Demon School

Chapter 633 - Global rave

“” Physics in Three Body “?” The reporters saw that the title of the book was not only a “spirit”, but the last book “When I Came to Look at the Starry Sky” was sold in hundreds of countries around the world, affecting a whole generation Young man, now Lu Qiujian has come up with a new work, and it seems to be written for this movie special “gate”, it seems that he really attaches great importance to this movie!

“Yes! I did write such a book for this film special” gate “! I think this movie truly represents the future of human society in some way! Of course, I don’t mean human In the future, we will encounter such terrible opponents as the three-body! It is the description of the future of humanity after the rapid development of new technologies such as nuclear fusion technology and space navigation technology. “Lu Qiujian talked with a sample book, It will be listed simultaneously with the movie, and all consumers who have watched the movie worldwide can get the first batch of purchase opportunities through the movie ticket! “

“Hoo!” There was another exclamation in the group of reporters. Using this method, I am afraid that many viewers who did not plan to go to the movies before would go to the cinema because they want to buy this book! Think about the horrible sales of “When People Start to Look Up at the Starry Sky”, they have become extremely optimistic about the box office of this TV ∽79, m. Ying. [Almost all the books I want to read are more stable and faster than the average novel website. There are no ads in the entire text. ($ >>> Cotton and flower ‘sugar’ small ‘say’)]-79-

At the same time, in major cities around the world, the investors and distributors of this film have come up with various means to build momentum for the largest investment in the film in history.

In the China Theater in Los Angeles, the premiere of the United States is also held here. In addition to Hollywood stars such as Kevin Spicer and Kevin Becken who played important roles in the film, there are also LeBron James and Dwyane Wade and other NBA superstars who have just finished their away game with the Los Angeles Lakers.

“Yes, Lu and I have known each other for many years! Although the memories he brings to me are always so bad, we are indeed good friends! I’m definitely coming to support his video! His new book I’ll buy it too! “James, who has switched to the Miami Heat and embraced Wade’s big leg, talked.

Man, are you sure you can read such a book? The “wave” on the side looked at him straight and blankly, and his heart was sullen! But his mouth repeatedly agreed. “Yes, I have been looking forward to this movie for a long time! I do n’t think I ’ll watch it once, and wait for the premiere here. After returning to Miami, I will definitely go to the cinema and watch more. Several times! “

In New York, the billionaire West ‘Mongos’ also walked into the theater under the reporter ’s flash. “At the time, I heard that Lu was going to make a movie, and I strongly requested an investment in this project! When I saw the trailer, I knew that my investment would have huge profits again!”

In the auditorium of Princeton, principal Shirley Tillman and Andrew Wyeth, William Timothy-Galls, William Thurston, Edward Witten, Freeman Dyson and many others The students of Princeton gathered together, waiting for the moment when the legendary students of Princeton appeared on the screen!

“Yes, he is the coolest student ever in Princeton’s history!” A little girl wearing a Princeton school uniform swayed at the reporter’s microphone with her adoration to Lu Qiujian, “Filz Award, Nobel The winner of the Bell Award is not uncommon in Princeton ’s history, but ncaa ’s championship trophy is the only one! Now he has made another movie. This is simply incredible! ”

In London, Stephen Hawking ’s wheelchair slowly entered the theater, “I want to see which of his acting skills is better than mine! I think he may have walked ahead of me in the field of physics, but in the performing arts In one area, he still has a lot to learn from me! “

Hawking’s answer caused a vomit from the reporters on the spot. Pro, do you really have anything like acting? But his words reminded us! Shall we go back and open a topic? Let’s discuss who is the best acting scientist? Who has the highest level of scientific research among actors?

In Geneva, cern has become particularly lively today. Dr. Evans is correcting the mistakes of reporters, “No, no, no. This is by no means the first time Lü has appeared on the big screen. We made a documentary” Particle Mania “a few years ago, recording what we found The detailed passage of the Higgs bosse, Lu takes a lot of space in this documentary! “

“Yes, the film crew did come to cern for field shooting! If it is a general film crew, we will definitely not allow entry, but who let this be a project invested by Lu? We have suffered a lot from him in the past few years. The discovery of Higgs bosons and dark matter has made cern a holy place in the world of high-energy physics! This is all his credit, and we cannot refuse his request! Now what I want to say is. And lhc science enthusiasts full of curiosity, go to the cinema! There you can see the secrets that cern has never exposed before! “Dr. Lafayette helped Lu Qiujian directly. .

In Munich, Beckenbauer took the entire Bayern Munich team to the scene of the German premiere. “Yes, of course I will miss Lu Zao Bayern Munich every minute. He is the greatest star in Bayern history. One! I think our opponents should be thankful that Lu ’s job is a scientist! Otherwise, the entire European football will have to live in the shadow of Bayern Munich for a long time! “

“I’ve read the original book of this book! It was Lv mailed to me as a birthday gift!” Kahn held a book whose cover has faded somewhat ~ ~ This is a very good ‘, Very imaginative book! I ca n’t wait to see the grand scene of the three-body civilization depicted in the book being destroyed again and again! “

In Tokyo, Fujian Yoshihiro and Inoue Takehiko were interviewed by reporters at the gate of the cinema. Fujian Yoshihiro said angrily, “No, I wo n’t like that guy! Last time I was with him Playing mahjong, for eight full laps, I did n’t even have one!

Oh, many reporters suddenly realized how I said that after Professor Lu came to Tokyo last time, your comic output suddenly increased. It turned out that it was because Mahjong lost all the money!

In France, Italy, Australia, and Brazil, in major cities around the world, “Three Body” related activities are booming, and countless audiences are drawn into the cinema, anxiously waiting for the movie to start.

“Cameron, how much do you think the global box office can get? Will it exceed” Avatar “?” In Modu, the reporters also asked the last question. ;

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