Demon School

Chapter 626 - Power age

“… Only a simple modification can be used to charge the battery with the solar panel, so that the car can obtain a longer cruising range … Our charging pile system is not complicated, it can completely The developers collaborated to install charging piles in the parking lot … This battery has been tested in various extreme environments and performed very well … “Lv Qiujian personally answered questions one after another. These car manufacturers are getting more and more excited, forgetting that their stomachs have not been filled for a while.

“In addition!” After answering all the questions, Lv Qiujian finally turned his attention to Ren Zhenfei and Liu Chuanzhi, the IT leaders, “This new technology is not only applicable to large batteries, whether it is mobile phones, tablets or This technology can be used on laptop computers! The cost is not higher than the current lithium battery! However, I think you are probably facing a new trouble! “

Looking at the serious face of Lu Qiujian, Ren Zhenfei and others not only have a tight heart, is there any defect in this powerful battery? He quickly asked, “What’s the problem?”

Lu Qiujian smiled, and the atmosphere suddenly changed from dignified to relaxed, “That is, a single charge can allow mobile phones and other mobile digital terminals to be used for a long time. In this case, consumers may often forget where the charger is! I think you guys I am afraid that more chargers will be produced! “

“Haha!” Everyone couldn’t help laughing, and Ren Zhenfei and Liu Chuanzhi applauded excitedly, “So we can sell more chargers, which is a good thing!”

Lu Qiujian waved his hand, and someone immediately sent samples of batteries used in various mobile digital terminals prepared in advance, small-sized square mobile phone lithium batteries, larger tablet batteries, and thicker laptop batteries. “You can use these samples Take it for testing, compared with existing products. It has faster charging speed, longer battery life, longer service life, and higher safety! Here are our test data! You can take it back for reference. “

Looking at Li Shufu, Wang Chuanfu and others who were still talking, Lu Qiujian continued, “We will use the samples removed from the car directly. There are three samples in each house, and the data is also attached! You have prepared various testing tools! You can test here as much as you like! “

“Now. Let us put our work aside first and enjoy the food prepared by the host for us!” Lv Qiujian terminated his speech and lifted the glass from the waiter’s tray. “Let us power Have a toast with the bright prospects of the times! “

Since the discovery of voltaic batteries by Volta, a professor of physics at the University of Lipavia in Italy in the 18th century, humans have been pursuing a more powerful and powerful mobile power storage system, but due to materials, reactive substances, manufacturing costs, etc. In the 21st century, people can still only use mobile power supply devices on small power equipment such as mobile phones and laptop computers; and on large equipment such as automobiles. Still need to use primary energy sources such as fuel oil and natural gas; and now the battery launched by Lu Qiujian allows them to see the possibility of human beings entering the era of electricity completely.

Ren Zhenfei, Li Shufu and others are vaguely aware that human life may change dramatically because of this invention. This technology may become the beginning of a new technological revolution! At the thought of standing at the door of a great change, they couldn’t help but want to see what was inside the door and how much benefit they could bring to themselves.

“… I’m still saying that there is nothing more important than choosing the platform!” Lei Busi sang Fang Qi among many businessmen with a red glass on his face, “Just standing on the wind , Pigs can fly! The essence of business success is to find the outlet and follow the trend; grasp the strategic points and opportunities, far beyond the role of tactics; no doubt. This new battery will set off a strong burst in the market And a long-lasting storm, and you are now a big step ahead of your competition! Let us have a drink for the glorious future! “

“Cheers!” Ren Zhenfei, Li Shufu, and others were said to have a **** vein, and they all lifted up the wine glasses and drank together. Trance seems to see the moment when his company defeated the old overlords in industries such as Samsung, Apple, Toyota, Honda and so on.

Officials such as Han Bin, Zhao Shanhe, Jiang Tianyang and Chen Yao were surrounded by many businessmen. They threw out various issues of their concern from time to time. Jiang Tianyang and others were patiently answering questions one by one, Support or not, we certainly support it! The country has always attached importance to the development and utilization of high and new technology. This new battery technology that is conducive to promoting industrial structure adjustment and reducing environmental pollution will greatly reduce exhaust emissions and improve energy efficiency! What reason do we not support? Any comments, please mention it. We will answer it now and we will answer it. If we exceed our authority, we will also give feedback to the superiors as soon as possible. Try to satisfy you in the shortest possible time. reply.”

“The current draft of the access standard for electric vehicles has been taken out, and I have brought a copy here. We can hold a meeting together tomorrow to study carefully! After the review is determined, you can apply for the production license of electric vehicles!” Transportation Han Bin, deputy director of the Ministry of Transport, threw a big bomb again ~ ~ When did the efficiency of the national government work so quickly? Wang Chuanfu and others were uncomfortable for a while. They subconsciously turned their attention to Lu Qiujian, who was talking to Ren Zhenfei. Was it all driven by him? When they thought they could participate in the formulation of this policy, they were very happy, which meant that the automobile manufacturers present had already reached the forefront of their peers. They nodded quickly and agreed, “It must be certain that we will be there tomorrow! “

“Also, the pilot city of the gas station reform of our Energy Bureau is currently under review. I do n’t know what Li Dong thinks of including Qiantang City in the first pilot city?” Zhao Shanhe of the National Energy Administration is not alone, Qiantang as If Li Shufu’s base camp is located, if he can become the first batch of pilot cities, it will greatly benefit his future sales.

“Our Air Defense Committee has always focused on the application and promotion of emerging technologies! We have formulated a series of tax relief and financial support policies, and you can also understand together tomorrow!” Deputy Director Jiang Tianyang, who is good at flying aircraft, continued.

This has caused these car manufacturers to be in a trance for a while. When have we enjoyed such treatment! (To be continued.)

ps: I decided to publish the new book next month!

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