Demon School

Chapter 686 - We are developing countries

“According to the” United Nations Outer Space Treaty “signed in 1967, the moon belongs to all mankind! Has China’s establishment of a permanent base on the moon violated this treaty?” At the routine press conference after the successful landing on the moon, The spokesman for the moon landing program was bombarded by journalists all over the world.

“Accurately, what the” United Nations Outer Space Treaty “signed in 1967 stipulates is that no country can declare its own sovereignty over the moon, and our country of China has not put forward claims on the moon’s sovereignty! What is your question? Speaking of it? “The spokesperson’s answer disappointed those who wanted to hear since ancient times.

However, the next sentence made them laugh, “Hua Guo welcomes all countries in the world to participate in the exploration of the moon. We look forward to seeing more countries on the moon!”

Haha, isn’t this a bully! In addition to China and Rice, which country in the world is capable of sending astronauts to the moon? Moreover, the United States was trapped by the Norfolk meteorite, and I am afraid that it will be impossible to start the Apollo program again for a long time! What’s the point of this welcome?

Yes, we welcome you to the moon, but whether you can go on board or not is not our business! You can’t let us transport your astronauts to the moon? Sorry, our research project in China has not been completed yet! There is really no way to send you up! But you can wait patiently, maybe we can open up a lunar tourist route in ten or eight years, and then you will queue up to sign up!

“What is your next plan after this successful moon landing?” A reporter with the Discovery Channel logo stood up and asked.

“Continue to send more astronauts to the moon!” The spokesperson replied without hesitation, “The four astronauts will return to Earth after completing the initial construction of the base, and the next batch of astronauts will take over their work Continue to build the Guanghan Palace base and carry out a series of scientific research. “The spokesperson pressed the remote control device to display the next stage node list of the moon landing plan on the large screen. Six launches were scheduled during the time, and this number dazzled all the reporters present.

“Isn’t it too impatient to carry out such frequent launches? Especially when China still has so many poor people, is it not appropriate to use so much money for unrewarded space exploration? “A reporter from China asked.

“First of all, I want to emphasize that our launch cost has been published on the official website! You can see that this cost is much lower than the cost of the Apollo program in the United States! For our country, the pressure is not great! As for you I do n’t agree with what I said is not rewarded! ”The spokesperson replied with a smile.“ Everyone can clearly see that the moon landing plan is part of the Xihe plan, and since the Xihe plan was established, the tablet has been successfully developed. , New batteries and other by-products that greatly promote people’s livelihood! The economic benefits brought by these products have been enough to prove that our research is extremely beneficial! “

“At the same time, the development of Xihe plan has driven the discovery of high-tech fields in our country, provided tens of thousands of jobs, greatly promoted the increase of employment rate! The orders issued by Xihe plan also promoted a large number of high Technology companies are thriving, and the development of these companies has provided more jobs and paid huge taxes. The state can use these taxes for infrastructure in backward areas, thereby driving economic development in the region! He said that the Xihe plan has greatly promoted the progress of our country’s poverty eradication work! “The spokesperson’s words made them speechless.

“Does the success of the moon landing plan mean that China has become the world’s top technological power?” A reporter from Neon TV asked.

“I can’t say that yet! As we all know, our country is still a developing country!” The spokesperson again made this universal excuse and refused to admit this. “The development time is still short, although some achievements have been made in certain fields, But it is still catching up in more areas! “

One big killer was not enough, and then he threw out a second big killer, “Everyone knows that China has a population of 1.4 billion, and the four astronauts sound like a lot, but divided by the big denominator of 1.4 billion It seems trivial! We need to work harder to catch up! “

Is it really appropriate for you to measure per capita here? As for how do these words of developing countries sound like a joke? A developing country sending astronauts to the moon? A developing country that has established a permanent base on the moon? Developing countries using recyclable rockets to launch space devices?

GDP ranks second in the world and looks to become the world ’s first developing country soon? A developing country with the world’s most advanced high-speed rail technology, battery technology, and aerospace technology? The developing country with the largest number of computers and mobile phones in the world? Your sister in development!

Reporters from countless developing countries roared in their hearts, you go away! We don’t have a companion like you! A reporter from a developed country smiles bitterly in your heart. You are still calling yourself a developing country like this. What about those of us that haven’t even launched lunar probes a few times?

After the articles of the reporters were sent back to their home countries, the term developing country quickly became a hot topic among countries:

“The only country in the world with an economic power and a developing country swapping it.”

“Hua Guo will never be a developed country ~ ~ They didn’t even plan to be!”

“If the adults of Hua Guo are developing countries, then the third-placed neon is also a developing country?”

“We are ranked fourth in Germany, it must be a developing country!”

“France, ranked fifth, said it is also developing.”

“Sixth Britain said, let’s join the big family of developing countries together!”

“The United States should cry. Isn’t there only one developed country left in this world? It’s so lonely!”

“Your shame! It’s like the kind of person who drives a premium car to fly around and receives the living allowance! Woooooo, I really want to be such a guy!”

No matter how they talk, Hua Guo still has n’t changed its plan for the construction of the Guanghan Palace base. Two years have passed slowly. The first phase of the construction of the Guanghan Palace base in China has been completed. A perfect system can At the same time accommodate more than ten people to work at the moon base! The mining of helium 3 is also very smooth. (~ ^ ~)

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