Demon School

Chapter 679 - Do you want to go to military court?

The Bremerton Naval Base in Washington State, where the only remaining aircraft carriers of the US are Calvinson and Reagan! Since the Norfolk accident, people at the naval base have been gathering protesters for a long time, mainly from nearby cities! They are all afraid that the Norfolk accident will repeat itself here!

The protesting residents held various placards and demanded that the two aircraft carrier battle groups immediately leave Bremerton! Or simply destroy the aircraft carrier directly to keep them away from the danger of nuclear radiation!

The navy officers and soldiers who were loved in the past have also become the object of their protest! Of course, these residents like these soldiers not because of the glorious image of the American soldiers in Hollywood movies, but because their consumption provides sufficient employment and expensive economic income for the surrounding residents! But now, they would rather give up and let the soldiers get out with their aircraft carrier! Or they haven’t realized what they would lose if the aircraft carrier withdrew.

“I haven’t been out of the barracks for three weeks! Sally I’m afraid I’ve been taken away by that little ruffian?” Captain Jamila Williams stared dumbly at the crowded protest team outside the barracks! In order to avoid the intensification of contradictions, Bremerton Naval Base has canceled everyone’s holiday! Unless official business needs, everyone must stay in the base!

“I would rather go to the Middle East to fight with Lucia than stay here like jail!” His partner Captain Steven Rogers also grumbled. This kind of life is simply too difficult. Endured!

“Jamira, Steven! The people of the Pentagon asked you to report to the conference room in Building Three!” Perhaps God heard their prayers and immediately ordered her soldiers to come to them!

“Has a mission?” Williams and Rogers looked happy! He tidied up his military uniform and walked quickly toward Building Three. “Steven, will the Pentagon transfer us there? North Africa or the Middle East?”

“It’s good if you go to the Mediterranean theater! I miss those Italian girls so much! They will completely dry you out!” Captain Rogers couldn’t help licking his lips.

“As long as I can get out of this ghost place! I would like to let me go to Africa!” Williams thinks this is probably the most difficult time for him since joining the army?

“Gosh, aren’t you afraid of getting AIDS?” The two of them spit each other all the way to the conference room in Building 3 with the excitement of leaving.

“Report! Captain Steven Rogers / Jamira Williams came to report!” The two of them stood upright and raised their chests to report loudly.

“Dear Mr. Navy Captain, please sit down! I’m Lieutenant Colonel Sam Dundee!” The man sitting behind his desk smiled as if he wanted to make the conversation with the two great guys easier and held up his coffee The cup asked, “Do you need coffee?”

“Thank you, sir! But no more! We are now anxiously hoping to get the task sooner!” Williams and Rogers sat straight in their chairs, eyes full of desire to dedicate themselves to Milian.

“Very good! The United States is proud of you!” Lieutenant Colonel Dundee nodded appreciatively. “Now let’s verify your resume! According to the information, you have worked in various naval departments! Have a wealth of diving experience! Ability to handle a variety of Working under water! “

“Yes! Mr. Lieutenant Colonel! I promise you can’t find many people in the entire Navy who are better than us at this job!” Do you want us to work in the Mediterranean? How many divers are not available in North Africa and the Middle East! Rogers and Williams excitedly recalled those passionate Italian girls.

“Now the Pentagon has a very important task for you! This task requires excellent diving skills. Are you ready?” Lieutenant Colonel Dundee didn’t seem to start so smoothly.

“Observation of military orders is the first duty of soldiers! We are ready to accept the call!” The two stood up and answered loudly.

“Great! Give you three hours to prepare! Then set off with me immediately!” Lieutenant Colonel Dundee passed the two orders.

“Follow your orders!” Williams and Rogers took both hands and asked excitedly, “Sir, where are we going? Italy or Greece?”

“No!” Lieutenant Colonel Dundee looked at them in amazement, wondering why they would guess so, “We don’t need to go so far, this mission is in the United States! The Pentagon will mobilize all Navy divers to Norfolk The Naval Base of Kyrgyzstan rescues underwater nuclear weapons! “

“Water!” Rogers and Williams’ faces changed drastically. They dared to confront the most fierce enemies, but when they learned that they were going to face nuclear radiation, they were not so calm! Rogers hurriedly opened the order to look over, and saw that the above text was exactly the same as what Colonel Dundee had just said.

“Lieutenant Colonel, I think we seem to have misunderstood your intention!” Williams said with discretion, “We thought you would send us to fight in the Middle East or North Africa!”

“There is no need for divers there now!” Lieutenant Colonel Dundee interrupted his explanation ~ ~ Divers located in the Middle East, Europe and Asia also received similar orders, except for those who are inseparable, all Divers must participate in this plan! “

“Mr. Lieutenant Colonel! I have served in the Middle East for many years! I once participated in the Iraq War and secretly sneaked into the Iraqi military base to place bombs in the war! I think if I go to the Middle East, I will definitely perform better than those guys now “Rogers seems to have found an opportunity.” I am very willing to go to the Middle East for the most dangerous missions. You will transfer me to the Middle East to return to those divers who have not much practical experience! “

Fighting the enemy will not necessarily die, but there is certainly no good end to the Norfolk Naval Base! If you take a step back 10,000, even if you die when fighting with the enemy, it will be very simple, and it will not be as painful as it is after suffering from nuclear radiation! After the Iraq war, he had seen many victims who were heavily contaminated with depleted uranium bombs. He didn’t want to be like that!

“Do you want to go to the military court? The Pentagon’s order cannot be refused! Please remember your responsibility and honor as a soldier, and pack up immediately!” Lieutenant Colonel Dundee shouted sharply.

The two looked at each other, and they knew they had only two options: either go to Norfolk to receive nuclear radiation, or go to the military court! (~ ^ ~)

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