Demon School

Chapter 641 - Hegemonic stability theory

“Huh? Do you have any ideas?” Qin Feng was a little curious. When Lu Qiujian talked to him before, most of the time he would only talk to him about Xi and the plan. Like this, he took the initiative to talk about the international situation. This is my first time!

“When I was studying in Princeton, I met many academic masters who are authoritative in their fields! Among them, Professor Robert Gilpin, who teaches international relations!” Lu Qiujian did not directly answer, but talked about his own experience. , “Professor Gilpin and Charles Kindleberger of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology are the founders and perfectors of the hegemonic stability theory, an important branch of international political theory!”

Qin Feng did not speak, but nodded slightly to let Lu Qiujian continue! As a politician, it is indispensable to understand the relevant knowledge of international political economy! He also dabbled in the writings of Kinderberg and Gilpin.

“The main contents of hegemony stability theory include: hegemony brings world political and economic stability, hegemony sacrifices itself, hegemony will decline, and loss of hegemony leads to instability of world political economy.” Lu Qiujian slowly elaborated these two international political economics The master ’s academic thought, “An open and free world economy needs a hegemonic or dominating power; an important reason why World War II broke out was that the British hegemony was weakening at the time, the United Kingdom was unable to protect the international settlement system, and the United States was in It was unwilling to take over this responsibility from Britain until 1936. Since the Second World War, especially the rapid development of the global economy in the past two decades, it seems that the two professors ’theory has been confirmed from the side! Such a hegemon has established an international free economic order with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and the International Monetary Fund as the main body. The international community has generally enjoyed security and peace. The free international economic order and the international monetary system are basically functioning normally. The world economy has expanded extremely smoothly. “

Qin Feng seemed to have different views on this point, but he opened his mouth, still did not interrupt Lu Qiujian’s words, and continued to listen to him quietly.

“But Professor Gilpin also believes that there are three major reasons for hegemony to inevitably decline. First of all, hegemony is built on the overwhelming military economic and technological strength of the hegemony, but it is not the existing production capacity that determines the economic development of a country. It ’s economic self-improvement! Overlords do n’t dominate at this point! “

“Second! Sustaining hegemony requires huge costs. The nation’s aircraft carrier formations all over the world are the best examples! To pay for the cost of maintaining hegemony, the economic surplus of the hegemonic country gradually decreases or is exhausted! Finally, in order to maintain hegemony, it will appear Some free-riders, these free-riders will weaken the power of the hegemonic country! For example, in order to maintain the free world economy, the United States has made many of its narrow economic interests subject to the economic interests of its allies, and endured the discrimination of European and Japanese exports to the United States. As a result, the American economy suffered a great loss for this, while Europe and Japan rose rapidly and became challengers of American hegemony. “

“I also read the books of Professor Gilpin and Professor Jindelberg, although they are different from our economic system, but they still have a great inspiration for me!” Nodded to signal that he understood Lu Qiujian Meaning, Qin Feng continued to wait for Lv Qiujian to express his ultimate goal of this long-form argument.

“I think we can speed up the process of overlords–that is, the decline of the United States in some ways! So that they are temporarily incapacitated or weaken their interference with us and win time for our development!” Lu Qiujian’s eyes flashed inexplicably ‘S brilliance, said his plan!

“Oh? What are your plans?” Although Qin Feng’s tone was still calm, Lu Qiujian was keenly aware that his heartbeat was accelerating! Breathing also became rapid.

“Like what I said just now! An important example of maintaining the supremacy of the United States is their worldwide carrier formations! The eleven carrier formations have given the United States a powerful long-range force deployment capability! They can rely on these carrier formations The army has appeared in major hotspots in the world! You can exert military pressure and conduct operations in areas far from its territory and without relying on local airport conditions. For example, the Seventh Fleet has exerted pressure on our country many times! “Just a few years ago The George Washington nuclear-powered aircraft carrier succeeded the Kitty Hawk at Yokosuka Military Port in the neon Kanagawa prefecture, so that the deterrence of the United States to Asia has once again increased.

“Then if the number of their aircraft carriers suddenly drops, will it cause their decline to accelerate?” Lu Qiujian asked, “The decline in the global force deployment capability will definitely lead to a decline in the global intervention capability of the Rice National Team! Although they can quickly Enable storage of aircraft carriers or build new aircraft carriers directly! But raising funds, construction and personnel training will cost money, and it will take more time! With these times, we can just complete the announcement of the successful controllable nuclear fusion and quickly deploy! When the strength of the Americans recovers, our preliminary work may have already been completed! “

Qin Feng shook his head, “Want to destroy the aircraft carrier of the United States is not an easy thing! If we can do it in time, we will have to pay a very heavy price! And we will suffer from the crazy revenge of the American people! Even … even maybe Initiating a nuclear war ~ ~ This price is really too heavy! We absolutely cannot accept it! “

Lu Qiujian’s thought made him rather speechless. No country’s aircraft carrier has been sunk after World War II! Because no country can withstand the crazy revenge of the Americans! If it were not known that Lu Qiujian was always reliable in speaking and doing things, Qin Feng would have left his sleeve directly.

“I understand! The situation of maintaining peace has more advantages for us! Because time is on our side after all!” Lu Qiujian nodded and said that for China, as long as the development is stable, plus the controllable nuclear fusion Application, catching up even more than the United States is just a matter of time! As for the possible interference of the United States in the future, this process will at most slow down this process, but it cannot completely interrupt this process.

But this is precisely what Lu Qiujian did not want to see. The intervention of the United States will surely lead to increased pressure to cross, and the speed of his next research will also be interfered, so he will discuss this issue with Qin Feng.

Seeing Qin Feng’s expression of doubt, Lv Qiujian said slowly, “If, I mean, if there is a way to reduce the number of aircraft carriers in the United States drastically, and they still can’t find a way to do it?” (Unfinished To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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