Demon School

Chapter 240 - Interview with the most threads in history

“Ludwig, go back first! I still have something to do!” Today is the day for all the members of Professor Xuft’s laboratory to have dinner. Lu Qiujian and Dietrich and Ludwig joined them together. I came out of the restaurant at more than seven o’clock in the evening. It seems that it is too late to go back to school, but there is an internet cafe just next to it. 【】

Well, it can be considered a German Internet cafe! However, Internet cafes in Germany are actually different from those in China. They are closer to coffee shops, but there are computers that can provide Internet services, and the cost is much higher than in China.

After sending off Dietrich and others, Lv Qiujian pushed open the door of this internet cafe, and as soon as he entered, he saw the waiter running up sorry, “Sorry, today we are holding an event here, it will be very noisy, You better switch to an internet cafe to enjoy the service! “

It’s too late to go to other places now! Germany is not like the domestic Internet cafes, Lu Qiujian looked at it and it seemed that there was still space available, “It doesn’t matter, I will stay for an hour!”

“So okay! I’ll take you in. What coffee do you need?” The waiter has fulfilled his obligation to inform in advance. Seeing Lu Qiujian still insists, he will not dissuade.

“-In-the-!” Internet cafes are full of such voices, more than ten young people are divided into two groups to play with pleasure, so that Lu Qiujian suddenly gave birth to the feeling of returning to the country!

“Do you think it’s okay here?” The waiter was a little embarrassed. Looking at Lu Qiujian’s gentle manner, it seems unlikely to play games in the cafe. The noise of those games will definitely have a great impact on him.

“Okay, give me a latte!” Lv Qiujian sat in the seat and turned on the computer. Naturally, the Internet cafe computer in Germany would not provide software such as qq and Chinese input method. Lu Qiujian downloaded it again and again, and finally I logged in qq before eight o’clock.

As soon as I opened qq, I heard countless coughs and added friends’ applications one by one. Lu Qiujian reviewed and approved their applications according to the media list sent by Liu Yuzhou via email. So his qq instantly added dozens of friends.

It can be seen from the language in the application information that these reporters are from different countries, so Lu Qiujian began to download different input methods for Russian, French, Neon, Italian, Spanish, etc., as for German and English. The computer in the Internet cafe has already been installed.

“The interview starts now and ends at 9 o’clock, you can start asking questions!” After all the software is installed, Lu Qiujian starts sending messages through qq.

“Hello, I am a reporter from the” Team Daily. “According to reliable information, you have become a popular candidate for this year’s Golden Boy Awards. Do you have confidence in the awards?” A few lines of French popped up in the dialog box immediately.

“Well, my birthday is November 8, 83! I remember the Golden Boy Award is only awarded to players under the age of 21, I don’t seem to be eligible to participate in the judging?” Lu Qiujian replied, hey, this year’s competition Without it, Mr. European Football must be gone!

“Hello, I am a reporter from the” Black Belt “magazine of the United States. After watching your game video, Rexon Gracie praised your knowledge of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu has reached a very high level. He expressed great interest and You play a game, will you play against it? “This time, the English popped up in the dialog box.

“I’m sorry, the last time I participated in the competition was for special reasons. I think I’m afraid I don’t have time to compete with Mr. Rexon!” Lu Qiujian replied quickly.

“Dear Dr. Lu, I am a reporter for the” Gazzetta dello Sport “. It is said that Moratti said he hopes to introduce you during the winter break! What do you think?” Press the hot key and a few lines of Italian appear on the desktop.

“Sorry, I prefer Munich University to Milan Polytechnic University! My first career is a PhD student in physics. I’m afraid I can only regret Mr. Moratti’s love!” Lu Qiujian also speaks Italian. Reply.

“I am a reporter for The Sun. According to insiders at Chelsea, Abramovich has written a blank check to Hernes, indicating that the above figures are filled out by Mr. Hernes, he only hopes that you can Appeared in Chelsea’s lineup after the winter break! Are you happy to work with Mr. Mourinho? “The Sun’s news channel is great!

“Um. It seems that I need a labor certificate to play in the Premier League? I have never played in the national team! In addition, it is not impossible for me to go to London, as long as Mr. Abramovich was built in London before the winter break. A bigger collider, I have to go to London for the penalty! “Lv Qiujian also made a joke, even if Abu is willing to take out half of his property to build the collider, there is no way to do it in winter. Get it done before the break!

“Lv Jun. It is said that snk and at the same time issued a statement, want to use your image in the next edition of” The King of Fighters “and” Street Fighter “, how do you think about this?” From the reporter’s work unit , He seems to work for a gaming media.

“My agent and I have not received this message!” Hey, it seems that the neon people always like to set the role of the country more powerful in the game. I don’t want to be abused by people in the game.

“Dr. Lu, the 2006 World Cup qualifiers will be reignited in the Asian region next month ~ ~ The current qualifying situation of the Chinese men ’s football team is not optimistic, only to win the Hong Kong team in the last game Have a chance; will you choose to go back to China to participate in the competition? “This time I was replaced by a reporter from Sports Weekly.

“I’m sorry, the first experiment will start next month. If this experiment can find the Higgs boson, it will have a huge impact on the entire physics session. I don’t think I can refuse the attraction of this experiment!” Between the World Cup and physics, Lu Qiujian chose the latter decisively.

“Mr. Lu, hello, I am …”

“Dr. Lu, may I ask …”

Lv Qiujian opened a double-digit dialogue window at the same time. Through multi-threaded operations, he and the journalists from all over the world had a dialogue. The movement of the finger on the keyboard almost made no shadow, and the quick reply let the computer side The reporters all thought that Lu Qiujian had an one-on-one interview with him.

“You guys are too good. I can beat you with only half of my strength! I go to the bathroom first and start the next game when I come back!” A blond young man stood up from his seat and built a seat from Lu Qiu Walk past the bathroom.

The clattering keyboard clattering attracted his attention, perhaps because of his occupation, he was particularly sensitive to this sound, and slowly turned around to watch Lu Qiujian’s movements.

God, with this kind of operation speed, his hand speed may be reached … (to be continued.)

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