Demon School

Chapter 37 - Affinity number

“I haven’t thought that far so far.” He only published two papers. Doesn’t Professor Wiles need to value himself so much? The Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies requires at least a Ph.D. to enter, and those who can enter there have long since not known how many top papers have been published.

“In fact, it’s not as long as you think!”, Professor Wiles continued to persuade, “Look, you are a junior this year, you can continue to come to Princeton to study after you graduate from undergraduate, and get it with your strength for two years. There is no problem with the doctorate. If you make some achievements during this period, entering here is a matter of course! “

If Lu Qiujian is really committed to mathematics research, then this path is undoubtedly the best choice, but for him mathematics is only the basis for completing his own plan, and he will change his major after graduating from undergraduate. Sorry.

“Okay.” Wyeth also mentioned today on a whim. When he saw that he was not very active, he no longer insisted, but just gently persuaded, “Lv, don’t live up to your talent!”

After spending the weekend with the two of them, Lu Qiujian was finally able to make time to date Stella, “Gosh, you finally remembered to call me on the phone, and I said that if you do n’t give me before my birthday, I will ignore you on the phone! “

“Oh, sorry, I have to complete two essays recently, and there is a contest! So there is not much personal time!”, Lu Qiujian apologized to change the topic immediately, “So your birthday is coming soon? What is the date?”

“I was born at 0:00 on December 1.” Stella really forgot to pursue Lu Qiujian’s fault, “Remember to buy me a gift!”

“Wait, 0:00 on December 1st? Why is it so coincident that I was born at 4 o’clock on November 8!”, Said Lu Qiujian in surprise.

“Well, is there any special relationship between these two dates?”, Stella was confused by him, “And why didn’t you invite me to your birthday party?”

“I was in the library on my birthday, and I remembered it after a few days!” Lu Qiujian wrote two numbers on white paper, “Look, your birthday can be written as 1210, and my birthday can be written as 1184. ! “

“But what’s so special about these two numbers?” Stella ignores that this method is not a common date recording habit in the United States.

“Come on, try to list all the factors of these two numbers except themselves, that is, the numbers divisible by 1210 and 1184, remember to only need to list positive numbers!”, Lu Qiujian smiled mysteriously Then, hand the pen to Stella.

“I am not good at math!”, She said so, but she still took the pen and calculated it on the paper, “The factor of 1210 is 1, 2, 5, 10 …”

“There is 11.”, Lu Qiujian’s head was next to her head, sniffing the fragrance from her hair while watching her calculation, and still not forgetting to point out her omissions.

“Yes, there is 11.” Stella did not seem to notice his small movements, or did not care even if it was found, “then 22,55,110,121,242,605.”

“Very good, then we calculate 1184!”, Lu Qiujian patted her shoulder to encourage, and took her hand on the number representing her birthday.

“Hmm!”, With the first experience, and then decomposing the factor of 1184, Stella moved much faster, “1,2,4,8,16,32,37,74,148,296,592.”

“You are so smart, dear!”, Lu Qiujian kissed her hair.

“But what does it matter?” Stella shrugged and still found no connection between these numbers.

“You try to add up the factors of these two numbers!”, Lu Qiujian kept a mysterious smile, “The answer will be revealed after you add it!”

“Okay!” Half of it was trust in Lu Qiujian and half of it was curiosity. Stella picked up the pen and calculated it. This kind of calculation at the elementary school level is too simple for the top students in Princeton, “1 + 2 + 5 + … + 242 + 605 = 1184, oh my god, it ’s incredible! “

Stella looked at Lv Qiujian in surprise, and then quickly started the calculation of the next group, “1 + 2 + … 296 + 592 = 1210! The factor sum of 1184 is equal to 1210, and the factor sum of 1210 is equal to 1184 ! Lu, is this a coincidence? “.

Lv Qiujian hugged her shoulders when she was in a daze. “Your birthday is perfectly entangled with my birthday. This is God’s design. God made us meet and made us so attached.”

Whether they are Eastern or Western women, they always lack resistance to mysticism. Eastern women are obsessed with zodiac pairing and fortune-telling, while Western women like to use tarot cards and constellations to point out their maze.

Stella looked at these two magic numbers for a long time before asking, “Why is this happening?”

“People talk about friendship and love, and there is a similar relationship between numbers! These two numbers are called affinity numbers. They are very rare. Pythagoras found the first pair of affinity numbers 220. And 284, and then until 2,500 years after Fermat found the second pair, and then Descartes also found the third pair; they are God’s design, want to love each other! Just like you and me … … “, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Before Com’s words were finished, Stella’s warm lips were blocked!

Oye! Get it done, Lv Qiujian compared the v in his heart.

“So, did you live on Stella by this flick?” Patrice asked curiously after hearing the story, “What if her birthday is another number?”

“It doesn’t matter at all. There is a unique connection between any two numbers. I only need to change the calculation method to reveal this connection! As long as your explanation makes her feel romantic, then everything is not a problem!” Lu Qiujian said lazily on the sofa.

Responded to Lu Qiujian’s **** and a **** raised by Patrice.

Maybe I can write an article about number theory? What happened today seems to have touched Lu Qiujian’s inspiration. Affinity numbers are integers, and what number theory studies is the nature of integers. Number theory is hailed by Gauss as “the crown of mathematics.” Therefore, mathematicians like to call some unresolved difficult problems in number theory “the jewel in the crown”. Lu Qiujian already had some ideas in number theory in his previous reading.

But he has not yet determined whether to write a paper for publication, because the relationship between number theory and cryptography is too close, what should I do if it attracts the attention of relevant departments because of this?

Or write it! It did n’t take long for Lu Qiujian to make up his mind. Sooner or later, he would deal with these departments to complete his plan.

There are many ways to use math bubble paper, and there are more later.

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