Demon School

Chapter 712 - Prestige for 1 person

“Jason, today is the trading day. How do you have time to get out for coffee? Should n’t you be busy on the New York Stock Exchange now?” Harvard graduate Kenneth called Jason Norman in the cafe across the distance To greet, this impolite behavior caused a lot of attention from other customers.

“Kenneth, you’re still the same!” Jason Norman, who knew the character of his old friend, shook his head helplessly. He hadn’t seen him for several years, and he hadn’t changed at all.

“Cry when you are sad, laugh when you are happy, and naturally shout loudly when you see old friends!” Kenneth knew that his behavior was not in accordance with social etiquette, but he had no intention of changing, or that someone like him in the art industry should be Some personality, “By the way, you have n’t told me why you have time to ask me for coffee?”

“Now the entire financial session of the United States is planning a big operation, and my fish is not eligible for admission, so I have a holiday!” Jason shrugged.

“Come on! You are all billionaires! Will you still be ineligible to participate?” Kenneth’s expression did not believe.

“I’m a billionaire!” Jason gave a reserved smile. “But compared to those people, my assets are nothing at all!” He answered Kenneth’s question without forgetting to fly fast on his mobile phone. Moving around, for them as financial practitioners, timely understanding of information is a necessary quality.

“Wow! Sounds cool! But haven’t you always followed those big crocodiles? Why didn’t you go hitchhiking this time?” Although the visitor hasn’t seen him for a long time, he often contacts online. Relatively clear.

“I like to hitchhike, but I’m not interested in this train destined for hell!” Jason shook his head, and his eyes changed subtly, and he seemed to be falling into long-term memories.

“Why?” Kenneth kept asking like a curious baby. “I have also seen photos of Washington Airport. I can’t imagine who can beat their union?”

“Kenneth, do you know how I earned my first pot of gold?” Jason didn’t answer the question.

“Yeah, when you were at Harvard, you shorted the stock of Luther Technology! Soon afterwards, the Luther Technology Company broke the scandal of making fake accounts. As a result, the stock fell sharply, and you made a fortune! An incident later became a classic case of Harvard Business School! How can I not remember this legendary thing? “Kenneth spit out a long line of speech like a machine gun.

“Yes! Because of this opportunity, I have the capital to step into Wall Street!” Jason could not help raising his chin slightly, “but you are not curious about what I did because I heard someone talk about my proud past.” Is such a judgment made? “

Kenneth nodded again and again, Jason held his hands in front of his chest, and told him a story from more than ten years ago, “These things are all from an NCAA game. At that time, I was the bench control of the Harvard Crimson team. Ball guard! Because the main guard Elliott was played by the Princeton Tigers point guard! I was able to play, and the first sentence of the opponent after the game let me know the reason why Elliott played abnormally! “

“What did he say?” Kenneth asked eagerly.

Jason took a sip of coffee slowly before he began to answer Kenneth ’s doubts, “He said to me,“ You are a business school student? What do you think of the latest data released by Luther Technology? I think they must be fake. By the way, these data simply do not comply with Benford’s law! ‘”

At this point, Jason couldn’t help laughing, and he could not believe that this was the most advanced and most irresistible **** he had heard in his life! “Later I learned that he conveyed to Elliott an idea that would allow him to write an article published in a first-class journal! How can we concentrate on the game in this situation? “

“Later, you listened to his advice, and then planned the business operation with him? Then you were a big success? By the way, where is the Princeton student who told you these now? Is it also on Wall Street?” Kenneth felt himself Listening to a legendary story, if it is written as a novel, it will definitely sell well?

“No, there are three people involved in this operation. In addition to us, there is another Princeton student who is now the vice president of Congo!” Jason’s eyes flashed a bit of desolation. “Here Of the three, I am the worst now! “

“Vice President!” Kenneth couldn’t help but open his mouth, if the billionaires are bad, what is this scum like me? “You haven’t told me who that person is? Also, what does this matter have to do with your not participating in the actions of the Wall Street Crocodile?”

“That person is the Nobel Laureate of China Lu Qiujian!” Jason said the name that made him miss him very much. If Lu Qiujian stayed in the United States and entered Wall Street, he would have to participate in his company anyway. If this is true, I am afraid that your assets are far more than this number?

“Now American financiers are planning to launch a financial war against China, but I know that with the financial strength of China and the ability of Professor Lu Qiujian, they simply cannot win! Why did I put my hard-earned money in vain? What about waste? “Jason finally made the relationship clear.” And Simmons of the Renaissance company, who worked with Professor Lu Qiujian, also made the same choice as me! “

One person’s prestige ~ ~ even scared a billionaire and a billionaire even dare not have the idea of ​​attacking him! What a powerful existence this man is! Kenneth couldn’t help but speak out.

“However, he is only a scientist and not a financier! Why do you fear him so much?” Literary and art worker Kenneth did not know the scientific world.

“Finance is ultimately a game of mathematics! In the field of mathematics, Professor Lu Qiujian is undoubtedly the first person in the world! The strategy he originally formulated for Luther Technology Company is a wonderful existence that I can’t surpass so far!” God , You give me this talent I have long become the richest man in the country! Will never be a scientist! Jason snarled in his heart, “Mr. Simmons is probably the person who knows him best in the US Financial Times? Since he has quit, how dare I insist …”

Jason’s voice came to an abrupt halt, and he stood up suddenly, “Sorry, Kenneth, I suddenly have an urgent matter to deal with! Today’s party is here first!” After he finished, he rushed out of the cafe.

“Hey! Hello!” He cried out when he walked away, “Your coffee hasn’t paid!” Oh my god, drinking coffee with a billionaire would require me to pay! (~ ^ ~)

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