Demon School

Chapter 81 - Interview

“He still plays basketball so well?”

“Does he still learn math so well?”

Li Xiao and Feng Hongqi both made surprises at the same time, and then laughed loudly. They both felt that they did not know enough about the person to be interviewed. Feng Hongqi looked at his watch. “It is still some time before his training ends. Shall we find a place to chat? “

“That line, you seem to be more familiar with this one than us, we all listen to you!”, Li Xiao and Zhou Wei quickly won, and spoke a lot of respect.

I found a cafe nearby and sat down and ordered something casually. Feng Hongqi took the lead and said, “I have been following Yao Ming at the break recently. I just came back to Princeton and I do n’t know the latest situation. You two Can you please introduce me to what remarkable achievements has efficiency made recently? “

“Two days ago, Beijing Normal University called us over and announced that Lu Qiujian had cracked the Poincaré conjecture … so Xiao Zhou and I flew to the United States quickly!”, Li Xiao said the ins and outs of the matter Once again, “Why, haven’t you heard of it in the US?”

“I’ve heard that Princeton had recently made a big deal with Yale because of the plagiarism of papers. I don’t know if this article is so great!” Feng Hongqi scratched his head embarrassedly. “We are interviewing sports. I really do n’t know enough! “

“Thesis plagiarism?” Li Xiao and Zhou Wei suddenly became nervous, should this student Lu do something that should not be done? If this is the case, please rush to post and go back to the future, but you must be careful to eat it!

“It’s not what you think! It’s Yale’s professor who plagiarized Lu Qiujian’s thesis. This matter was quite influential in Princeton … Princeton went to the principal and won the Nobel Prize winner like Nash. After coming to the students, they all expressed their support for Lv Qiujian, and Harvard quickly apologized! “Perhaps because of the name, Feng Hongqi remembered Nash among these big cows,” This matter we Xiao Lu can be regarded as a fight for the Chinese! “

“Nobel Prize winner!”, The two of them expressed their admiration at the same time, while quickly writing down Feng Hongqi’s words while wondering how to conduct an interview on this topic.

“You two don’t bother to remember, you see I have been in Princeton these days, or let’s write a report together, just to communicate with each other!” Feng Hongqi suggested.

“Thank you so much!”, The two of them were in the middle of their heart. After thanking them, Li Xiao then asked, “Could you tell us more about his playing basketball, how good is his basketball?”

“This has to start from last year, have you heard of Duke University? NCAA’s famous basketball school … The result is that the off-court incident caused Lu Qiujian to become very angry, and the Duke team played alone. It exploded … Lv Qiujian’s assists have ranked first in the NCAA and scored in the top three, and there is only a decimal point behind the top ranked players. From the current point of view, if he participates in this year’s In the draft, I dare not say that I won the top pick like Yao Ming, and the top five must not have ran! “Feng Hongqi said the glorious deeds of Lu Qiujian one by one.

How much news is there on this guy! Academically, he has made impressive achievements, and he has also stood at the top of basketball, which has also kept others from living; all three of them grew their mouths in surprise.

Of course it would be even more shocking if they knew that Lu Qiujian had once swept Las Vegas and was also on the Wall Street.

It was almost time for the end of the training session. Feng Hongqi rushed to pay and took them back to the gym to wait. After a while, Lu Qiujian and Patrice came out talking and laughing. The stock market has gained a lot recently. Both are in a good mood.

“Student Lu!” Feng Hongqi quickly beckoned. Li Xiao and Zhou Wei also followed him. When Lu Qiujian saw it, he quickly introduced, “These two are the reporter Li Xiao of the court and the reporter Zhou of the Youth Daily. Wei, I want to give you an exclusive interview! “

When he first saw Feng Hongqi, he had intended to refuse. Now that he had seen the court and youth newspapers, he suddenly changed his mind and threw the bag to Patrice. They found a quiet place with the three of them.

The status of the Imperial Court and the Youth Daily in China is not low. It is good for the future to gain a reputation. After sitting down, Lu Qiujian asked with a smile, “What do you want to ask?”

“Let me go first!” Li Xiao smiled apologetically to the other two, adjusted the angle of the camera, and extended the microphone to Lu Qiujian’s mouth and asked, “First of all, congratulations to you for cracking Panga at such a young age. Lai guessed that Mr. Chen Jingrun’s unfinished business was completed. How do you feel about it? “

“As far as I know, Mr. Chen did not do the work to decipher Poincaré’s conjecture, so it is inaccurate to say that I have completed Mr. Chen’s unfinished business!”, Lv Qiujian didn’t want to be regarded as unrespectable. Avoiding the trap, “Secondly, what people make is important, regardless of age.”

Amount, this guy is not easy to deal with! Li Xiao laughed twice to resolve the embarrassment, and then asked, “Everyone mentions Goldbach’s conjecture, they will remember 1 + 2. Could you simply tell the audience friends what is the Poincare conjecture! What is the meaning of a guess? “

“Goldbach’s conjecture is not as simple as you said, and a description like this 1 + 2 is also very inappropriate. This makes many people mistakenly believe that Mr. Chen just proved the simple formula of 1 + 2 = 3 ~ ~ Lv Qiujian frowned and refuted his words before saying, “So I will not give you a more misleading analogy. This problem is simply any single connected, closed The three-dimensional manifold must be homeomorphic to a three-dimensional spherical surface. Cracking this problem will help mankind to study three-dimensional space better, and the results it brings will deepen people’s understanding of the nature of manifolds, will have a profound impact on physics and engineering, and even will use mathematics to people Language describes the impact of the universe. “

I understand every word he said, but what does it mean to be connected? Li Xiao was fainted by this string of words. Zhou Wei has much more experience than him, knowing that these things naturally have a dedicated mathematician to explain to readers, he must quickly seize the opportunity to ask the readers what they like, “You are from Beijing Normal University, one of the best schools in China Came to Princeton, one of the best schools in the United States. Why did you choose Princeton instead of Harvard and other schools that are more familiar to you? In addition, you also experienced different education models in the two countries. You can talk about these two education models. Your opinion? “

Thank Z Taoist, Wang’s funeral, Crow Eye’s 588 reward, thank you for not being handsome, ah oh hahaha okay okay, Qi Dabao, ~. Meow a mi, Saint Roy, Pegasus Chunqiu, Huangmei Xiaoxiang, I am so naive, moon meow, sun and moon, Tongguang, sjdsunyan, Chen Jiran ,, I ca n’t sleep this night, Liu Feng flying, dragonfly wings Jab, yjx68, Yan Xiaoxu’s reward.

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