Demon School

Chapter 188 - Thesis defense

“The extremum principle plays a very important role in the study of partial differential equations … Combining the above reasons, I have summarized some of the extremum principles of partial differential equations, and also given several extremum principles Several applications …. “In the conference room of the Department of Mathematics, a senior student is elaborating a summary of his thesis with a little nervousness.

As the first-ranked college in the country, the Department of Mathematics of Beijing Normal University is not like those schools that can graduate as long as they pay money. The cards for graduation thesis are still strict; Papers that cite materials that are not authoritative and other issues are usually not easily passed, so in addition to the classmate who is defending, others also look at their papers nervously; only Lu Qiujian is still a relaxed pair Look.

Professor Nan returned to Beijing Normal University this semester. He is sitting on the stage and listening to the student ’s report carefully. After he finished reporting, he moved the microphone to his mouth and asked, “Tell me that you are in energy mode Estimate the reason for using that formula in the fifth section of that section. Is this formula the optimal choice for this problem? “

“Well, I thought so …” The students below clearly heard his voice trembling and even tense with his own mood; the professor Nan in front of him gave the seven major math problems to him Questions for the students’ final exams! Compared to the requirements for graduation thesis, it will only be higher!

Why did n’t he come back for half a semester late, we still have to be assessed by him before taking his class, it is really a big loss! Everyone slandered in unison.

“It’s not appropriate for you to put this formula here. You didn’t consider that you still need to solve the problems of … and …, and you didn’t make up for this loophole in the following article!” Professor Nan just answered his question. Shaking his head pointedly pointed out the errors, “So, there is a major flaw in your paper! I suggest …”

“Cough, Professor Nan!” Professor Zhang couldn’t help interrupting his words. Although there are some problems with this paper, but it is not irreparable, don’t shoot the child directly! “I think let him go back and revise it. Then reply again!”

“Well, that’s it!” Professor Nan hesitated for a moment and agreed with Professor Zhang’s opinion.

“Thank you Professor Zhang, thank you Professor Nan. Thank you Professor Ren …” The child was crying because he was wronged, and he had to bow down one by one.

There is such an example in front, and the students who responded later were more nervous; but the more nervous the more error-prone, and some of the original papers had no problems, but when Professor Nan asked him, he was a little confused. The words spoken in the mouth were not satisfactory, and soon suffered a similar end to the classmate just now.

Xu Ye and Li Yincheng, Lu Qiujian’s roommates, are better. They have let Lu Qiujian help them to read their papers before, and all the slightly obvious problems have been dealt with, so they passed this level and passed the defense smoothly.

“Student Kong Yuan, please come forward to reply, and please prepare, Lv Qiujian!” The time for the reply passed quickly, and it was not long before Lu Qiujian arrived. He took the paper out of the document package and prepared the reply. Preparation.

“Well. You can answer a few questions. You can see that you have done a good job in preparation!” Professor Nan said after hearing Kong Yuan’s answer. “There are only a few details that are not perfect. This I’ll let you pass the second reply; but I’m afraid I need to improve it if I want to post it. “

“Yes, thank you Professor Nan, thank you Professor Zhang …” Kong Yuan let out a big breath and bowed to thank him with a smile.

Next, it was Lu Qiujian ’s turn, and almost everyone in the meeting room turned his attention. The other classmates in the next room also finished sneaking in. They wanted to see the legend of the Beijing Normal University in the paper What a demeanor when replying.

“Oh, Xiao Lu. You have been in the high-energy institute for several months! After Professor Nan returned to China, you didn’t visit him much, this is a bit undesirable!” Didn’t wait for Lu Qiujian to start elaborating his thesis Professor Zhang said with a smile, if not during this time, the papers issued by Lv Qiujian have continued to increase. He has to go to the High Energy Institute to get him out!

“Yes, this is mine, not! I will surely make a good guilt to Professor Nan!” After Professor Nan returned to China, he only met once at the welcome party on the first day, and has been staying in the High Energy Institute since then. Not kind.

“It’s okay, I want to see me at any time. Such learning opportunities are not always available; besides, your recent article has given me a lot of inspiration!” Professor Nan changed the rigor of his talents, and he didn’t think that meaning.

“High energy is still used to staying? Want me to say that the cafeteria there is really ridiculous. I went there last time. The braised pork roast, biting a mouthful of oil, wasted those good pork belly! “Professor Zhang even grinned, as if there was such a piece of braised pork in his mouth.”

“It is better to say that this is the best braised pork roast in the small cafeteria of the faculty and staff of Tancheng University compared to universities and research institutes across the country! That’s really a sweet and soft, fat and not greasy …” Professor Ren who didn’t ask much questions also came to join in their conversation.

Lv Qiujian and the students under the stage were all messed up in the wind, teacher, we are the defense of the Mathematics Department of Beijing Normal University, not the graduation design assessment of New East Culinary Arts School!

“That’s of course, don’t look at where Tancheng is! The braised pork came from them!” Another professor said, “If you want me to watch colleges and universities all over the country, there is no comparison of roast pork. Their good! “

“If you want to just say that it is braised pork, I have no opinion! But I would not agree to expand the scope to the meat!” Someone immediately stood up to object ~ ~ Dongpo Meat of Wuyue University Academic Exchange Center! Gourd meat in the expert canteen of East Guangdong University! There is also the burning of the Institute of Religion of Shuzhong University! Not to lose to him! I ’m talking about pork. I have n’t mentioned the yak beef from Tubo University, the lamb from Western Region University, or the Baodao University … “

This is obviously a foodie, and everyone who can speak can’t help swallowing; seeing the topic a bit far away, Professor Ren quickly patted the table, “You guys, want to eat meat for a while, I invite you, we still have Answer it! “

At this time, all the people woke up from the lively discussion, Professor Zhao smiled embarrassedly, and then looked at Professor Nan, “Professor Nan, it’s almost the same time to see this reply. Xiao Lu passed it right now?”

“Well, let’s go!” The students under the stage were messy again in the wind! (To be continued.)

Ps: Well, you can go abroad in the next chapter. Thank you for the 588 reward of the Second Emperor, thanks to Eclair Fallon, Pegasus Spring and Autumn, Wing Devil’s Vest, Shuyou 110614200135495, Feilian Messenger, Big Cat Cat Eye, Xuanyuan Changlei, Sun and Moon, Tongguang, Suifeng 100 , Four Coke Bottles, Inflation, I am a strong friend, ~. Meow a reward.

Thanks, ,, Dream Unlimited 99, Shuyou 110614200135495 and other monthly tickets, woo woo, double time has gone up so slowly! Do n’t let me have nothing to add today!

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