Demon School

Chapter 244 - Start of experiment

“Lv, I’m glad to see you again!” Higgs’s serious face, the importance of this test to him is self-evident, so much so that he can’t even squeeze out his smile now.

Witten’s complexion on the side was complicated, and it seemed that he was depressed by experiments and verification of his theory; Hawking used his unique electronic sound to argue with Dyson in the past, “I still think that the Higgs boson is not May be found, we can bet if we do n’t believe it! “

“Xiao Lu, let me take you to know some domestic colleagues!” This is Director Chen of the High Energy Institute. He brought Lu Qiujian to several Chinese people. “This is Professor Wang from the University of Science and Technology, this is Professor Liu from Lu University and Professor Wu from Jinling University. The three of them belong to the atlas experimental group just like me. Ha ha, you ’ve seen this long ago, Professor Qi of Peking University, his team and us Another group of the Institute is a member of the cms experimental group; Professor Mu of Hubei Normal University currently works under the experimental group; Professor Sun of Shuimu University participates in the experiment. “

“Several predecessors are good, I am very happy to see you in cern!” There are about 7,000 scientists from 80 countries working and researching in cern. Of course, there are many Chinese scientists.

“I really envy such a scene! I don’t know when Hua Guo can gather so many scientists!” Professor Sun of Mizuki University looked at the scientists gathered around him.

“As long as there is a bigger collider, I’m not afraid that they won’t come!” Professor Wu of Jinling University rolled his eyes and squeezed beside Director Chen, “Oh, I heard that you have written a report to ask for Apply to build the world’s largest collider, don’t forget us when it’s approved! “

“Then I don’t know how long it will be!” Director Chen tweeted twice, and the report has already been hit, but such a huge amount of funds will certainly feel pressure on it, even if the economy of China is gradually developing, but If you want to make such a large investment in the field of basic research, it is still unsuccessful. Have the unseen construction gathered the support of more than ten European countries! Hua Guo did this alone!

However, some wind has recently been heard from above. It seems that some people have taken their reports back, and I heard that it seems that it is because of the young man in front of them; indeed, Lu Qiujian has already shown his potential in the field of high-energy physics before. What an amazing result. Then after he returns to China, he will pull him to a high-energy place. The probability of passing this report will probably be higher!

“Come here, there are a few colleagues on Treasure Island. Let’s say hello in the past!” Without waiting for much thought, Professor Qi of Beijing Normal University led them to another wave of Chinese scientists who had just entered from the door. .

Although there are still some differences between the two sides. But when I met my compatriots of the same root in Cern, both parties felt very cordial and soon had a very happy chat. Lu Qiujian was warmly welcomed by the treasure island scientists.

“Lv, the experiment is about to start soon. Are you ready to cash your bet?” Dr. Evans walked between them and asked with a smile, looking at Lv Qiujian. The data processing after the experiment required a lot of manpower. Yes, Lv Qiujian’s help will undoubtedly be much better.

“If the experiment is successful, I will be happy to help you!” Before the experiment begins. Lv Qiujian didn’t want to continue to emphasize that the experiment would fail. From the look on Dr. Evans’ face, it seems that he hasn’t been able to sleep well recently!

The next day, Director Chen and his team went to their respective experimental groups. Lu Qiujie and Higgs, Hawking, Witten and others waited nervously in the large observation room for the start of the experiment.

“Atlas experimental team reports preparations!” Dr. Evans began the final inspection.

“Atlas experimental group is ready!”

“Received! Cms experimental group to report preparations!”

“Cms experimental group is ready!”

“Received! The experimental group reports on the preparation!”

“The experimental group is ready!”


Each experimental group came to the report of “Ready”, and everyone in the observation room focused on Professor Evans on the big screen.

“The detection of the accelerator channel is completed! The detection of the proton beam tube is completed!” The last two groups were also prepared, and no unexpected situation occurred.

“All the staff are ready and the collider’s accelerating tube starts to charge!” Carrying the expectations of all high-energy physicists such as Higgs, Evans issued an order to start the experiment.

“The charging of the collision accelerator tube started and everything went smoothly. The charging will be completed according to the scheduled plan!” The accelerator channel is mainly placed with two proton beam tubes, which are covered by superconducting magnets and cooled with liquid helium . After charging, the collision will start soon. The protons in these two accelerating tubes will run around the entire toroidal accelerator in the opposite direction at an energy level of 3.5 tev (terabytes).

Although the total length of the accelerating tube is up to 27 kilometers, it can only be an instant matter for these protons whose speed is close to the speed of light; the time for each proton to surround the entire storage ring is 89 microseconds. Because of the characteristics of synchrotrons, the particles in the accelerating tube are in the form of particle clusters, rather than a continuous stream of particles, with a minimum collision period of 25 nanoseconds.

“The charge is completed. Now it is time to accelerate!” I don’t know how long it has passed ~ ~ The voice of the head of the acceleration tube team broke the silence of the observation room.

“Start accelerating according to the test plan!” Evans issued a decisive command without any hesitation in his voice.

“Yes, start accelerating!” Before the particles are incident on the main acceleration ring, they will go through a series of acceleration facilities to gradually increase the energy. This process will be completed in cooperation with a number of working groups including a proton synchrotron, a proton synchrotron, and a proton synchrotron, which are composed of two linear accelerators.

Evens’ eyes closely followed the progress of the work reported on the screen, and issued a command until these particle clusters entered the accelerator channel, where they would collide here, thus simulating the scene of the beginning of the universe. Observers such as atlas and cms are well prepared. They wait to observe and record these valuable data near the collision point.

All preparations have been completed, the particle cluster entered the accelerator channel, and soon began to collide; at the same time, a very strange cloud appeared above the cern, and the cloud showed the appearance of a storm eye, hovering at a fast speed. A bright spot suddenly appeared out of thin air, and immediately moved towards the center of the vortex cloud at a very fast speed.

In the end what happened? All people who see this peculiar phenomenon are asking themselves. (To be continued.)

Ps: Cough, the experimental process is not so simple, but surely everyone will not hope that the following dozens of chapters are boring experimental process, right? So it is simply abbreviated like this! I have to go to the countryside to give a gift for three days. In these few days, I can only send a manuscript.

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