Demon School

Chapter 41 - Reporters gathered

“Gosh, every day I am sent to catch these news that can’t even be published in the sixteenth edition. When can I catch a big news!”, Clark Kent, a reporter from the “Planet Daily” opposite the confronting crowd Grumble.

铃铃 铃 ~ As if he heard his heart, the phone in his pocket rang at the right time, and then the reporter’s phone of the New York Times beside him rang at the same time, and then the reporters around the area picked up the phone like an infectious disease.

Must be big news! Clark quickly answered the phone, “Hello Mr. Editor-in-Chief!”

“Clark, are you still in Duke?”, There was a rapid voice over the phone.

“Yes sir, I’m interviewing those protesting …”, and was interrupted by the growl there before he said, “Don’t worry about the clutter! No one will care about them except those dirty politicians. What did you do? You are going to the Cameron Indoor Arena right now, and Duke is beaten by Princeton! This is big news! Now! Immediately! Immediately! “

“Yes! I will go!” Clark took the phone in one hand and grabbed his luggage in one hand, and hurried to Duke’s basketball stadium. A footstep sounded behind him, and the reporters on the spot immediately ran clean. net!

The group of protesting people stared at the scene in front of them. Since the reporter had left, it did n’t make sense for them to continue the show, and it did n’t take long to disperse.

“What seems to happen?”, An international student looked at the direction of the reporters.

“Let’s go check it out too?”, No object of opposition, the lively psychology prevailed.

“So what should she do?”, The companion asked, pointing at the helpless girl in the middle.

He showed a disgusted expression, “Whoever cares about it, it would be less time to interact with her in the future!”

After speaking, a group of people also hurried to the Cameron Indoor Basketball Hall and met Duke students and reporters who hurriedly came from other places.

“Oh my god, am I blind?” Clark looked at the scoreboard with an unbelievable look. At 18:39, before the first half was over, Duke was as much as 21 points behind.

Even in the game with North Carolina and UCLA, this score will not appear! Not to mention the Princeton Tiger opposite! When did they enter the knockout last time? The reporters on the scene instantly understood what the big news on the phone at the headquarters meant! Duke lost a big score to a fish belly, which is absolutely sensational news.

“Haha, the Duke Blue Devils lost!” Those Chinese students also rushed over. The actions of the Duke security guard just now made them feel good about this school. Now Duke’s basketball team lost. After all, I was happily gloating, but fortunately they said that the fans next to Chinese did not understand it, otherwise they would be annoying.

“Look at that person! It seems that the Chinese are coming!” An international student who saw him found Lu Qiujian on the court.

“Isn’t it possible?” Another student supported glasses. “But I didn’t pull down every issue of the basketball magazine. I haven’t heard of anyone in our country playing in the NCAA? Could it be Eleventh District or Universe? people?”

“Are there any basketball players who can do it? Huo Fei, you said two I listen to?” Someone retorted, “Look at the name behind his jersey, Lv, should it be surnamed Lu? ,nice shot!”

During the speech, Lu Qiujian used his skillful moves to continuously break through the defensive assists of Duhon and Randolph Gardson to score.

“Oh, my God! Duke was completely defeated by him today!”, A white student next to him complained.

“Kevin! What happened? Who is the player you said?” Huo Fei suddenly recognized that the student was Kevin in his class and asked quickly.

“Princeton player Lv! He has scored eighteen points, six assists, five rebounds, three steals and three blocked shots before the first half is over! Duke lost to him!” Kevin looked at him strangely , “How come you came to watch the game? You usually only watch the Rockets game?”

“I was there a while ago and saw everyone running here and followed!” Huo Fei said vaguely, “What is the source of that player?”

“It seems to be an exchange student from China! You are the same country as you!”, Kevin’s eyes also looked a bit unsightly to Huo Fei, “Do you know him?”

“No, no, no!” Huo Fei quickly waved his hand, “Is he famous before? Why haven’t I seen it in the newspaper?”

Kevin shrugged, “He was just playing in garbage time before, and his performance was unremarkable, but today I don’t know why it suddenly broke out! Jones has been beaten down by him! Du Hong can’t hold it anymore!”

“Hello, I ’m Clarke, a reporter from Planet Daily. Could you ask me a few questions?” Clark, who has a sharp ear, also came over, and even asked if the other party agreed, “You mean An exchange student from China broke Duke ’s Hope Stars Dengtai-Jones and Chris Duhon? The reason why Duke fell behind was because of the Chinese called … Lv? “

“Yes, yes! Our entire team was defeated by him! His breakthrough points are unstoppable ~ ~ And the shooting accuracy is very good … Oh, no, again 2 + 1! Randolph has fouled three times! “, Kevin hugged his head in distress, couldn’t bear to look at the court again, turned back and pointed to the basket and said,” Look, look, he will use that one again. Hey! “

“That trick? Oh, my God, this …” Clarke quickly raised his camera when he saw Lu Qiujian pull down his headband to cover his eyes and start a free throw. For a moment, the flash in the audience lit up. one slice!

“See it! He not only defeated us, but also provoked us constantly!”, Kevin shrugged helplessly. “The most shameful thing is that the guys on the field have no way to take him! This was even Michael’s back then. Things not done! “

“Oh! No!”, When the whistle in the first half rang, the stadium once again mourned in unison. Lu Qiujian made a three-pointer on the whistle and pulled the score to 24:48. Duke fell behind at halftime Twenty-four points!

Losing is not terrible. What is terrible is that Duke players on the field seem to have lost their fighting spirit, their eyes are full of confusion, and some vulnerable girls who have been affected by their emotions have begun to cry with their friends around them.

The disappointed fans started to retreat, and the space they left was filled by the followers who came later. Huo Fei seemed to realize something, and suddenly got up and ran out of the stadium quickly.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to call! I always have the phone of” Sports Weekly “in my phone, this is a big news!” Huo Fei flew out without returning!

Cough, there will be no other abilities in this article. It is only a result of Clarke not making a name for the reporter for a while ~ ~ Welcome the readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest Serialized works are available at ~ ~ Please read it for mobile phone users.

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