Demon School

Chapter 218 - Professor Suft\\\'s troubles

“What is the problem?” Higgs stood up. When he was at the Hebrew University, listening to Lu Qiujian’s explanation, it seemed that all the issues that should be considered were taken into account?

“Well, you know, maybe it is limited by space. This article only describes the outline of the method. Many details have not been shown one by one, which makes us lack specific steps!” Napier replied helplessly. “So at least now we can’t work according to the method he described.”

“If we improve ourselves, I estimate that it will take at least a month to come up with a rough implementation plan!” Stokes added, “so, if possible, I hope you can invite Mr. Lu to Edinburgh to give We will give a detailed explanation! “

This reason left Higgs with nothing to say. I knew Professor Furstenberg had already asked him to record a video at Hebrew University! “Okay, I’ll try to contact Professor Xuft!” Higgs waved them to signal that they would go out first, and then picked up the phone.

Well, I should say so to the red nose for a while, while wondering how to open the door to invite Professor Xuft and Lu Qiujian to communicate in Edinburgh, while dialing his number.

Beep ~ beep ~ The prompt tone during the call disrupted Higgs’ plan. He threw the phone down on the desk in depression, turned the phone twice in the office and dialed the number again; yeah, still on the phone!

The same is true when calling Lv Qiujian, is this a pizzeria ordering phone? Why is it so hard to beat! Even if it’s a pizzeria ordering phone, it’s not a meal time now! Professor Higgs became more and more depressed.

“Hello, Director Chen.” Just after hanging up a phone call, it was too late to drink. Lu Qiujian’s mobile phone rang again. As soon as he saw the name on the phone, Lu Qiujian immediately pressed the answer key to greet him respectfully.

“I said Xiao Lu, you don’t mean enough! I haven’t said anything in my high-energy facility for so long, I just made such a big move when I arrived in Germany!” The director pretended to be angry. “I read your article in” Physical Review Letters “, which is also very useful for our high-energy institute!”

“You can’t say that!” Lv Qiujian quickly called out injustice. “When I was staying with us, I didn’t give you the hard work; the upgrade plan before I left was much earlier than you expected. You can’t be wronged me!”

“Haha, since so many contributions have been made for high energy, can it be more!” Director Chen laughed, “Do you think you are returning to China or I’m sending someone to Germany? You have to put this This method is complete for our church! “

It seems that Director Chen encountered the same problem as Higgs. This method has greatly improved the efficiency of data analysis in high-energy physics experiments. However, it is not just a matter of reading the article, but also on-site counseling by Lu Qiujian.

I do n’t know yet. It ’s the first few calls that Lu Qiujian received today about this issue. He immediately replied in the same language as before. “I ’m afraid I have to listen to Professor Xuft ’s arrangement for the specific time. Just now Xu Professor Fut and I have already received several such calls, and I will let you know as soon as possible as soon as there is a result, okay? “

“It seems that everyone’s efficiency is very high!” Director Chen sighed, “That’s all right! You have to rank our high-energy institutes in the first batch!”

At this time, Lu Qiujian was in Professor Xuft’s office. Professor Xuft just watched what he was about to say when he hung up, and the phone rang again before he opened his hand.

Professor Suft shrugged helplessly and pressed the answer button. “Hello Professor Penny Cook!” Because there are so many calls today, Professor Xuft has no strength to deal with his colleagues, too lazy to ask the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where the other side is recently new. The action went straight to the topic, “Did you just call because of the article in” Physical Review Letters? “

“Yes, Professor Xuft!” The other party said with excitement, “I want to invite you and Dr. Lu to come to Oak Ridge for a visit and exchange. I don’t know if you have any time recently?”

“If it is at other times, I will be happy to accept your invitation!” I knew that, Professor Xuft and Lu Qiujian looked at each other with a wry smile. This is already the first few invitations he has received today. If every Both promised that they would not have to do anything else for the rest of the year!

“How? Have you agreed to others?” Penny Cook’s voice immediately became irritable. “Which laboratory? Or a college?”

“No, no, I didn’t agree!” Professor Xuft quickly denied, “It just seems that there are too many people calling us to invite us, so I want to put all those who want to learn this method together. Make a speech. So everyone can save time! “

“Great idea! If the time and place are confirmed, please let me know!” It was emphasized several times that Penny Cook hung up the phone.

“I said Lu, when have you been recently …” Before he finished, he was interrupted by the knock on the door.

“Oh my God. Rikov! Can’t you knock on the door a little lower!” After a long phone bombing, even the good-tempered Professor Xuft couldn’t help complaining.

Professor Zikoff squeezed through the door crack can tell from the name that he is a Slavic origin Work, is he also for that article.

“Professor Xuft, your phone is too difficult to get through, so I came directly!” He ignored Xufut’s complaint and walked straight to Lu Qiujian, “Mr. Lu, follow me to Physics to make a report. ! “

“I knew that!” Professor Xuft fell into a happy worry. His laboratory’s achievements were gratifying, but the constant phone calls throughout the day were too annoying! Now that Rikoff has come to the door, the next one is not far away.

“Sorry, Professor Xuft has other arrangements for this matter!” Lv Qiujian smiled and refused the invitation of Rikov.

“Professor Xuft? …” Rikov turned his head and was about to ask, but saw that Xuft picked up the phone again.

“Hello Peter!” Hearing the familiar voice on the phone, Lu Qiujian raised his ears as if it were Higgs.

“Thank God, I finally got through the phone! Hillman, do you know how difficult it is to get through your phone! I’m from … fuuk! How did it break again!” As soon as it was connected, Higgs had a series of calls He complained, but he didn’t wait until he finished complaining, and the phone hung up again.

“Well, it seems that there are too many calls because of too many calls!” On the Munich side, Xuft innocently shook the phone that had been blank. (To be continued.)

Ps: The first chapter of chapter thirty-fifth and more, the long road to debt repayment!

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