Demon School

Chapter 537 - Exclusion

“I’ll give you an example! Do you usually watch the ball?” Fearing that Liang Xiao could not understand, Liu Guangming found a typical case. “Are you worried about the situation where the football leaders manage football things?”

“Well, there are some such worries!” Liang Xiao nodded and answered, in his impression the leadership of the Football Association has been scolded, even if Lu Qiujian led the Olympic team to win the Olympic gold medal, the fans will all The credit goes to Lu Qiujian and Gao Gao, but no one said good things about the leadership of the Football Association.

“I will use this case to give you a good analysis! First of all, the biggest mistake of the leadership of the Football Association is that they do not follow the objective laws of football development! A country ’s football wants to be strong and needs a developed youth training mechanism to deliver fresh blood to the league. Cultivate talents for the national team through a healthy and upward league! So it is not difficult to become a qualified Football Association leader. It is only necessary to do a good job in youth training to ensure a healthy environment for the league! Germany ’s football level in recent years Why did it improve quickly? It is because they have a huge youth training system and an excellent league like the Bundesliga! “Liu Guangming is also an old fan.

“Therefore, stars such as Ram, Podolski, Schweinsteiger, Gomez, etc. have emerged in Germany. After them, there are also Hedira, Thomas Mueller … Emerging, how could such a German team not be strong? “Liu Guangming said with emotion,” Look at us again, the youth training work has not been grasped, in addition to the Xu guidance on Chongming Island, who has worked hard in youth training? As for the league, in order to impact the competition in the past few years, the league schedule was cut off in a hurry, and the promotion and demotion was also cancelled! What is all this for! The youth training is not good, the league is over! It ’s strange that this national team can get better! ”Liu Guangming could n’t help but swear!

“But now it’s much better! Since Huang Ziwei came to power and grabbed the work of the Football Association, they have the support of the Olympic gold medals. Let the league return to the right track! This is the result of following the scientific laws of football development! I believe that even if the next two competitions can not get good results. But when this wave of newcomers gets up, we can see that it is completely different Liu Guangming ’s confidence in the future. “The job you are going to do now is the same as Huang Ziwei! You do n’t need to help them point out the research direction of the experiment. Professor Guo will get the job done. You only need to help him manage the laboratory, It is enough to mobilize the enthusiasm of the researchers and at the same time to avoid the general direction of the research from getting off the track! I believe that you can do it with your ability! “

“When you say this, I think I seem to be really capable of these jobs!” This passage was very inspiring to Liang Xiao. He nodded thoughtfully.

“Since this is the case, try it first!” Liu Guangming patted the table and made a decision. “I will arrange the personnel department to handle the procedures for you and transfer you to the research center! The name of the director will help you get right when the job is on track! “

“Yes, I listen to you!” Liang Xiao is not polite. He is also a graduate of a famous school. He has grown up in the admiring eyes of his classmates since he was a child. It is not very difficult to see this matter.

“Then tomorrow … no, go to the laboratory to report to Professor Guo now! The next most important job is to help Professor Guo sort out the work summary of the recent period and arrange the work plan for the next stage!” Said Liu Guangming lowered his voice. “Director Lu may come to our company for inspection in the near future. The research center will be the top priority. It is necessary to present our short-term efforts and results to Director Lu clearly!”

“Okay, I promise to do this beautifully!” Liu Guangming said that it was Liang Xiao’s strengths, and he was not worried at all.

He also told him some key points of the laboratory work. Liu Guangming got up and let him leave, “OK. You can go to the laboratory to find Professor Guo! Work in the corporate culture construction department will take time to hand over these two days; Xiao Gu , Go and give me two or two of my tea leaves! “

“Thank you, Chairman Liu, then I’m over!” Liang Xiao embarrassedly leaves tea and leaves the chairman’s office, causing Secretary Gu to look sideways. I always come here only to send things, and it seems that only the person in front of me and Professor Guo in the laboratory can take things away!

Upon arriving at the laboratory, Professor Guo immediately welcomed, “I have spoken to Chairman Liu several times, but he finally put you here! The laboratory is acquaintances, so you don’t need to greet you. Regular meeting Shangzai told them that you are joining our team! I invite you to dinner at night and welcome! Now you can look at these materials and compile a detailed report, which will be used in two days! “

“Eh, UU reads the book good!” Seeing a thick stack of information at the doctor’s office, Liang Xiao didn’t bother at all, “You can tell me the key point of this report, I have a good heart ! “

“The work is actually very simple. In the field of rare earth metal smelting, the elimination method is mainly used! This method puts it bluntly the process of excluding the wrong option among several options, just like the undirected multiple-choice question during the exam. It is more troublesome What ’s more, the threshold for rare earth metal smelting is a little higher, there are more options available, and more money is spent. So our main job is to catch a group of specially trained experimental personnel, one by one to eliminate the wrong options, and finally put one Or dig out a few correct answers. Sometimes you ’re out of luck and find out at the end that oops are all wrong answers. That ’s okay, it ’s a great series of numbers, just a by-product in the process. It is actually more useful than the regular product, just like the tablet computer that Professor Lu launched some time ago! “Professor Guo patted on the large pile of materials.” These are all the data we used to conduct experiments during the exclusion method! “

“There are successes and failures in these experiments. Your task now is to list our exclusion screening process and tell Professor Lu what achievements our research has achieved and what problems still exist; what aspects we will carry out next The main goals of the research are those! In this way, Lu Qiujian can have another very clear understanding of our work progress and work ability! This is directly related to how much support we can get from him next! ? “Professor Guo asked. (To be continued.)

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