Demon School

Chapter 71 - Hosting rights

Under pressure, Levin reluctantly agreed to a series of requests from Tillman, only to get Princeton to pursue the plagiarist himself without implicating Yale, but failed to prevent Princeton’s intention to announce the incident to the public.

As for “Science”, the responsibility is smaller than that of Yale. There are people committing crimes on Yale’s side, while “Science” is no more strict. They issued a statement at the first time, disqualified Professor Ferrig as a reviewer, and promised to publish Lü Qiujian’s paper in the next issue. However, due to the layout, only the one prepared by Lü Qiujian could be published. In the abridged version, all papers can only be submitted to the “Annual Mathematics”.

For this result, Lv Qiujian barely accepted it. All he wanted was a “Science” paper. As for whether it is ten pages or twenty pages, it is not so important.

Next, Princeton held a press conference to severely condemn Professor Ferrig ’s plagiarism. The incident quickly spread throughout the academic circles of the United States, then Europe, Asia …

Mathematicians all over the world have learned the news that Poincaré ’s conjecture has been cracked. They are waiting for the official paper to be published. Some impatient and broad-minded people are trying all kinds of ways to get it in advance. Manuscript.

Professor Zhang of Beijing Normal University made a phone call as soon as he got the news. After learning that Lv Qiujian ’s thesis office was the Beijing Normal University, he was so excited that he almost had a heart attack. He said quickly after a little recovery, “This matter It will become the most glorious page in the history of Beijing Normal University and even the whole history of Beijing Normal University! I only congratulate you on your achievements!

“Thanks to Beijing Normal University and all the professors for cultivating me!”, Of course, Lu Qiujian would not be complacent, and immediately replied with clichés.

Professor is also not a person who is good at using official languages. After dealing with two sentences, he tentatively asked, “This … Xiao Lu! Since you have made such an important achievement, should you hold a lecture?”

Lv Qiujian knew that the lecture given by Professor Zhang was not the kind of excellent commendation conference, but called a global mathematician to hold a public report on Poincaré ’s conjecture.

This question was already expected by Lv Qiujian. He asked straightforwardly, “Professor Zhang, do you mean that Beijing Normal University will host this lecture?”

“Yes, yes!”, Professor Zhang put his head on the phone like a chicken peck rice, “You have also seen the big hall of our school, what a style! It’s good to use it to give you a report!”

Poof, Lv Qiujian almost laughed out loud, and old school scholars like Professor Zhang really would n’t seduce him, he said with a smile, “Princeton ’s lecture hall is also very impressive! And using many of the latest scientific and technological achievements, It ’s much more comfortable to listen to the speech than our old auditorium! “

“That’s no big deal!” Professor Zhang immediately got nervous. Hosting a report with world influence will greatly enhance the school’s image and influence. As long as this meeting is done, the Beijing Normal University will be able to do it in the next three years. Overwhelming Shuimu University, how many years will it take to wait for such an opportunity, how can I just watch him slip away, “As long as you are willing to come back to give a speech, I will immediately go to the principal and let him immediately approve the money to renovate the auditorium!” “

In fact, Lu Qiujian had already thought about putting the report at Beijing Normal University. In this plagiarism storm, he really felt the truth of leaning back against the big tree to take advantage of the cold, if not relying on the deep roots of Princeton himself. The big tree, how could it be so easy for Yale and Professor Ferrig to surrender.

And Beijing University is absolutely one of the best trees in the country. Since it is decided to return to China for development in the future, it is definitely necessary to take this opportunity to send a gift to Beijing University, but people who do n’t get it too easily will never cherish it. So that’s what I just said.

“As long as you are willing to come back to give a report, I promise you to stay in the school as a teacher immediately after graduation. After completing the doctoral process within three years, you will immediately rely on the professor after getting the doctor!”, Professor Zhang saw Lu Qiujian didn’t speak for a long time. I prepared to hide the conditions that I was going to hide first.

Professors at Peking University are not so easy to do, with a lot of restrictions such as academic qualifications, age, work experience, academic level, and the number of years of associate professors, etc., and recently in order to avoid the problem of inbreeding in the academic world, a doctorate graduated from Peking University Since this year, I cannot teach directly at our school. Professor Zhang did not bother for this quota. Of course, if you can leave Lu Qiujian to teach at Beijing Normal University with a professor’s hat, all this is worth it!

But I didn’t plan to study in Beijing Normal University! This very attractive condition for others did not make Lu Qiujian’s heart fluctuate at all, but he also saw the sincerity of Professor Zhang and slowly put forward his own requirements. Professor Zhang agreed one by one. Down.

“Hey, finally got it done!” Professor Zhang sighed regretfully after hanging up the phone. Lu Qiujian agreed to the request to hold a report meeting at Peking University, UU reading www.www. didn’t agree to study in Beijing Normal University, which made him feel like he had lost watermelon and picked sesame seeds. A report meeting can only make the scenery of Beijing Normal University a while, but left Lu Qiujian, according to his age, at least it can cross the international mathematical community for decades, it is a pity!

It is estimated that you want to continue to study in Princeton after graduation? It ’s okay to have a good chat when he comes back next year, or to go to Peking University after returning from Princeton!

Hey, it may not be long before Princeton should urge himself to make a report. At that time, he would excuse himself to wait for the vulnerabilities in the paper to be added before reporting!

Lv Qiujian had long thought about how to deal with Princeton. He first dragged the time backwards with the word dragging strategy. When he was in March, he would follow the Tigers to play in the championship. At that time, the game was concentrated, and the school did not care. To your side.

If you are lucky enough to enter the semifinals, you will be able to drag the time to April. It will definitely be a celebration to wait for the semifinals to come back to school. It may be time to wait for this wave to subside.

Since it is May, it will not be long before the summer vacation, and then find some reason to drag the past two months, and you can leave Princeton and return to the embrace of Beijing Normal University.

what! Tomorrow is the NCAA game again! Lv Qiujian remembered the opponent he was going to face in the next game and couldn’t help laughing. He didn’t expect it to be such a coincidence! I don’t know how this team will encounter at home in Princeton?

Nine thousand recommended to add more, hey, a lot of debt! Happy troubles.

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