Demon School

Chapter 653 - What is Professor Lu busy with?

At 4:30 p.m. local time on December 10, 2017 in Stockholm, members of the Swedish Royal Family and the Nobel Prize Committee and the guests who attended the ceremony were preparing for the annual Nobel Prize presentation ceremony in the music hall of the Royal Swedish Academy of Music.

The grand occasion of the awards was also broadcasted synchronously with various channels such as the Internet and TV. At this moment, countless Chinese people waited for this exciting moment in front of the computer and TV.

After awards such as the Chemistry Award, Professor Bjorn-John, the chairman of the Nobel Committee on Physics, began the presentation speech of the physics award, “I did not expect to give a presentation speech for the same scientist for the second time in my life. …. Professor Lu Qiujian pioneered a new gravitational wave detection method, and used this method to confirm the gravitational wave predicted by Einstein that year, this is a milestone progress in physics … “

Then the nervous expression of Ye Chu on the podium under the watch of the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, Guo Director of Beijing Normal University, and Academician Luo of Yixian University, etc., took the medal, award certificate and bonus cheque from the King of Sweden. He then shook hands gently with the king, bowed and thanked him again with the award certificate, and the king gave a slight return of salute. Then he bowed to members of the Swedish royal family, representatives of the Nobel Prize Committee, and the guests present at the scene. There was a warm applause from the audience, and then the music rang, to congratulate Lu Qiujian for obtaining this great honor for the second time.

“Hey, what a pity, why didn’t Professor Lu personally go to receive the award?” Numerous netizens asked at the same time on the bib and various other social platforms.

At the same time, the White House was also discussing this topic. The new President of the United States, Trump, looked at his staff. “Even the supreme award ceremony for scientists is not attending. What the **** are he doing?” Is it really just researching space exploration technology, as announced by Hua Guo? “

There are not a few simple guys who can become presidents of the United States. Trump ’s previous funny behaviors just want to win votes for himself! In front of these American elites, he restored his savvy character.

“The Intelligence Bureau has tried many times to send our elite personnel to Changan ’s base, but the best performer so far has only been mixed into their external propaganda department! The information received there has been screened! Currently there is no Find out what is hidden in this base? “Edward Miller, the new director of the Central Intelligence Agency, replied. Fortunately, just after he took office, he could completely throw this pot to his predecessor.” Now it seems that from Leon -Panetta, David Petraeus and John Brennan have suffered serious malfeasance! We have reason to believe that Lu Qiujian is doing some more important research under the cover of the space exploration program! Ten years later, we still know nothing about this research! “

“What kind of research would that be?” The new Secretary of State Richard Colby asked, brow furrowed. “A new intercontinental missile? A more powerful nuclear bomb?”

“We don’t know the exact purpose of the Chinese, but after a side investigation, we have compiled a list of Chinese scientists who have gradually disappeared from the public eye since the establishment of Xihe Project and found that there is a great possibility that this base is in progress. Nuclear-related research! “Edward Miller has not been without gains since taking office.

“What’s the specific direction? Do the Chinese want to create a big guy who destroys the earth?” Trump was not satisfied with this answer. “They are not Korea! They don’t need to blackmail the whole world to live well.” ! “

“I need more time, money and manpower to investigate! The Chinese government’s defense of this base is very strict! I think even Ethan Hunt and James Bond can’t get in! To understand We must pay a higher price for the secret! “Edward Miller never admits that he is incompetent. He knows the way of political struggle. As long as he proposes a condition that they cannot meet, then even if the mission fails, it is not his responsibility .

“You make a budget and hand it over to me!” Trump made the decision. “The impact of China on the United States has been increasing over the years. They have now become our most powerful enemy. We must figure it out. Their goal! “

“Uh, okay!” Edward Miller began to guess what Trump’s bottom line was, and he planned to double that number.

“How does the spokesperson comment on the accusation by environmental protection agencies that your island in the South China Sea will cause environmental pollution?” A reporter from France asked at a regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“Our island and reef expansion work uses natural simulation ideas to simulate the movement of stormy waves in the ocean, the transportation of coral debris and other biological debris, and gradually evolved into a natural process of marine oasis, which has a limited impact on the coral reef ecological environment system. And in the process of natural simulation construction, all the energy used by us is supplied by new batteries, which will definitely not cause any pollution to the sea area! After the completion of our relevant construction activities, our ecological and environmental protection capabilities on islands and reefs will be greatly improved. The method has stood the test of time. “The spokesperson Zhen Zhen’s reply made many reporters speechless ~ ~ How do you evaluate the restriction of the US Congress on the number of electric vehicles exported from China to the US? Asked a reporter from Reuters.

“We strongly protest the violation of the principle of free trade and the violation of consumer rights by the US! We believe that the freedom of choice of the consumers of the US cannot be interfered with. This behavior of the US Congress is a gross interference in the human rights of the US people! Being able to realize their mistakes as soon as possible, so that the people of the United States can also use electric cars with more favorable prices and lower energy consumption! “Your spokesperson Yi Zhengzheng said.

“But now the new battery technology is in the hands of you Chinese people! Haven’t you ever thought of sharing this technology that has contributed greatly to human society?”

“Our government is the government that governs the country according to law! And the patent law is a ladder to promote human technological progress. Our country believes that the patent law, the cornerstone that promotes human progress, should not be shaken for the sake of a temporary benefit!”

“Your Excellency Spokesperson, may I ask why Professor Lu Qiujian did not attend the Nobel Prize award ceremony? Can you tell us where Professor Lu Qiujian is going now? What are the important things that will make him even the Nobel Prize award ceremony? Is there no way to participate in person? “The YMCA reporter’s question attracted everyone’s attention. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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