Demon School

Chapter 179 - examination

Came out of the office building of the Department of Physics, and it was almost time for dinner. Because he had to explain to Professor Zhao, Lu Qiujian declined Director Guo ’s invitation to dinner.

Hey, why are there such a long queue outside the library? After a moment of thinking about Lu Qiujian, I understand that it is probably because the exam week is coming soon!

Say how to solve my exam? There haven’t been many classes this semester! Would you like to ask Professor Zhang later?

Just when he thought of this, the teachers in the mathematics department were having a meeting to discuss the arrangement of the exam this year, which happened to say Lv Qiujian ’s question, “I think Xiao Lu is so busy, so do n’t let him take the exam to delay time. ? Just hand in a paper! “

“Just think about it!” Professor Ren had bad luck this year and was not scheduled for the senior year course, he immediately saw through the other party’s plan, “What if Xiao Lv can get full marks in the exam? Submit a paper, luck The good thing is that you can take the results published in the four major journals! Do n’t think I ca n’t guess what abacus you are playing! ”

“This is not only good for me! It is a great achievement for our entire mathematics department!” Dr. Yu, who made this suggestion, returned to normal when he blushed slightly.

“Can you guarantee that the course you are teaching is exactly the direction of Xiao Lu’s research? Don’t disturb others’ research plans because of your own interests!” This is indeed the case. If Lu Qiujian is now focusing on combinatorial mathematics, you make people home. Submit a paper on functional analysis, is it not upsetting people’s plans!

“Okay, don’t quarrel! Now is the crucial moment to prepare the graduation thesis, let’s not fight for such small problems!” After listening to Professor Zhang for a long time, Lu Qiujian’s papers have been published one after another. His appetite has been raised, and he has been somewhat disregarded for the general grade papers. Every day he looks at Lu Qiujian to make Poincaré conjecture again, which can lead to turbulent results in the global mathematical community.

So he made up his mind to smooth the obstacles for Lu Qiujian, “As I mean, all the exam courses for this time Xiao Lu don’t need to participate! Anyway, according to his level, the perfect score is no problem! We don’t have to pay attention to formalism anymore. ! “

“As for the dissertation, I don’t have to hand it in!” Dr. Yu just got a sigh of joy and got the head of Professor Zhang. “Let Xiao Lu concentrate on preparing the graduation thesis! As for the grades, you can give it casually, as long as Xiao Lu is the first grade. ! “

“Yes!” Everyone agreed listlessly. It seems that there is no hope for Xiang Cong Lu Qiujian to take a bit of cheap!

At the end of the meeting, the professors dispersed and met Lu Qiujian on the way out. Everyone took the initiative to say hello, “Xiao Lu. You don’t have to take this exam! I gave full marks for your functional analysis!”

“Huh? Oh, thank you … you!” Lu Qiujian thought for a long time and didn’t remember the professor who was saying hello. The functional analysis of this semester didn’t take him for a minute.

“This is Dr. Yu in our department!” Professor Zhang saw the embarrassment of Lu Qiujian, so he stepped forward to make a siege. “Go. Go to my office. I just watched your” nature “this morning. I’m afraid I’m going to be jealous! Haha! “

Said that Lv Qiujian was taken away by Professor Zhang, leaving Dr. Yu alone and secretly hurt; mother, there is no reason, one semester is over, even your own teacher does not know! And even then I still have to give others full marks! It’s really … It’s so enviable, why didn’t I have this treatment when I was studying!

“I have let Xiao Liu run the expense reimbursement and bonus of this article. It is estimated that it will not take long to get down! If you are anxious to use money recently, the small vault in the department can still get you some!” The professor began to show his hard work. “As for the exam, you don’t have to worry about it, I will get it for you! You are the first grade in this semester!”

“Well, isn’t that appropriate? Just give me a similar result!” Lu Qiujian was embarrassed for a while. Isn’t it too sorry for the students who lined up in the library?

“What’s wrong? If anyone has an opinion, let him come to me! No need to make Poincaré’s conjecture, as long as I come up with an ann, I will take the lead and give him your first!” Professor Zhang gave a big hand. Waving, said boldly, “With you there, letting others take the first place is a pressure on him!”

“Then thank you!” In this case. Then I took this first! “Oh, there is also the matter of reimbursement for the cost of the thesis. Director Guo of the Physics Department has already reported it to me!”

With a bang, Professor Zhang’s tea cup fell to the ground. “What! Lao Guo reimbursed you? He even came to our math department to grab someone!” Gu Bu went to look at the tea cup that had followed him for ten years, he walked to Lu Qiujian in two steps, “Xiao Lu , You are a member of our math department! How can you accept reimbursement from others? “He is now more anxious than his wife being robbed by others.

“Director Guo said that my thesis is the result of the field of physics, and the Department of Physics of Beijing Normal University is obliged to provide support to young scholars who are interested in physics!” Lu Qiujian said what happened in the office of Director Guo just now, “I also I want to see ~ ~ so I agreed! “

Rely! by! by! Ten thousand grass and mud horses are passing by in Professor Zhao’s heart. You have to say that a supercomputer is easy to handle. Our collegiate collider really can’t do it!

Could the faculty day of the Mathematics Department be terminated early today? Professor Zhang looked at Lv Qiujian with a contemplative look, “So you will concentrate on physics next semester?”

“Of course not. I still have a lot of questions in mathematics that have not been solved yet!” Lu Qiujian reinvigorated Professor Zhang again. “I will still publish the mathematics thesis should be issued, but I will use the remaining time for next year Go to Germany to do some preparations! “

“That’s good, that’s good!” Professor Zhang breathed a long sigh of relief. “That’s right, did you think about the title of the graduation thesis?”

“Basically it has been determined, and the research direction is one of the ten questions I raised at the report meeting last time!” Getting some results earlier is good for promoting your own foundation and journals, ” This time I intend to solve some problems with the Langlands program. “

The Langlands Program is also a hot topic in the field of mathematics. The Laverge, which won the Fields Award last year, was awarded for its outstanding achievements in this field.

Of course, Lu Qiujian is not only concerned about this, he also has the Langlands program in the previous ten questions, and more importantly, the Langlands program is of great significance to quantum physics. Only in the mathematical world. (To be continued.)

Ps: Domestic will end soon

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