he had a chance, he had made up his mind to say whatever he wanted.

Just as the candidates dispersed, Lu Qiujian also received a call from Simmons. He had verified the algorithm provided by Lu Qiujian and returned to Beijing by charter flight to send Lu Qiujian a share transfer contract.

Was still in the last hotel, the only difference was that Simons brought several expensive lawyers besides assistants this time.

“This is a contract! If you find a lawyer to see if there are no problems, let’s sign a contract!” Simmons’s face was full of smiles. He is now very happy that he chose the Ozark Plateau instead of other places during the holiday.

“I can see it myself!” Lu Qiujian accepted the contract, and the lawyers couldn’t help but exchanged glances and relaxed their vigilance. Since the other party is so cautious, the next thing is easy to handle!

“I don’t think this word is appropriate.” Before they were happy for a long time, a scoop of cold water was poured on their faces. They thought about a trap that they had hidden for a few days and they were discovered by Lu Qiujian.

Then Lu Qiujian’s fingers kept pointing out various clever traps in the contract, making the hard work of the entire team of lawyers useless in irrefutable language.

“I am very grateful that you are a mathematician and not a lawyer!” Until Lu Qiujian entered into a contract, the head of the lawyers’ group who had participated in the signing process of countless contracts was finally relieved. “If you go to be a lawyer, I think we will all be unemployed! “

“Can I sign a contract now?” Seeing that they had finished processing, Simmons came over with a glass of red wine, and business was business. He used to be the usual method in the mall, so he didn’t blush.

The lawyer re-finished the contract with the hotel ’s printer, and Lv Qiujian and Simmons signed their names respectively; looking at the rich man in front of him, he was quite emotional and was in the traditional propaganda of China. Scientists seem to be people who are obsessed with research and willing to be poor, which makes many people lose interest in scientific research.

If Simmons is used as a teaching material and tells them to learn math well, they will become billionaires; take Hawking as an example to tell them that UU reads a book as a scientist and there will be schools to send beautiful nurses; take Yang Zhenning as an example , Let them know that more than eighty years can also attract beautiful women in their twenties; then look at the title of Deligne for outstanding achievements … so young people who are interested in scientific research will be more A lot?

The next day, Simmons was taken to the airport. Lv Qiujian asked the driver to put himself on the street, he had n’t played football for several days, and his brain started to hurt again. He planned to jog back to Beijing Normal University from here today; it was only more than ten kilometers anyway. Long time.

Now the mist of the capital is still within a tolerable range, keeping a fixed rhythm, Lv Qiujian quickly ran to the direction of the Beijing Normal University; I passed the map of the capital in my head and quickly found the best way to return to the school Good route.

Crossing a narrow alley, passing through a bustling business district, running from the front door to the back door of a well-known department store, and then waiting for the overpass with a complicated route to a subway exit.

If someone followed Lu Qiujian, they would be surprised to find that the route he chose was the nearest route from the place where he got off to Beijing Normal University. What was even more surprising was that the traffic lights at the intersection seemed to cooperate with his actions. When he comes to the intersection, the green light will light up accordingly! Did he take this into account?

“Sir, let’s draw a portrait!” When he passed a certain subway entrance, the loli sound with a slightly Xiangnan tone came from behind him and stopped him. (To be continued.)

Ps: Xiwen happy to see bubble girls

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