Demon School

Chapter 46 - Night Tour Harvard

“Science is the driving force to promote human progress!” Professor Nan straightened his waist. Although he has been in the country for more than ten years, he still has the mind of the traditional Chinese literati.

“Have you two listen to me?” Seeing that Coach Thompson and Professor Nan are going to quarrel, Lv Qiujian quickly stood up. “Professor Nan, you also know that the key to mathematics research is inspiration. It may not be the best way in the room. Occasionally participating in other activities to relax and relax my brain is more likely to inspire inspiration. I feel that since I joined the basketball team, the thinking of thinking about the problem has become clearer. Several of them are currently published in the “Annual Mathematics”. The article is also the result of this time period! “

“Well, too!” Professor Nan nodded slowly, and what Lu Qiujian explained was indeed the fact, “I also like to play chess and relax when I am tired of doing the questions.”

“It’s good if you understand!”, Lv Qiujian smiled, “Besides, my basketball team now plays one or two games a week, and it won’t take long! If you are not worried, you can make my test paper more difficult! If I can’t get the result of A, then I will leave the team directly, do you see it? “

Professor Nan had also seen that Lu Qiujian and his fellow Chinese were so strict in demanding him, afraid that he would live up to his talents; only he would treat Lu Qiujian this way, if it was Professor Wiles Although I admire him equally, I will not attach such importance to it. First, Westerners have a weaker concept of the country. Second, their mathematics research level is far ahead, and they do n’t care too much about the influence of one or two geniuses. Admiration and gratitude.

“That’s what you said!” Professor Nan heard it before her eyes. This is a way. Rather than toughly preventing it from causing rebellious psychology, it is better to increase the difficulty of the test paper to test him. If he fails to reach A, he will surely Put away pride and concentrate on math. If you can reach A to prove that the basketball team has not affected his learning, then let it be.

“That’s all for sure! I promise to do it!”, Lu Qiujian also has good research on computational mathematics and applied mathematics, and of course, a few exams are not to mention, so he seems confident.

“Okay! Then when you come back from the game, I will give you a separate test paper! But I want to explain in advance that the test paper for the separate test is definitely more difficult than the others!”, Professor Nan stated in advance!

“No problem! Professor Nan, I will say goodbye today! I will come to you again when the game returns!” Lu Qiujian bowed and left Professor Nan’s office with Coach Thompson.

Similar to the country, the graduation exams in the United States also include different forms of exams, homework exercises and writing, and semester reports. Lu Qiujian ’s homework for this semester has been very beautiful, whether it is a single assignment or group cooperation. , So in the exams that have been completed have achieved A grades.

Even Professor Gals gave him A without assigning any tasks to him. If a student had any questions, he would answer directly. If anyone in the room can make the questions he left or publish them in the “Annual Mathematics” Articles, then all can apply for exemption.

“Come on! The questions he left are much more difficult than the exam!”, Alfors shrugged his shoulders, and wondered whether the second author is eligible to apply for the exemption?

Sending the last paper to the professor’s mailbox, Lu Qiujian only has Professor Nan’s last exam. Before leaving, he said hello to Professor Nan, and Lu Qiujian packed up the things with the basketball team. The other teammates embarked on an expedition to Massachusetts.

“Don’t be nervous, Harvard is a bad team! So far they have only scored once in the knockout! Only two unknown pawns have entered the NBA in history!”, Patrice’s mouth is always unable to rest, and now he starts to give Lv Qiujian popularized the historical record of the Harvard Crimson team, “Last year they scored seven wins and seven losses! Both home and away lost to us!”

“How were our results last year?”, Lu Qiujian responded casually.

“Ah, eleven wins and three losses!” Patrice said proudly.

“Sounds good, are we champions?” If it weren’t for the champions, it would be no different from Harvard. Only the champions of the Ivy League can participate in the knockout.

“No, Penn is the champion. They left **** luck last year, but this year they are not so lucky!”, Patrice hummed; Lu Qiujian shrugged and continued to look down, this time he changed his book Biological science works.

“Take a break early tonight, and stay strong to cope with tomorrow’s game!” After arriving in Cambridge, the older coach Thompson went back to his room to rest.

“I’ll go to Harvard!” Lu Qiujian and Patrice greeted each other and changed out of the clothes marked with the Princeton Tigers and walked out of the hotel.

Harvard ’s mathematics department is also world-class. Yin Qiu, who was very popular when Lu Qiujian crossed, was promoted to the Harvard full professor when he was 32 years old. He is called the youngest Chinese Harvard full professor; then the youngest full professor in Harvard history who is it? The answer is Nome-David-Elki. UU Reading He was a full-time full professor at Harvard Mathematics at the age of 26.

Elki and Tao Zhexuan are also teenagers. He became the youngest full-scale winner of the International Mathematical Olympiad at the age of 14. At the age of 21, he made a great contribution to solving the Euler conjecture. In 1996, he won the title of World Chess Champion again, which is called evil spirit.

Of course, Lu Qiujian never thought of meeting him on the Harvard campus so easily. This time I just wanted to see the difference between Harvard and Princeton.

Walked past the noisy Harvard student, Lv Qiujian wandered aimlessly in the campus. When he came under a white tower, he found that there was no one around him.

Is it almost time to go back? Lv Qiujian looked around for four weeks, and when he was about to turn around to leave, he heard the voice of a woman in the corner.

Ok? In Hebrew, Lu Qiujian heard that she seemed to be reciting Shakespeare’s plays in Hebrew. “It’s a question of survival or destruction!”

“Survival or destruction is not a problem. The crucial question is how to survive and how to destroy.” On a whim, Lu Qiujian also answered in Hebrew. Israel also has unique technology. He also did some research on Hebrew.

“Abraham-Joshua-Hirsch?” The girl turned back and said the origin of Lu Qiujian’s words.

“Yes, I am very glad to meet you, Miss Hershler!”, Lu Qiujian recognized the good girl in front of her and took the initiative to extend her right hand.

Checked the next world chess champion, and found the name of Elki, maybe it was a small game?

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