Demon School

Chapter 223 - Underground world

“Can I take pictures here?” After receiving a positive answer, Liu Yuzhou picked up the camera around his neck again and pointed at the sign for a while.

I saw the words “where-the-web-was-” written on it. Obviously this humble office is the birthplace of the Internet that has brought earth-shaking changes to the whole world. Tim Berners-Lee is It has changed the lives of people all over the world.

“Its server is in the exhibition hall you just saw, and it is also written in red ink: ‘This machine is a server, please don’t shut down!’” Dr. Voss is not surprised at this, almost every Tourists who come to cern will stop here to take photos, and then post the photos to the Internet created by Tim Berners-Lee.

“Isn’t this the center of nuclear physics? Do you still study these things that have nothing to do with physics?” Liu Yuzhou couldn’t help asking.

“The earliest purpose of the Internet was to provide a fast and convenient way of communication for laboratories around the world, but Tim hadn’t thought it would have such a big impact!” Seeing that the shooting was completed, Dr. Voss took them to move on , “At the same time promoting the development of new technologies is also an important function of cern.”

When passing by another office, he pointed to it and said, “The team here invented the touch screen technology. It was originally applied to the control system of the accelerator. Later, people found it more convenient to use the mouse, so they abandoned it; but now Many mobile phone developers have found us looking to buy this technology again, and maybe it will not take long before you can use a touch screen mobile phone! “

Lying trough, I did not expect this thing to be developed by you! Lu Qiujian looked at the office, how many young boys’ waists were cut off by you guys!

Looked at Dr. Voss and moved on, “There is research on using high-energy protons and other heavy ion beams to treat cancer. If successful, cern will bring the gospel to all mankind again!”

Ok. I cut the waist just now, and now healed the broken waist. Cern still provides a full set of services! Lu Qiujian secretly vomited.

Came out of the R & D center. Dr. Vos shrugged to Liu Yuzhou apologetically, “Your journey seems to be over here. I’m afraid that only Lu and his classmates can enter the rest!”

“Huh … That’s really a shame!” Liu Yuzhou loved to look at other buildings that hadn’t been in sight, “Then I’ll go back to the hotel first, you continue to visit!”

After arranging the staff to take him out, Dr. Voss and Lv Qiujian and others came to the entrance of the atlas detector, atlas is the code name of the largest detector toroidal instrument on it; finally see the true face of this big guy Lushan Alright!

After going through a series of complicated procedures such as iris verification and detection, Lu Qiujian recovered and stepped into the elevator with great excitement.

After a minute of descent, the elevator came to the platform area 90 meters underground, from which you can observe the whole picture of atlas. Dr. Voss took out a radiation meter, and after confirming that there were no problems, took them out.

“Wow!” Dietrich, who came here for the first time like Lu Qiujian, couldn’t help but exclaim. He saw a round blue surface with a metal structure centered on a massive blue pillar. , The round surface is covered with dense reflective panels made of unknown materials, which seems to be the atlas detector.

“It is 46 meters long, 25 meters in diameter, and weighs 7,000 tons. It weighs the same as the Eiffel Tower!” Dr. Voss proudly introduced. “The reason why it is named Hercules (atlas is used in Greek mythology Titans with shoulders supporting the sky). Just want to use its unparalleled power to discover those tiny particles that other instruments have found unhappy at all! “

Amount of force, you can observe smaller particles? What is the logic? To use Greek mythology as a metaphor, it seems that it is more appropriate to use the hundred-eyed giant Argos or the goddess Theia, the **** of light and vision? Lu Qiujian gave a bad review to the literary literacy of cern scientists.

“Atlas can take 40 million photos per second.” Dr. Voss continued to introduce them to this big guy with great interest. “Only about 500 photos have been collided and read out for analysis.”

Those who ran into each other. A microscopic big bang will occur, reproducing the state of the instant 1 microsecond after the big bang. Well, one second is equal to one thousand milliseconds, and one millisecond is equal to one thousand microseconds. You can calculate how short this time is.

It can be said that the work done by Lu Qiujian and Dietrich and others some time ago was to find the 500 useful ones from the 40 million photos in this copy, and then discover new ones from these 500. thing.

It can be imagined how dull and long this process is, and it can also explain why the work done by Lu Qiujian some time ago gave Higgs such a great stimulation; if Higgs is compared to a capitalist, then Lu Qiujian The new method can make his factory produce twice the product in the same time, the capitalist will be so excited that he can’t extricate himself!

“Okay. Let’s go to see another big guy!” Then Dr. Voss took them to the compact coil (also another important detector of the cms detector).

“Gentlemen. You have now entered the territory of the French Republic! If you enter from the ground, you may have to go through some procedures!” Dr. Vos made a joke ~ ~ The probe is a long contract 21 meters. The cylindrical structure with a diameter of about 16 meters and a weight of 12,500 tons is located in the cessy underground cave of the French town, so Dr. Voss is only making such a joke.

Well, if you go straight up from here, it might come out of the backyard of Yang Xilan, the former star captain of the Chinese women’s volleyball team. It is said that her villa is in this small town.

“The operation status of the cooling system, power system, underground air system and other systems will be fed back here!” Dr. Voss let them observe the condition of the interior of the room through the glass. The walls inside are densely covered with displays, which is very sci-fi a feeling of!

For such a large base, the power grid of one country in Switzerland alone cannot provide enough power, so France also undertakes a part of the task of supplying energy to cern; whenever the experiment begins, the issue of power quotas must be negotiated with these two countries. The input required for high-energy physics experiments is evident from this.

Only a few large countries or international cooperation organizations are capable of accomplishing this feat. As for private companies, basically no need to think about it! Otherwise, light energy can cause them headaches. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you for the destruction of the lamp, yue yue yue yue, my sword is so cheap, the sun and the moon shine with the same light, thanks to the banana scented bear,

Book Friend 150731232725585, let me take you away, rainy, dusty, sleepy and so on.

Try harder.

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