Demon School

Chapter 698 - Peace 2020

“Vladimir, welcome to China!” When shaking hands with Vladimir, Qin Feng opened a small business. Hey, is he the current president or prime minister? If it is the prime minister, according to the principle of reciprocity, it seems that Lu Kunqi should meet him? But everyone knows that Lucia is the one who has the final say, so these little problems need not be entangled.

“Qin! I have hollowed out the legacy left by the Red Empire! The An-225 behind is filled with the essence of Red Empire technology! As long as you agree, these can be left in China immediately, including the plane. “On the way to review the guard of honor, Vladimir could not wait to throw his condition.

“Vladimir, what do you want?” Qin Feng couldn’t help but was caught flat-footed by his single-handed approach. The style of Lao Maozi was still consistent and straightforward! But I have to say that this method is very effective, at least Qin Feng has been convinced of his sincerity in reaching cooperation.

“The era of Lucia lying on resources and making money easily is over! I must find a new way out for my people!” Vladimir said frankly, Lucia’s heritage is far from comparable to those in the Middle East that only have resources, ” We want to cooperate with China in the fields of nuclear fusion and space exploration! Besides, do n’t you think it is too wasteful for the vast Siberia to be so idle? Lucia has the world ’s most extensive land, and China has the most hardworking people , We can conduct in-depth cooperation in Siberia! “

“Lucia will not covet the technology that China has worked hard to develop, but hopes that China can help Lucia build a nuclear fusion power station! And Lucia still has a certain accumulation and outstanding talent in the field of space exploration. We can Cooperation in development! I believe that with the help of Lucia, the construction of the second phase of the China Lunar Base will be faster! “Vladimir knows that the era of oil has passed, and now it is the era of helium 3, who has mastered helium 3 Who will master the future!

And many oil countries have it, but the largest storage place for helium 3 is on the moon, which means that only a few countries in the world can participate in this feast. The EU is very alert to Lucia, and the United States is even less likely to cooperate with them. His choice was left to Hua Guo.

Qin Feng also knows that it is impossible for China to eat single food all the time. Among those potential partners, only Lucia can get such a high price. “Some details need to be discussed, but in principle we hope to have more friends. Participate in the cooperation in space exploration! Because the future of mankind belongs to the universe without a doubt! And this goal cannot be achieved by Hua Guo ’s own efforts alone! “

“Throughout the history between our two countries, although there are confrontations and even wars, in the end, we will cooperate for a longer period of time! I believe we can still maintain close friendship in the future!” Vladimir knew he might not be on this trip White is coming, but he still hopes to get more things, “The Calvinson and Reagan are about to return to Asia! We plan to conduct larger military operations in the Middle East in the near future!”

“Although we now have a nuclear fusion power station, oil and natural gas still have a wide range of uses as chemical raw materials! We can continue to buy resources from Lucia!” Whether he wants to expand Lucia’s influence in the Middle East or want to reduce the Middle East The amount of oil extraction is also good. He has undoubtedly reduced the pressure on China in this way, so Qin Feng also surrendered to Li. “Yes, China plans to carry out a 20-day military exercise plan in the East China Sea. I do n’t know Lucia. Are you interested in participating? “

“Is it to test the combat effectiveness of those two new aircraft carriers? Lucia’s first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ulyanovsk has initially formed combat effectiveness! It is better to give our lads a chance to perform!” The Fuske nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is a new generation of aircraft carriers in Lucia. It was originally planned to build four ships, two each in the Lucia Northern Fleet and the Pacific Fleet. However, due to economic reasons, Lucia did not complete the construction of the first ship until today.

The Ulyanovsk nuclear-powered aircraft carrier has a standard displacement of 85,000 tons and a full load of 94,500 tons; a maximum speed of 30 knots, with almost unlimited endurance; it can accommodate 70 shipborne aircraft and has powerful missile and artillery air defense capabilities! Compared with the Ford class in the US, each has its advantages.

“In addition, we can also invite other SCO member states to participate.” Vladimir continued to suggest that those countries in the Middle East would definitely not be willing to go down the stage, they would think of various ways to trouble China, in this case Close cooperation with Central Asian countries is more beneficial to China.

“We can continue to use the code name of the previous exercise! Name this military exercise ‘Peace-2020’!” Taizu said, fighting for peace will survive and peace will be settled by compromise; I hope the people of the country We can see the strength and determination we demonstrated in this military exercise, thus giving up the plan of military intervention! If not, we would not be afraid to send their aircraft carrier to the bottom of the sea again!

“The scale of this exercise will exceed that of any previous exercise! The main parties of the exercise are tentatively scheduled to be the East China Sea Fleet, the South China Sea Fleet, and the Northern Fleet of Ulsia, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group Ulyanovsk! Organize other member states as observers ~ ~ At the same time, we also welcome other countries to send representatives to visit the exercise! “The spokesperson introduced at the press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China.

“Which countries are mainly targeted for this exercise? Is it the response to the entry of the U.S. Calvinson and Reagan into the Asian waters?” A Reuters reporter asked.

“Hua Guo is a peace-loving country. We just want to show our determination and ability to defend peace through this exercise, not against any country!” The spokesperson said sincerely.

“Is the area and time of the exercise determined?” Kyodo reporter asked nervously.

“The area of ​​the exercise is tentatively scheduled for the East China Sea! The time is two months later!” The spokesperson called up a map of the exercise area. From this figure, it can be seen that the area of ​​this exercise in China is east of the Ryukyu Islands, From the south to the yellow sea to the north, it almost painted the entrance of the Naha Army Base!

And the time is enough to allow the US carrier to enter Asia! Is this not aimed at any country yet? Some people believe it! How do the people of the United States respond to the exercise by China? Will this exercise be the beginning of the Third World War? After the news was released, global attention was directed to the region! (To be continued ~ ^ ~)

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