Demon School

Chapter 65 - Reasons for rejection

What caused the rejection of “Science”? Lu Qiujian frowned, if he just wanted to publish this paper, relying on the prestige of the previous papers, “Annual Mathematics” will definitely not reject his manuscript.

But he will return to his country to develop in the future, so “Science” can increase his capital. After all, the three journals of CNS are completely different from other journals in China, and it is easy to publish articles here where scientists in other fields can brush. A sense of presence is good for future actions.

Of course, when deciding to submit, he did not think that there will be problems, because “Science” is a comprehensive journal for interdisciplinary readers, the layout is limited, too long, too professional, and difficult to read by interdisciplinary people. 1. Those who don’t make a large-scale contribution to the development of science and technology for the time being will be rejected. On the contrary, articles of common biology or experimental physics are easy to be published, because these articles have a low threshold for reading across majors.

Lv Qiujian’s paper on Poincaré’s conjecture happens to cover the four rejection criteria that are too long, too professional, difficult to be read by inter-professionals, and have no large-scale contribution to technological development. It is not that his achievements are not great, but that they are not suitable.

But even if it can’t be published in full text, can you at least report it to a news column? Lu Qiujian shook his head depressedly and dragged the mouse to start reading the full text of the email. I saw that the reviewer thought that there were some obvious loopholes in the two papers, so it was rejected and it was recommended to revise it before publishing.

what! Sure enough it’s almost what I thought! The paper completed based on Professor Thurston’s opinion does have such problems, but now there are dozens of pages without writing the details. I am afraid that if I write them all, it will be hundreds of pages! Since then, “Science” is even more unlikely to be published!

Hehe, this is because my reputation is not enough. If I can reach the status of Einstein, wouldn’t it be a problem to turn “Science” into my own special issue?

If you can’t pass the submission, go find someone to help! If there are famous scholars such as Thurston, Gals, and Wiles, who are highly regarded in academic status, probably “Science” will reconsider the review results?

Lu Qiujian changed his clothes and went out to the office building of the Department of Mathematics. His first stop was where he would go to Professor Thurston. After all, he had read his article and had an in-depth study of Poincaré ’s conjecture. In Science There is also an internal relationship. Finding him can at least find out the real reason why his paper was rejected.

“Rejected?” Professor Thurston froze a little when he heard the news, and then said indifferently with a smile, “That’s their loss, not yours! Since you retreated, you will forward it to” “Annual Mathematics”, I believe they will publish your article with the best layout in the shortest time! “

The papers in “Science” and “Nature” are generally novel, eye-catching, and popular, but the depth and rigor are not very good, and the mathematical papers demonstrated through technical details are incompatible with their overall style, so the mathematical community is not I highly value these journals, but I believe in the four major journals in my circle.

Thurston ’s words were correct, but Lu Qiujian did not agree with this, he begged, “Professor, can you ask me who rejected my manuscript? What is the real reason for the rejection?” “If it is because you did not understand your thesis, you may be able to explain it through the relationship of several professors.

“Okay, I’ll make a few phone calls to ask!” Thurston picked up the phone, which was a person in the circle. After a few calls, she figured it out. “I asked it out, and the editorial board passed it. Review, and then send your paper to Professor Fusman of Harvard University and Professor Ferrig of Yale; Professor Fusman said that there was no fatal flaw in the paper in a short time, but the specific process still needs to be studied , You can publish it or you can wait; Professor Ferrig failed to pass the review because the details of the derivation process were not listed! “

“Damn it! What a reason!” Professor Thurston scolded, waiting for Lu Qiujian to speak. “All the pioneering work is already in the paper, and the rest is a bit of hard work. Work! It takes only a year or two for a research institute to pull up a team to complete it! Did Ferrig ’s brain break? “

“Your relationship with him is not good?”, Lu Qiujian heard some other tastes from his tone, maybe he would be sore through his plan to help the reviewers!

“This is a hypocritical guy who only knows how to confuse laymen with some unpredictable terminology!”, Thurston’s evaluation of him is really not high, “but he is still related in Science, if it is him If your paper is rejected, no one else will come forward for you. “

Understood, no one in your society mixes well! Lu Qiujian heard the implicit meaning in his words. Did he only continue to publish a way in the “Annual Mathematics”?

Seeing Lu Qiujian’s depressed expression, Thurston was also embarrassed. He scratched his head and said, “Don’t rush to submit to other publications ~ ~ I’ll help you find a way!”

Lv Qiujian thought about it or rejected Professor Thurston’s kindness. At first glance, the guy on the opposite side is a person who doesn’t like dealing with those people. Why should he force the others! Hey, just vote for the “Annual Mathematics”, and I will not be able to produce other papers that are eligible for “Science” in the future.

Explaining the situation, Thurston also expressed his support for his decision, “Yes, it should have been this way. If you want me to say something about the mathematics world, let’s just share it ourselves. Why should we ask for their approval.” Let’s play our own, without the meaning of playing with them.

“Well, I’ll go back and prepare again. Since I decided to publish the” Annual Mathematics “, then the length of my thesis can be lengthened a little longer.” Lu Qiujian said after leaving.

Hey, it’s still a pity! Although the authority of the “Annual Mathematics” is higher than that of “Science” in the mathematics, Lu Qiujian didn’t want his reputation to spread only in the small circles of the mathematics; forget it, at least when the paper is published Mix up the news on “Science”! It’s better than nothing.

Professor Thurston did not take this matter seriously since Lu Qiujian left. He no longer asked the relationship of Science to inquire about it, and instead concentrated on his own research.

One week later, when he finished teaching two classes and returned to the computer, he received a new email.

This matter is adapted from real historical events. This is the addition of eight thousand pushes, I remember nine thousand ~ ~ Welcome readers to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ mobile phone users Please go to read.

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