Demon School

Chapter 676 - Battle recovery

“We need more professionals! Trace experts, ballistics experts, deplaning experts, digital simulation experts …” Lieutenant Sigil reported a long list, “We need the headquarters to take these people Come here quickly! Now we must seize the time, we do n’t know when the heavy rain and strong wind will clear the traces here! ”

“There are no conditions for autopsy here, send poor Vermeer’s body back to the headquarters, and then take over all the experts!” Major Rogers ordered, Vermeer was the team captain’s name; he stroked his chest With a cross in mind, you can make your last contribution to the United States of America! Let your corpses tell us what advanced weapons the Chinese used.

The subordinates brought by Major Rogers immediately became busy. They quickly transported the body of Vermeer to the helicopter. The propeller set off a gust of wind and flew into the sky, flying toward the headquarters.

Major Rogers ordered a Marlboro, standing beside a large rock near the battlefield, silently looking at the direction of China, using one cigarette after another to link his inner anxiety, and soon his feet were covered Cigarette butts.

“Who’s special!” Major Rogers reached his hand to his pocket again, but he felt nothing for a long time, and he was exhausted by a whole pack of cigarettes! Depressedly rubbed the cigarette case into a ball and threw it to the ground! Fortunately, at this time, the sound of the helicopter rotor sounded in the distance. Years of experience in the army made him know that the two slaves were coming without judging from the sound.

“Major! All relevant experts at the headquarters are here!” Lieutenant Sigil jumped from above without waiting for the helicopter to settle, and reported to Major Rogers.

“Do what we said just now! Check every inch of land! I want to know exactly what kind of weapons the Chinese use!” Major Rogers quickly issued an order, and then extended his right hand, “Lieutenant, put your body on Hand over Marlboro! “

“Yes!” Lieutenant Sigil took Marlboro from his pocket and handed it over. The experts took out all kinds of advanced equipment under his leadership to start an inch by inch investigation.

“There is a clear trace of the magnetic field left on this bullet!” Dr. Robert Lansa, an ammunition expert, placed the arrow-shaped warhead found by Lieutenant Sigir under the magnetic detector for inspection. He couldn’t help but look at the data displayed on the screen Mouth, “God! What a terrible weapon!”

“Doctor, what did you find?” Major Rogers asked in three steps and two quick steps, approaching him while looking at the magnetic detector’s display, but he saw nothing.

“Major! This instrument can analyze the magnetic force carried by this warhead to infer the strength of the magnetic field that pushes it out of the muzzle!” Dr. Lanza pointed to the string of numbers and explained, “Based on the data shown, I It is calculated that the electromagnetic rifle used by the Chinese can keep this bullet at a distance of more than 1500 meters and it still maintains a terrible accuracy! The initial velocity of the bullet will exceed three times the speed of sound! It is terrible! “

“Gosh!” The cigarette butts in the hands of Major Rogers fell to the ground. Faced with such a terrible weapon, no wonder Vermeer would wipe them out; he asked with a hint of fluke, “Dr. Lansa, you are sure they used Is it an ordinary assault rifle, not a sniper rifle? “

“Look at this bullet, its caliber is less than 8 mm! And the average sniper rifle bullet is much larger than this! I guess if we expand the search range, we can definitely find the hidden traces of their sniper!” Dr. Lansa He shook his head and continued to talk about the data he analyzed from this warhead. “You see, the use of electromagnetic drives no longer requires a bullet casing, and the volume and cost of bullets will be greatly reduced! By allowing the size of the clip to accommodate a larger number Of bullets, the continuity of firepower has been greatly enhanced! “

“But doesn’t it take time to replace the battery?” Major Rogers also visited the electromagnetic rifle laboratory in the United States and knew a little bit about them.

“If you follow the battery technology level of the United States, you may be right!” Dr. Lansa once again refuted his point of view, “but in the field of battery technology, Chinese people have already led us too much! Their civilian products They are more powerful than our military products! Not to mention the usual practice of other countries, more powerful products must be given priority to the military! I think a battery is enough for them to support a long battle! “

Major Rogers immediately ordered people to expand the search range, and he continued to discuss this terrible rifle with Dr. Lansa! Guess its shooting speed, battery life and other data.

It did n’t take long for the soldiers who were dispatched to conduct a large-scale search to return, “Major! We found traces of sniper lurking three kilometers away!”

“Three kilometers!” Major Rogers couldn’t help repeating this number! In his memory, the farthest sniping record in human history has also occurred in this country. In 2015, two Australian snipers used an M82A1 anti-material rifle to shoot a leader of an extremist group from 2800 meters away. The two snipers fired at the same time, and the leader of the extremist group fell dead 6 seconds later.

This time it was aimed at ordinary people without defense ~ ~ and this time the Chinese faced the most elite soldiers of the rice army! They will not choose to shoot at the extreme distance of the sniper rifle! In other words, the distance of three kilometers is far from the maximum range of this sniper rifle! It may even be just half of the range!

“The latest news from Headquarters! Sergeant Harrison is very likely to die from sniping! Those anatomical experts believe that the bullet that hit him is very similar in shape to this!” Lieutenant Sigil reported again soon The bad news!

“Electromagnetically driven sniper rifle?” The range of more than five kilometers, it sounds almost electromagnetic gun! And the elite soldiers are quick to respond. They certainly will not react within 6 seconds after the bullet is launched, which means that the bullet that killed Sergeant Harrison will fly faster than the traditional gunpowder sniper rifle!

The fear in Major Rogers’ hearts has increased. In the past few decades, in most cases, it has always been them who rely on the advantages of equipment to crush the enemy, but now the equipment of the United States has begun to fall behind?

“Major! I suggest you come and see this!” Another professional raised his Delta Force’s special talker and shouted to him. (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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