Demon School

Chapter 93 - I do not participate in the draft

Lv Qiujian was once again lifted up and thrown into the air. In the final he scored a super triple double of 32 points, 12 assists and 11 rebounds. Coach Thompson slapped his cheek hard. I could n’t believe it was true. .

Billard Bradley, Shirley Tillman and other Princeton representatives who watched the ball in the front row also had no previous restraint. A former presidential candidate and a famous school principal hugged and shouted.

Yao Ming stood next to him with a complex expression of applause. I do n’t know if he envied Lv Qiujian ’s championship or what; the Chinese reporters on the press bench even desperately called and emailed like crazy, trying to spread the news earlier. Back home, this is the biggest breakthrough for the Chinese in the basketball world of the United States! If he can join the national team, plus the three Great Walls inside, the Chinese men’s basketball team will definitely get a medal at the Athens Athens Olympics next year!

Managers and head coaches of the teams in the auditorium and in front of the TV are also deciding what measures can be taken to include him in their team; agents such as Long-Barbie have done a good job of chasing and blocking Lu Qiujian’s preparation.

“Okay, gentlemen, the award ceremony is about to begin! Are you going to pick it up?” Finally, Coach Thompson woke up first and rushed them into the locker room one by one. Good champion coat.

Dwyane Wade disappointed the team and took the trophy of the runner-up. When he stepped down and passed by Lu Qiujian, he said, “Congratulations, I hope you can also perform well in the NBA in the new season.”

“I’m afraid you won’t meet me in the NBA of the new season!”, Lu Qiujian shook his head and said with a smile, this time he finally found the opportunity to speak out?

Ok? When Wade wanted to ask again, the host had already invited the Princeton Tigers to take the stage to receive the award. Patrice was the first to take the lead. This season, in addition to Lu Qiujian, he contributed the most. He used his excellent The body erected an iron gate on the inside of the Princeton Tigers, which made the opponent’s offense countless times back. Because of such outstanding performance, he also attracted the attention of some NBA teams.

Followed by Spencer, Gardson, Will, Ray and other main and substitute players, and finally Lu Qiujian was on the podium in the enthusiastic applause of the fans, and he raised the trophy with his teammates!

“The final championship of the NCAA this season is the Princeton Tigers!” As the host shouted, the New Orleans Super Stadium, the Princeton campus, universities in China, and Internet cafes all over the city … Waiting for countless places to cheer and celebrate at the same time, Lu Qiu built their biggest hero at this moment.

Afterwards, the organizing committee also issued individual awards. Lv Qiujian won the MOP (Most Outstanding Player Award in the Final Four) without any controversy. At the same time, he won the scoring and assisting awards. Enter the best lineup together.

After the award ceremony, Lu Qiujian couldn’t rest. Coach Thompson took him and Patrice to the press conference. He first complimented each other with Marquette Golden Eagle and the head coach. By the way, he praised Quavede’s performance. It was time for journalists to ask questions freely.

“Will Lu Qiujian have you prepared for the draft now? I heard that the head coaches of the San Antonio Spurs, Houston Rockets and New York Knicks all expressed strong interest in you. Which team do you prefer to join? And now that the draft website lists you and LeBron James as the top picks at the top of the draft, are you confident that you will be able to beat James to get the top pick? ” Li Xiao immediately stood up and asked several questions like a machine gun.

“Your vital capacity is really enough!”, Lu Qiujian ridiculed first, and then said righteously, “I’m sorry, I’m not going to participate in the draft, so these questions are all asked in vain!”

“What!”, “Why?” Because he answered in English, almost all the reporters at the scene understood him, and immediately the whole audience was in an uproar; Coach Thompson, Patrice and Wade, etc. also looked Looked at him in surprise.

“Are you afraid to compete with LeBron James, so you decided to wait until next year to participate in the draft?”, A reporter from the Los Angeles Times stood up and asked.

“I think I made it very clear just now!”, Lu Qiujian said slowly, “I’m not planning to participate in the draft, not this year. I won’t do it this year, and next year. No, I wo n’t be in the draft anymore, I ’m not going to play in the NBA! Do you understand? “

“Why? What made you make this decision?” Li Xiao was suddenly distressed. Before he came, the stage always told him to have a good relationship with Lu Qiujian, saying that when Lu Qiujian joined the NBA backstage, he would give He was promoted to raise salary and arranged for him to be permanently stationed in the United States.

Why? Lu Qiujian thought of having dinner with Yao Ming that day. He answered Yao Ming. At that time, Lu Qiujian joked back ~ ~ Yao brother, I think my academic performance is passable. Make money with strength! Of course, this sentence is a ridicule to Yao Ming that he originally claimed that he was doing physical work and should belong to the blue-collar class.

Later told Yao Ming about his plans for the future. Although he was a bit sorry for not being able to fight side by side with Lu Qiujian, he still expressed his understanding and blessings for the decision made by Lu Qiujian.

Lu Qiujian looked around the reporters and saw that they were all waiting quietly for their answer, and he spread his hands and said, “Why do I have to play in the NBA? I am a player of the Princeton Tigers. In addition, I am also a student in the Princeton Mathematics Department. I want to be a scientist more than playing basketball! And I think I have a little talent and I am fully capable of achieving scientific results! “

Li Xiao and Zhou Wei and others were hurting at the same time. How to forget this stubbornness, this guy’s achievements in mathematics are also remarkable! The reporters from the United States also remembered the yelling plagiarism of Yale some time ago. Poor Yale was not only humiliated by him academically, but also abused by him twice on the basketball court. It was really unlucky!

Is Princeton swollen? When Bill Bradley was originally selected by the Knicks, he ran to Oxford University for a year before returning to New York. This guy is even more simple and did not plan to join the NBA!

Was a little stunned for a while, countless arms stood up like a grove.

Ask for another wave of clicks, and the NBA will not go. For the Olympic Games, this time is not a problem. There are still a lot of debts, I will repay the debts at the time, welcome to join the group ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book friends to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile Please read it.

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