Demon School

Chapter 67 - exposure

As Professor Thurston browsed the thesis, Lv Qiujian was leading the team against the Brown University Bears. In this game, he vented all the anger accumulated over these days to the poor bear.

Dropped a whistle, the referee stopped the game again, and made a gesture of three plus one. Lv Qiujian glared across the point guard of Brown University, high-five with Patrice and others, and then stood on the free throw line.

This time, blindfolded without intentional provocation, took a few shots of the basketball, and easily thrown out. With a swipe, his score in this game rose to 37 points.

As soon as he finished the free throw, Coach Thompson replaced him with Ed. The overall situation of the game has been decided. There is no need to leave the main force on the court. In case there is an accident, it will be too late to cry.

“You seem to be in a bad mood today?” Coach Thompson asked with concern. He was afraid that the core of his team would affect his status because of other things. “What happened? Maybe I can help?” “

“Thank you, some trivial things, I can handle it myself!”, Lu Qiujian replied depressively, and now the paper has been revised almost, and it’s a big deal to publish it in the “Annual Mathematics”! Hey, why are you so unwilling!

“Preparation is complete! You can start to release the news as planned until Monday!”, Patrice also sees that he is not feeling right, and wants to use the gains in the financial market to make him feel better, “According to Jason’s prediction, After the opening, Luther Technology ’s stock price will drop by at least ten percentage points, and at least it will bring us three times the income! I have already taken a good leave to plan to go to the New York stock exchange market to see it. Do you want to go together? “

“Okay! Come and see with you!” Lu Qiujian responded listlessly, putting the rest of Gatorade aside and starting to pack his things.

The game ended and the Princeton Tigers won again unexpectedly. Lu Qiujian returned to the locker room and took out his mobile phone from the locker. When he opened it, he found several missed calls, all from Professor Thurston.

“Hello, Professor! Just now the mobile phone was not with me at the game!”, Lu Qiu established a call back, “What are you looking for me for?”

“Game? Oh, I didn’t even think of you as a player on the basketball team!” Thurston asked about the game with a smile. “It looks like you won again? Help me keep a ticket in the front row in the next game. When I was young, I was a fan of Bird! “

“It’s a great honor!”, And after a few words of basketball, Professor Thurston remembered the business, “Yes, your new paper sent to” Science “happened to be assigned to me for review. I found a small You may have to adjust the loophole! “

“What?” Lv Qiujian was shocked suddenly. When did I send another paper? He looked at his teammates who were talking hotly and lowered his voice. “Wait a moment, I will find a quiet place to talk!”

Took the phone out of the dressing room, and found a secluded corner, Lu Qiujian said one by one, “Mr. Professor, can you repeat what you just said?”

Professor Thurston also found something strange in Lu Qiujian’s discourse. He quickly received an e-mail from “Science”, and the paper to be reviewed told him exactly the same news that Lu Qiujian had shown him.

“That wasn’t me! I have given up my intention to publish an article in Science.” Lu Qiujian said seriously, “Are you sure that the paper is very similar to mine?” The word was stressed.

“The same idea, exactly the same structure, except that the wording and some details are different before, everything is the same. If it is not you, then the problem will be big!”, Professor Thurston has been in the academic world for decades, what kind of Never seen the storm, he immediately thought of the most serious possibility, “You come to me immediately, take a look at this article yourself!”

“Okay, I’ll go over right away!” After hanging up the phone, it was too late to change clothes. Lu Qiujian wore a jersey and ran to Professor Thurston’s office.

“Mr. Professor!” Even after a fierce competition, he ran for another three kilometers, but Lu Qiujian still saw no sweat on his forehead.

“Come and see this! Are you sure you didn’t send it yourself?”, Professor Thurston saw him come in and immediately let the computer over.

Lv Qiujian quickly browsed the paper by sliding the mouse, shaking his head and said, “It is exactly the same as my paper, but I did not send it to Science again!”

“Plagiarism!”, Thurston sullenly said the most hated word in academia, “I’m sure who saw your article from other places, and then changed his face after learning that” Science “rejected your manuscript. I resubmitted the paper and want to seize your research results! “

“What are we going to do now?”, Lv Qiujian seemed to understand why the paper was rejected. It is estimated that someone read his own article. UU reads the book, so he used the means of failing the review. Delay your publication time.

“It’s not your business anymore! It’s a challenge for all hard-working scientific researchers!” Professor Thurston said with a cold face. “I will act as a reviewer of” Science “to” Science ” “Propose strict representations and call on all professors from the Princeton Mathematics Department to support you!”

Princeton’s Mathematics Department is on the verge of half of the mathematics community in Shangmi. Professor Thurston is going to make a big news! Haha, I am afraid that the plagiarist did not expect to encounter such fierce opposition? It seems that some of his drawings were broken in Tucson, and sometimes naively there will be big problems!

“I will sort out all the original manuscripts, if they are still hard-mouthed, I can still have an open debate with them!”, Lu Qiujian knew that he must also be prepared on his side.

“Where did Professor Nan find the test paper and answer sheet, he must have kept it!” Thurston opened his cell phone while talking.

The cell phone signal broke Princeton’s tranquility, and the professors who were still in the office building came quickly. The professors who had already left work immediately put down their things, from the restaurant, from the TV, from the supermarket, from the bed … … to get up quickly and rush to Professor Thurston’s office.

There were more and more people, and the small office was no longer able to stay. At this time, Professor Wiles also came. He stood at the door, his face was equally serious, glanced at the tightly packed office and said, “Go Big meeting room! William, you have the materials ready, let’s go to the big meeting room to discuss! “

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