Demon School

Chapter 691 - There are many guesses (thanks to the little tow oil bottle)

If someone else wins this award for vague and unclear reasons, it is time to start shouting “shady” and “black box operation” online! But this time it was Lu Qiujian who won the prize, which made them at a loss! Can you say that Lu Qiujian is not eligible to receive the highest science and technology award in China? People have won the Nobel Prize more than once! Which achievement does not meet the selection criteria of this award?

So netizens only have a big brain to guess what Lu Qiujian has won this award, which is the highest honor in the Chinese scientific community! For a while, there were many opinions on the Internet.

“I guess Professor Lu has made a major breakthrough in the field of antimatter? Since he was able to prove dark matter, then it is not a strange thing to come up with antimatter again?” Some people put forward this view.

“Don’t think that the difference between dark matter and antimatter is about one word? The difference between the two is great! Dark matter is a substance that does not emit electromagnetic radiation and does not interact with electromagnetic waves; antimatter is The extension of the concept of antiparticles, antimatter is composed of antiparticles with opposite charges and particles. These two are completely different concepts! “Some people who understand physics put forward a rebuttal,” Antimatter was confirmed by scientists in the United States as early as 1932. , And dark matter was not confirmed by Professor Lu more than ten years ago! “

“And Xi and the plan are not close to anti-matter research. The anti-matter research center of Hua Guo is at Hua Guo University of Science and Technology. I have never heard that Professor Lu has had too much contact with the anti-matter research team there! Even if Professor Lu really made outstanding achievements in the field of anti-matter as you said, it can be announced in a generous manner, and there is no need to be so vague! “The most one sentence is very convincing. They ruled out.

“What would it be like? Could it be that something on the moon that can greatly enhance China’s military strength?” This guess is basically half the guess.

“There seems to be such a possibility!” An army fan immediately stood up and confirmed from the side, “Our submarine technology, individual weapon system, etc. have been greatly improved in recent years! It is said that our special forces have also used to It is almost impossible to destroy a delta squad in Afghanistan without damage. If it were not for weapons, it would be almost impossible! “

“I also heard that the aircraft carrier that was shut down after the Norfolk meteorite impact incident has begun to resume work! Perhaps this is the reason! I really look forward to seeing the new aircraft carrier form combat power!” Someone proposed a photo of the aircraft carrier being built in the dock. From the photo, it can be seen that the aircraft carrier is nearing completion, and the existing aircraft carriers in the world are very different.

“Huh? Why does the runway look so short? And what do the guns on the bridge do? Is this an aircraft carrier or a battleship?”

“Multiple turrets are the romance of men! This new aircraft carrier is so beautiful!” Soon the floor was distorted in a weird direction, and there was a heated debate around this photo.

Online discussions can open up nonsense, but not at the national level! The United States just walked out of the Meteor impact disaster at the Norfolk Naval Base. They spent a long time and a lot of money and human and material resources, and finally cleaned up the nuclear material in the Norfolk port. Now they have encountered such problems again. , Trump couldn’t help but feel extremely headache!

In the past few years, they have reopened three storage aircraft carriers and other auxiliary battleships, and urgently issued orders for three aircraft carrier formations to major shipyards. These latest ships, fighter aircraft and other auxiliary facilities let The surging military expenditure of the United States has the consequence that in addition to military-related industries, other industries of the United States have stagnated or even declined to varying degrees! The public’s protests are getting louder!

The matter of rebuilding the aircraft carrier formation is okay to say, but conscription is much more difficult! The Norfolk accident killed tens of thousands of American officers and soldiers, and in the next arrow-breaking operation, when the American military knew that the characters were at great risk, the soldiers were also required to carry out the practice, which made the public to the military. Goodwill dropped to a record low.

In this case, even if the Pentagon and Hollywood cooperated to launch several conscription advertisements like “Zhuang Zhi Ling Yun”, it would be useless. Even the box office with these large amounts of money was produced and it was a terrible end. It didn’t take long for the movie to be released. Just hurried off the line!

Therefore, the United States had to increase the proportion of other ethnic groups in the United States Army again. Trump also knew that this was not a wise choice. It was like there were huge hidden dangers when the Roman Empire employed barbarian troops, but in today’s situation, he only has I can drink thrush to quench my thirst!

I just didn’t expect to see the hope of getting out of the predicament. The Chinese side has released such a message again, “Professor Ostman, can you tell us what kind of achievements Lu Qiujian has made?”

Trump turned his attention to his president ’s chief scientific adviser and Professor Jonathan Osterman, director of the White House ’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, and Osterman turned his attention to CIA Director Edward Miller, “I need enough information to Judge this! “

“In the past few years, we have transferred a large number of people from China to the Middle East, North Africa, and even China. UU reads, so our surveillance of China has weakened! And Lu Qiujian ’s Xihe plan is again China. The focus of the national anti-spyware department is protection, so we have no news for the time being! But I have arranged for someone to investigate, but you know, it takes time! “Edward Miller also had a headache.

“Are there any news from Europe and neon?” Trump believes that neon should be more concerned about the change of China than the United States in recent years! Maybe they have got some information.

“No, it’s not!” Edward Miller denied his speculation, and the Neon people had no ability to penetrate Xi and the plan.

“Let’s figure it out as soon as possible!” Trump felt an ominous feeling in his heart. He didn’t know why. He always felt that this would be very bad news for the country.

The Chinese side did not let them wait more. Not long after the end of this China Science and Technology Commendation Conference, the traditional Chinese New Year festival is coming.

Three days before the Spring Festival, China ’s official media suddenly issued news at the same time, and China ’s top leader Qin Feng will announce a major news in this year ’s New Year speech!

Perhaps this news has a close relationship with Lu Qiujian’s award? Many people are so guessing. (~ ^ ~)

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