Demon School

Chapter 716 - Space age

“Haha, these need you to tell them! As for the profits made by the national funds, I plan to invest in infrastructure!” Lu Kunqi also arranged for the use of this part of the funds, “In this case, it is still the same Keeping an export-oriented economy is not enough, so we have to strengthen the internal circulation of the economy! With this money, it is just right to strengthen the infrastructure of central and western China again! “

“Cheap electricity allows us to build a cheaper and more convenient transportation system! Let those people in remote areas really integrate into modern life!” After decades of construction, the transportation aorta of China has been relatively perfect, and now It’s time to build capillaries. According to Lu Kunqi’s plan, he wants everyone in townships and counties to use the convenient transportation network to reach nearby cities in a short period of time, which greatly enhances the mobility of people.

Those who can only eat in the mountains in the past can also walk out of the mountains and bathe in the light of modern civilization, thus changing the old ideas and changing the fate of the next generation! Lu Kunqi said in a guilty tone, “For so many years of reform and opening up, we really owe too much to these people! Now is the time for them to get what they deserve!”

“This is a difficult and long-term job! But it is also a job we must do!” Qin Feng also came to them at this time, and said solemnly, the power and the extremely cheap ones that stretched between the mountains Transportation costs will bring the flames of modern civilization to remote areas and eliminate ignorance. “In an era when we have been able to reach the moon, it is a shame for all of us in power to live like this! It’s time! “

Lu Qiujian also agreed with him, how many Grothendieck, how many Edward-Witten, how many Lionel Messi are buried in the reckless mountains … Those who have extraordinary talents Children have no chance to receive a good education, which is not only their personal loss, but also the regret of China, with the world ’s largest population base (not counting India, how many real people are there in India?), If all children are allowed With a good education, what powerful fighting power will this nation break out of?

Lu Qiujian believes that after the completion of Lu Kunqi’s plan, China will usher in a blowout era of talents. He is not very old now and can wait until that day.

“Don’t say this! Xiao Lu’s next space exploration plan needs much money? I am afraid it is not enough to raise funds from the people? I can also allocate some to you here!” This more than ten years of experience told Qin Feng and Lu Kunqi, As long as it is an investment for Lu Qiujian, there will be absolutely no overpayment!

“We plan to land on Mars next! Mars is more suitable for establishing permanent bases than the moon! At the same time, we also plan to develop asteroid mining technology, new spacecraft technology …” Lv Qiujian simply said the next The goal, “We do need the state to provide some of the start-up funds first, but I still hope that more people can participate in the space program, so that more people can enjoy the benefits of space exploration!”

“I planned it this way! The funds for the new space exploration program will come from two parts, one is government funds and the other is private funds!” Lu Qiujian threw out his own plan, “I want more people to support space exploration Plan, let them benefit from this plan is the best way! “

“From the discovery of the Xihe plan to the present, our plan is generally profitable! The benefits of tablets, new batteries, superconducting materials, fusion power stations, etc. have exceeded the government’s investment in us! Then we Why can’t we absorb private funds and then give them dividends? Of course, such dividends don’t necessarily have a lot, and they don’t necessarily cash out soon! But as long as there are, you can attract more people to invest in them! “Lv Qiujian They said a lot in one breath, “their participation will not only bring us more funds, but more importantly, it will attract more people to pay attention to space and interest in space! This is even more important than funds!”

“Well, as you wrote in the book, only when people start to look up at the starry sky, they will discover the mystery!” Qin Feng and Lu Kunqi also strongly agreed with his plan, “You can follow your first Ways to do it, if the funds obtained can not meet the needs of the plan, we will help you again! “

The people in the base gradually dispersed, after all, they are older! After these days of intense work, I can finally go back and get a good night’s sleep! I believe they will sleep soundly, right?

However, Lu Qiujian still didn’t feel tired. He came out of the base and returned to his room in the capital. He leaned on the bedside and took out his tablet computer. Then he started to log in to his bib account.

Wow, so many rewards! Lu Qiujian couldn’t help but widen his eyes. The total amount of rewards accumulated during this period has reached a surprising number!

Puff, look at it again. Lu Qiujian couldn’t help but laugh, his private mailbox is full of advertisements for financial products and fund securities recommended to him by countless investment institutions! It is estimated that the total amount of his reward was sent, and Lu Qiujian quickly cut off a picture and sent it to the bib, “Hey, I only heard that Bill Gates received an email that taught him how to make money. I think today I have met people who want to teach me to invest! “

“Guan Gong plays a big sword in front of him!”

“Confucius speaking in front of Confucius!”

“Talking in front of Deadpool!”

“Kato Hawk shows the golden finger in front of me!” Netizens have started to spit joy ~ ~ Even the image of these companies has suffered a lot.

“Okay, don’t say this! I want to ask you now, how do you spend the money you have earned these days? If not, why don’t you listen to my suggestions?” The news of the plan to start absorbing private funds was released, and he also threw a lottery to increase his appeal.

“After becoming an investor in the China Space Program, you can enjoy various rights in addition to dividends. For example, according to our estimates, the moon travel project can be opened within this year! And the first group of travelers will be from Choose from the investors! We will draw three lucky people from the investors. These three lucky people can take their partners to the moon and become the first group of moon tourists! “

“In addition, the construction of the Mars base has also entered the final preparation stage, and it will become a reality in the near future; similarly, when Mars travel becomes a reality, the first tourists will also be selected from these people!” (To be continued) ~ ^ ~)

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