Demon School

Chapter 651 - Time flies

People on the Internet usually don’t believe in authority, but those are when they don’t know about these authorities, and some unscrupulous media often intercept and distort authority’s remarks, which further deepens the discrimination of netizens on authority! However, for those who have outstanding achievements and good reputation, as long as the thinking is slightly normal, people will still choose to trust.

In the Chinese scientific community, there is no authority more familiar to netizens than Lu Qiujian! Now seeing Lu Qiujian’s position, they began to calm down and think about this matter; is this Mr. Guo hidden in the people, but is a talented person who is hostile to the mainstream scientific community?

By this time, many talents remembered that they were filled with indignation for a long time before they could watch the video of that show! So they reopened the video to study, and only then discovered that Mr. Guo’s performance was not as good as he thought! At least the remarks on the show do not look like a scholar.

“Perhaps this Mr. Guo is indeed talented, but he has not undergone professional training! If we give him a chance, maybe he can make great achievements?” Or some unwilling people started to build in Lu Qiu Leave a message under the bib, but the tone has become more relaxed.

Indeed, you have to say that Lu Qiujian suppressed civilian scientists and maintained their authority. No one believed it! People are not the ones who can’t achieve success! The Fields Prize, Nobel Prize and the recently hot new battery, gravitational wave have already proved everything! In his identity and status, there is really no need to do such a thing.

Since others speak in a normal communication tone, Lv Qiujian does n’t mind wasting a little time to explain, “First of all, research in the basic field is very expensive! The Lyra Project spent US $ 350 million on the discovery. Gravitational waves, such a large-scale project will of course have strict requirements for the staff. Do you think this Mr. Guo has shown his ability to participate in a large project with an investment of 350 million US dollars? “

“Secondly, to say something that may make Mr. Guo sad, in general, the most productive age of scientists is between 20 and 35 years old, and most scholars’ most important achievements are made at this age. For example, Einstein ’s theory of relativity, such as Yang Zhenning ’s Yangmi equation, when he was forty years old, most scholars just used their own experience to work! I do n’t know if Mr. Guo has this talent, but look at it now It ’s too late to come! At his current age, he has neither the energy to do creative work nor the experience to guide others to work! I think he is better to give up his unrealistic dreams now! “

As soon as these two comments were issued, the upsurge pushed by those unscrupulous media gradually dissipated! This is like if an ordinary martial arts teacher said that someone had no talent for martial arts, everyone might not believe it, and accused the teacher of failing to suppress the newcomer Barabara! But if Zhang Sanfeng said this, most people probably won’t be optimistic about someone!

As for the unscrupulous media, although they are not willing to dissipate this wave of dissipation, they are not as mentally retarded as they usually show. They all know what kind of people dare to provoke what kind of people do not dare to provoke and quarrel with Lu Qiujian It will only make your own fans fall. Who will do this unworthy thing? They are not Ke Guang’s idiots! So they quietly deleted the scarf they sent, and fell silent.

It is not enough to just discover gravitational waves. In the next few years, Xi and Jian, chaired by Lu Qiujian, increased their investment in this area, and launched several gravitational wave detection satellites one after another. It has become an international center for gravitational wave research, and many scholars from the United States, Germany, France, Britain and other countries have rushed to China in order to find an opportunity to participate in the Lyra Project and Tai Chi Project.

And these basic research fields do not need to be kept secret like controlled nuclear fusion. Even though gravitational waves have been discovered now, the data observed is not enough to support in-depth research on gravitational waves, let alone applications! Therefore, Academician Luo and Director Guo are not against these foreign scholars. As long as the ability can meet the requirements, then go to move bricks for me … oh no, it is to do basic research!

Those who can find jobs in these two programs through screening are not ordinary people. Under normal circumstances, the professional level of the young Chinese students working in these two programs has also been greatly improved. It can be said that Huaguo attracted the golden phoenix through the two sycamore trees of the Tianqin Project and Taiji Project, guiding these young students from ugly ducklings to white swans.

However, the relationship between these and Lu Qiujian is not very big. His main energy is still on the study of controllable nuclear fusion. During this period, China began to launch probes to the moon, first orbiting the moon, and then After some preparation, the first lunar probe finally landed on the moon, and some soil and rock specimens were collected from the lunar surface and returned to the earth.

Many of this detector’s technologies are transplanted from recyclable rocket technology ~ ~ In addition, of course, new battery technology will provide energy for this detector!

With the sample of helium 3 collected from the moon, Lu Qiu set up a base to start a targeted experiment. The performance of helium 3 as a fusion fuel in a new fusion experimental device is much better than tritium deuterium plasma! When everyone saw the data returned after the first experiment, they couldn’t help but feel excited. From these data, they seemed to be able to see that it was not far from the day when the project succeeded.

Good news also came from other quarters. Qin Feng was successfully elected as the elder of the newest presbyterian regiment at this year’s conference, and Lu Kunqi also became the new prime minister! With the promotion of the two of them and the support of the elders, the last elders and others! The funds and personnel of Xihe Project increase again!

At this time, Lv Qiujian slowed down the progress of the experiment instead. He did not deliberately pursue the early realization of nuclear fusion, but arranged these extra funds and human resources to the application field after the successful fusion, only with the Inexhaustible energy is not enough! Only by establishing a perfect energy utilization system can we maximize the benefits of this achievement!

Qin Feng is not in a hurry, because he knows that Lu Qiujian’s ideas are right, and according to the latest progress of the plan, he can undoubtedly wait for the results during his tenure. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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