Demon School

Chapter 647 - The second award?

Not to mention that in LIGO’s laboratory, everyone was busy rescuing Sheldon who passed out! Yixian University is now packed with reporters from all over the world. They are anxiously waiting for the appearance of Lu Qiujian and other members of the Tianqin project at the school’s press conference.

“Eh, do you say that Professor Lu can win the Nobel Prize again this time? Not many people have won the Nobel Prize twice in history? Even Einstein did not achieve this achievement that year! Professor Lu will Do you create miracles again? “Hua Guo’s reporter lifted up, and some people whispered.

“Professor Lu’s research is different from Einstein!” After many years of work, Feng Hongqi is now familiar with all kinds of allusions in the scientific community. “Einstein’s theory of relativity was too advanced, and many Nobel Prize judges I do n’t understand. Although many scientists nominated Einstein as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Physics, because at that time, as a member of the Nobel Prize jury and the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1911, Galstrand believed that the theory of relativity should accept time Test, and repeatedly rejected the application on the pretext that the theory of relativity has not been confirmed, causing Einstein to lose in successive years. “

“By 1919, a famous experimental result of the British physicist Arthur Stanley-Eddington completely coincided with Einstein’s theory of relativity! At this time, the theory of relativity was gradually confirmed by scientists! But these are still not enough to convince Connaught The judges of the Bell Committee! It was n’t until the younger Orsen, a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, put forward a compromise plan in 1921 that broke the deadlock of whether Einstein should win or not. Orson proposed to let Einstein another The research result—the theory of photoelectric effect won the Nobel Prize in Physics. In this way, Olsen ’s proposal was accepted by Galstrand and other members of the jury, and Einstein won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. ”Feng Hongqi Tell the allusions carefully.

“But what does this have to do with gravitational waves?” Someone asked puzzled.

Hey, the quality of reporters is really worrying now! Feng Hong sighed in his heart that he had done so much work because he wanted to interview Lu Qiujian. Now I am afraid that these young people will not do much work. Forget it, let them explain it clearly so they do n’t go back and write! “Einstein did not receive multiple awards because his results are purely theoretical, and it takes time to prove it! And Professor Lu ’s award-winning dark matter theory has already been confirmed by his experiment using LHC, so he won the award in a short time. ! As for this gravitational wave, Einstein has already proposed it, and the long-awaited theory in the scientific community! “

“If Einstein is still alive, Professor Lu’s detection result might win him a prize! But since 1974, the Nobel Prize Committee has made it clear that no one will be awarded the Nobel Prize! So the chance of winning this time It ’s in the hands of others! If Professor Lu ’s experiment is based on the results of a scientist ’s method, then the chance of winning this award will give priority to the scientist who proposed the experimental method! But as far as I know, the experiment planned by Lyra The method was completely proposed by Professor Lu and designed the detection method by himself, so if the Nobel Prize Committee considers awarding the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of gravitational waves! Then Professor Lu is the well-deserved first choice! “Feng Hongqi’s article The long talk finally explained the key to the problem clearly!

“Oh, I understand a little bit! Then, would it be unlikely that Academician Luo from Yixian University and Director Guo from Jingshi University would win prizes?” He continued to ask.

“It is true! Although the Nobel Prize allows three people to win at the same time! But it also depends on their contribution! For example, in the past few years, the Higgs, Braut and Engle! Because they independently published a paper on the Higgs boson within a week. In the field of the Higgs boson, their contribution is almost the same! So they can be awarded in parallel! “Feng Hongqi They came up with the case they were most familiar with and explained, “This time the gravitational wave detection is different. The detection method is independently written by Professor Lu, and the equipment is designed by Professor Lu! The work done by Academician Luo and Director Guo is to lead the team Perform according to the method left by Professor Lu! In this way, their contribution and Lu Qiujian are not on the same level! If you want to win the award, it can only be awarded by Professor Lu alone! But then again, Nobel Although there have been several award-winning scholars in the history of the award, their situation is different from that of Professor Lu! Will the Nobel Committee award Lu twice in a short period of time? Awarded the Nobel Prize in particular also unknown ah! “

The first two Nobel Prize winners were Mrs. Curie. She first won the Nobel Prize in Physics for Pierre-Curie and Henry Beckler for their outstanding work on the phenomenon of radiation; then in He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911 for the discovery of the radioactive elements radium and polonium and the separation of radium!

Then the American chemist Linus Pauling won the Nobel chemist and Nobel in 1954 and 1962, respectively, for explaining the nature of the chemical bond and opposing nuclear weapons experiments. He is also the only one who won the Nobel Prize twice people.

Physicist John Badin of the United States won the Nobel Prize in Physics twice in 1956 and 1972 for his research on semiconductors and the effect of transistors and the proposal of low-temperature superconductivity ~ ~ This also made him Be the first to win the Nobel Prize twice in the same field.

The British biochemist Fred Sanger won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1958 and 1980 for the invention of the enzymatic method for determining the sequence of human insulin and determining the sequence of DNA. 22 years old.

In addition, the UN Refugee Agency has won the Nobel twice, and the International Red Cross has prevented it from winning the award three times, becoming the most awarded winner, but they are all in the name of organizations rather than individuals, so there is no comparison.

After patiently waiting, Lv Qiujian and Academician Luo and Director Guo finally sat on the rostrum, and Academician Luo began to explain the significance of this discovery, “… After careful study and confirmation, this was 1.26 billion years ago. The gravitational waves emitted by the collision event of the double black holes. The masses of the two black holes before the collision are 31 and 42 solar masses respectively, and the combined mass is 68 solar masses. There is a loss of 5 solar masses in a thousandth of a second Release as a gravitational wave … “

“This is the effect picture that we draw on the computer based on the detected gravitational wave data!” Academician Luo showed the reporter a very similar effect picture to the Tai Chi picture. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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