Demon School

Chapter 200 - Research direction

Although Mu succeeded, this night was not entirely fruitless for Lv Qiujian. At least he came to the bar after a night. He and the old players of the team quickly played together; although he was only involved in tactical training. Slightly dissatisfied, but after seeing Lu Qiujian’s incredible performance in the joint training, Kahn, Barak and others accepted the fact that he was already a member of Bayern.

The first round of the Bundesliga this year began in early August. Lu Qiujian explained to Magath that his school is relatively busy. The first appearance may be until the first home game at the end of August or early September; Magath is helpless Agree to come down.

The reasons for asking for leave are, on the one hand, the reason why the school ’s research work is busy, and the other is not suitable for it. The mid-August is the beginning of the Olympic Games. He has accumulated a lot of negative effects if he does not participate in the Olympic Games; Ming struggled hard with the Chinese men’s basketball team in Greece, but he and Bayern abused the dishes together, allowing people with ulterior motives to interpret it, which was very bad for him.

I am afraid that the majority of fans are not in the mood, just thinking that since they have time to play for Bayern, why can’t they go to Greece to participate in the Olympics? They will not understand why Lv Qiujian’s laboratory work is relatively heavy, and it is basically impossible to have time to go to Greece for a half-month battle.

So simply not to participate in the competition at this time. I will try my best to paint two papers, and I will say something after I debut in the Bundesliga in September.

As for Magath, there is another reason. Lv Qiujian only has 90 days of work-study time every year, and his strength is strong enough; this valuable weapon is still better to use until the middle and later seasons, if it is not easy Entering the UEFA Champions League knockout stage, Lv Qiujian’s work-study time has run out, is this not to be depressed?

Except for the above reasons. While Kahn, Barak and others are actively training and ready to invest in the journey of the new season, Lu Qiujian sits in front of the computer at the physics laboratory of the University of Munich and quickly processes various data.

Physics has developed to the present stage. The scale people are paying attention to develops in both macro and micro aspects, and the macro aspect includes the Hubble Space Telescope and other equipment to observe changes in the universe. In the microscopic aspect, the large colliders break the **** of the particles to produce smaller stable and unstable particles, and then observe and study these particles. In short, it uses higher energy physics to detect smaller objects.

So now why did n’t Lu Qiujian quickly find a collider to start the test? On the one hand, the collider consumes a lot of energy each time it runs. At the same time, the collider also needs to be maintained and overhauled after the test. The high cost of the test makes it impossible for local research centers such as cern to conduct frequent tests.

On the other hand, each test will generate a large amount of data, and it will take a long time to analyze and study these data; for example, as an example, the whole process is the large hadron collider, which is the largest and highest energy in the world. The particle accelerator is a high-energy physical device that accelerates and collides protons.

The ring tunnel of is 27 kilometers long. The total weight of the equipment exceeds 50,000 tons. The strong magnetic field generated by the superconducting magnet cooled to near absolute zero accelerates the proton beam in the ring tunnel, and finally collides and crushes the particles with energy of the level of 100 billion electron volts. The five detectors, vertex detector, trajectory tracker, electromagnetic energy storage, hadron energy storage, and muon detector, record the energy momentum of the next pile of initial and final state particles.

Then is the data analysis work that Lv Qiujian is currently carrying out, “backstepping” these last-state particles, and “reconstructing” the intermediate-state particles. Of course, the specific process is very complicated and obscure. What everyone needs to know is that these experiments are looking for microscopic particles that have not been discovered by people, and these particles will be reflected in the data currently processed by Lu Qiujian.

If you can find strange parts from these vast data, congratulations, you have discovered the wait-and-see gadgets of countless physicists. Honors and praises will rush to you quickly; of course, the premise is that your findings are accurate, not that there is a problem with the experimental equipment or your analysis error.

Ding Zhaozhong won the Nobel Prize for the discovery of the j particle with Rickett in 75 years. Pell and Rheins won the Nobel Prize in 1995 for the discovery of t-lepton and neutrino are the results of this experiment.

So what are the particles that people most want to discover today? There is no doubt that the Higgs boson, which is what people usually call the God particle.

In 1964, British physicist Peter Higgs published an academic theory article, proposing the existence of a particle field and predicting the existence of a boson that can attract other particles and produce mass. He believes that this boson is the source of the mass of matter, and is the basis for the formation of masses such as electrons and quarks. Other particles wander in the field formed by such particles and generate inertia, thereby forming mass. Build a big world ~ ~ Why is the God particle so important? Because it is considered to be the particle that gives the mass of the universe, it is also related to the final vacancy of the standard model of high-energy physics.

There is such a comic. The hall representing matter and interaction is composed of three basic pillar dynamic models, which are space-time dynamics (Einstein field equation), quantum gauge field (Young Mills equation), mass generation mechanism (Higgs mechanism) .

The pillars representing space-time dynamics and quantum gauge fields are solid and perfect. The only one that represented the Higgs mechanism was portrayed by cartoonists as a single abduction for the disabled.

This cartoon image shows that the biggest problem with the incomplete model of matter and interaction lies in the Higgs mechanism.

There are many reasons why the Higgs mechanism is portrayed as such. First of all, it looks ugly and does not conform to the aesthetics of most physicists! Because of the image problem, the impact will not only occur in the film and television circle, but also in the physical session; just like the other basic pillar of the Einstein field equation is beautiful, so even if there are various problems, such as not being solved, such as There must be a singularity failure, for example, dark energy must be introduced to explain the appearance of our universe, or countless people love it, protect it, and believe in it.

In addition, the Higgs mechanism has shortcomings such as symmetry breaking and structural problems, but the most important thing is the lack of practical evidence! That is the discovery of the Higgs boson.

And Lu Qiujian’s current research direction is to find the Higgs boson, so as to fill the last vacancy of the standard model of high-energy physics. (To be continued.)

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