Demon School

Chapter 661 - Restless rice

“God! Was the Zerg attacking us?” On Times Square, countless people looked up at the burning Norfolk Naval Base on the big screen and listened to the commentary of the Fox TV host, thinking of themselves for the first time. Have you ever seen the science fiction movie “Interstellar Paratroopers”, wasn’t the alien Zerg using meteorites to attack the earth?

“Don’t we have the most powerful satellite monitoring system on earth? Why can’t we even find a small meteorite? Are our taxpayers’ money corrupted by the government?” Some people began to question the government’s morality.

“The vast majority of our military satellites are used to monitor the military institutions of other countries, as well as possible missiles; and the trajectory of meteorites and missiles are completely different, and are not within the monitoring scope of these military satellites!” Someone explained.

“George! My poor George!” Some people saw the aircraft carrier sinking into the sea on the video, and collapsed on the ground with tears. It seems that this unfortunate George should be a member of the Navy.

“This is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier! Shouldn’t radiation come to us with the clouds? Damn, what does radiation protection use? Iodine? Where can I buy these gadgets?” Someone started to look around Convenience stores, supermarkets, and quickly rushed in! Anything written with iodine in the supermarket was quickly snatched out! Some people who didn’t get it robbed others in front of the supermarket.

“The end of the world! The end of the world!” A group of young people in fancy clothes took the wine bottle in one hand and the pistol in the other and walked on the street. From time to time, they shot bullets at the surrounding windows, vehicles and even pedestrians … .

Various levels of riots have occurred throughout the United States, and the city of Norfolk, which is close to the disaster area, is the most serious! The highway that exits Norfolk City is remembered to be densely packed, with traffic accidents such as rear-end collisions and collisions happening along the way, and several high-speed passages are completely blocked! Even emergency routes are no exception. Fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars have pulled the siren to the maximum, and have not been able to move forward for even one step.

“Damn it! Take away your broken car!” Residents who were anxious and wanted to stay away from the radiation zone could no longer stand this desperate wait. They walked directly out of the car with a rifle and directly took the muzzle Aimed at the window of the driver’s seat of the vehicle in front!

“Hey, man! I want to leave early too! But you see it too, this is not to blame me!” The driver explained quickly with his hands clasped to his head, but he was so annoyed that he was able to take care of it and opened the insurance and shot.

“Put down the gun and raise your hands above your head! This is the National Guard, and do as we say right away!” The sound of the helicopter’s propeller came from above, and a big horn roared.

“Go to your National Guard! Immediately evacuate the highway!” The man with the gun immediately turned his muzzle and pointed it at the helicopter. He had only one idea in his mind now, that was to leave this **** place quickly!

boom! The police in the United States would not speak as well as the Chinese police. As long as they felt threatened, they shot without hesitation. The poor guy’s head was directly fragmented.

Tell the highways to be like this, the situation in downtown Norfolk will only get worse! The poor policeman in the urban area could not control the situation in the whole city! Those residents who could not leave were gradually becoming crazy from despair! In fact, this radiation is far from deadly, but the news media will only say the situation more seriously in order to get ratings, so the string that has been tightened in these residents’ hearts has been broken by their encouragement!

Vicious cases of robbery, homicide, rape, arson, etc. continue to occur in Norfolk City, and the situation in the city is getting more tense! The helicopters of the TV stations faithfully recorded this scene and sent them to every household, so the residents of Norfolk became even more desperate.

Five hours after the disaster, the first batch of paratroopers finally reached the city of Norfolk, and white flowers bloomed in the night sky! Umbrella landing in the city area at night is undoubtedly a very dangerous act, but the government of the United States has not been able to take care of so much! If they haven’t made a move under such circumstances, they will wait to be ousted!

So the great guys of the paratroopers began to fall into the Norfolk city under great danger. Some of them hit the glass curtain wall of the building, and some were hung on the street lights by the rioters passing by. When the sieve was turned on, and his comrades pointed their guns at the rioters, they saw the lights of the helicopter of the TV station illuminating! They can only disarm the rioters with hate, and they dare not fight even with a slap.

Even so, they have no way to stop the media attacks, especially on various social media, the government’s slow response, the corruption of military spending, and the government’s attempts to hide the facts have continued to win praise from netizens. They have begun planning to start taking to the streets tomorrow. Take a walk!

The representatives of the opposition were connected in series like chicken blood, looking at each policy of the White House with a microscope! Prepare for your speech! Trying to find opportunities to win ample political chips for myself ~ ~ In addition to sending soldiers to Norfolk constantly, the headache for them is how to make up for the lost ships and soldiers, in Bremerton The naval base also houses four aircraft carriers, Kitty Hawk, Independence, Constellation, and Ranger. At other bases, there is a big guy like Kennedy that exceeds the performance of any other country in the world! However, these storage ships have been idle for many years, and it takes a lot of time and a lot of money to restore them to combat power! More importantly, where should they find the officers and men who will pilot these ships and planes?

This is not the thing that worries the military the most! Nuclear radiation at Norfolk Naval Base is the most terrible thing! After the Fukushima nuclear accident, the neon people had a headache because they could not find anyone to enter the radiation zone. They also mocked that the neon people had already lost their blood! But now it’s their turn, and they remembered that they are in the rice country now, so there are probably not many people willing to sacrifice!

What is even more abominable is that those reactors are either burning at sea or sinking to the bottom of the sea. They have not been able to completely block them by airdropping cement as Lucia did when they handled the Chernobyl nuclear accident! And even if you can use this method, where can you find a pilot willing to take the risk of nuclear radiation to fly the plane?

Do you want us to completely destroy this place with a nuclear bomb? (~ ^ ~)

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